And she just translate Spanish
13,796 parallel translation
And she just came up with the idea.
Y se le ocurrió la idea.
She seems nice enough but there's, like, six kids in that house and I just don't like the look of some of them.
Ella parece bastante agradable... ... pero hay, como, seis niños en esa casa y no me gusta... el aspecto de algunos de ellos.
- Okay. - She just put her clothes on and left.
- Bien.
It's not gas. She's just been crying and crying. I can't get
No tiene fiebre, no tiene gases, solo llora y llora.
I guess I'll just talk to Cece myself, and I'll tell her she's a disgusting beast, and she'll have to listen to me'cause I'm the man of the house.
Supongo que hablaré con Cece yo mismo y le diré que es una bestia asquerosa y que tiene que escucharme porque soy el hombre de la casa.
I keep thinking that she's still here and if I just call her name...
No dejo de pensar que ella todavía está aquí y si acabo de llamar a su nombre...
She's just scared and cold.
Está asustada y tiene frío.
- Oh. - I was thinking, " Nancy Wheeler, she's not just another suburban girl who thinks she's rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does... until that phase passes and they marry some boring one-time jock who now works sales, and they live out a perfectly boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac.
Pensé : " Nancy Wheeler no es otra chica bien que se cree rebelde y hace exactamente lo mismo que todas las chicas bien hasta que pasan esa etapa y se casan con un exatleta aburrido que es vendedor y viven una vida aburrida y mediocre al final de una calle cerrada.
She knows where Will is, and now she's just letting him die in the Upside Down.
Ella sabe dónde está Will pero prefiere dejarlo morir en el otro lado.
She's a credible witness that'll testify Thomas harassed her, too, and they're smearing her just like they smeared Anita.
Es una testigo que testificará que Thomas la acosó también. La están manchando como mancharon a Anita.
Within the last few minutes, we just found out that Professor Anita Hill has taken a polygraph test, and according to the expert that administered it to her, she passed it.
En los últimos minutos descubrimos... que la Profesora Anita Hill se sometió a un prueba con el polígrafo, y de acuerdo al experto que la realizó, ella pasó.
And I don't think we can underestimate uh, just how unstable she is.
Y no creo que debamos subestimar lo inestable que está.
My colleague and I, she's just waiting outside, have run into a little problem I'd like to explain.
Mi compañera y yo, ella está esperando afuera nos encontramos con un problemita que me gustaría explicarle.
Everyone wants to feel valuable at work, and I think that it would mean a lot to Kelsey if she knew just how much you valued her, that you won't always see her as an assistant who's been promoted.
Todo el mundo quiere sentirse valioso en el trabajo, y creo que significaría mucho para Kelsey si supiera lo mucho que la valoras, que no siempre la veías...
Liza, Kelsey totally respects you, okay, and even though, you know, you're just an assistant, you know, she really, really values what you have to say.
Liza, Kelsey te respeta totalmente, de acuerdo, y a pesar de que, ya sabes, no eres más que una asistente, tú sabes, realmente, realmente valora lo que tienes que decir.
Don't you? No, she just told me she was signing a non-disclosure agreement, and that it was an offer she couldn't pass up.
No, ella sólo me dijo que firmaría un acuerdo de confidencialidad, y que era una oferta que no podía dejar pasar.
She likes you, she likes you, man, you just need to text her and tell her that you think she's great, and just be really direct.
Le gustas, le gustas, hombre, solo debes mandarle un mensaje... y decirle que crees que es genial, y ser en verdad directo. A ella no le gustan los chicos que son como, tú sabes... así que toma una decisión.
I mean, Emily's mother was doing about the same just before she-she took her own life and... We thought we had it figured out.
Digo, la madre de Emily estaba haciendo... lo mismo justo antes de que ella... se suicidara y... nosotros creíamos que lo habíamos solucionado.
And while Dawa would love nothing more... than to just sit back and watch them climb and play... she has other responsibilities.
Y mientras que a Dawa le encantaría nada más... estar sentada mirándolos trepar y jugar... tiene otras responsabilidades.
She just wants to climb up there and say hello.
Sólo quiere trepar hasta ahí y saludarlo.
And she's just had a successful hunt... which comes none too soon.
Y ella acaba de realizar una caza exitosa... la cual llega justo a tiempo.
She tries to help her brother and stop them from fighting... but there's just no reasoning with these animals.
Ella trata de ayudar a su hermano y de separarlos... pero estos animales no entran en razón.
And she was inside me and then she was inside, and then she just came out.
Ella estaba dentro de mí. Estaba dentro, ¡ y luego salió!
She would just, like, steal your shit and sell it for coke.
Te robaría tus cosas y las vendería por cocaína.
And after the last job that she had that went bad and now the baby, I just...
Con eso de que su último trabajo salió mal y ahora con lo del bebé...
It's the wife that she is and the mother that she is, and I'm really proud of just her.
Es una gran esposa y madre y estoy muy orgullosa de ella.
We could've just kept our mouths shut and she would still be in a nice, safe hospital.
Podríamos haber mantenido nuestras bocas cerradas y ella aún estaría en un bonito y seguro hospital.
And no, it'll just knock her on her ass and she'll stay there until one of us picks her up.
Y no, sólo le dejará el trasero paralizado y no se moverá hasta que uno de nosotros la recoja.
And I don't know. I just, like, was at the bar and she came up to me, starting chatting, and it was, like, super easy to talk to.
Y, nada, estaba en el bar, se me acercó, hablamos, y fue fácil hablar con ella.
She's just basically coming at me and saying, you know, that after 10 years almost, that there's an entire life that she feels like she's missing and that she sort of needed some space, and I responded to that by being what I felt was very attentive and what she felt was clingy.
Básicamente, ella me dijo... que después de casi 10 años, siente que se está perdiendo de toda una vida, y que necesitaba espacio, y mi respuesta fue ser muy atento con ella, pero a ella le pareció asfixiante.
Well, she... I'm just gonna be wondering about it the whole day, and I don't want that to be in my mind.
Si no, me lo preguntaré todo el día... y no quiero tener eso en la cabeza.
Not entirely, but in a way that was scary as she started entering into her 30s and just, I guess, wondered what else was out there.
No del todo, pero que eso la asustaba... y como se está adentrando en los 30, empezó a preguntarse de qué se había perdido.
Aldous, she just walked into my club, and I can't tell if it was a coincidence or not.
Aldous, ella acaba de entrar a mi club, y no sé decir si fue una coincidencia o no.
She actually lives in Savannah, and she's just a housewife.
En verdad, vive en Savannah y es ama de casa.
She gets into a thing and she's just like...
Se mete en algo y está como....
All right, look, uh... I know that you and I don't know each other, but do you mind if I ask... Has the fighting just been this past couple of months, you know, where she's been irritable, she's had angry outbursts?
Está bien, mira, sé que tú y yo no nos conocemos, pero ¿ te importa si te pregunto... las peleas han sido este último par de meses, estaba más irritable, tenía ataques de rabia?
Look, I was just pissed off and she was there and,
Estaba molesto y la tenía enfrente y...
She just... She says wackadoodle stuff, and I respond to it.
Ella dice cosas chifladas, y yo reacciono.
And Amy, she's just so emotional.
Y Amy es demasiado sensible.
And then one day she was just dead.
Y luego un día estaba muerta.
She's here for a few weeks and then she'll go unless you just spoil everything with your nervousness.
Estará aquí un par de semanas y luego se irá, a no ser que lo arruines todo con tu nerviosismo.
We all had mandatory counseling, and she was just reinstated.
Todos tuvimos asesoramiento obligatorio y ella fue rehabilitada.
And, um, then Caleb found out that she was a con artist... a 13-year, heartbreaking, just-took - $ 5 million-of - my-money con artist.
Entonces Caleb descubrió que era una estafadora... durante 13 años, angustioso, la artista de la estafa se llevó cinco millones de dólares de mi dinero.
And even though she was just telling the truth, she was expelled.
Y aunque estuviera diciendo la verdad, fue expulsada.
He was a boy, and she called him Jesus, just as the angel said. "
Fue un niño, y ella le puso Jesús, como dijo el ángel ".
She would have just raised the land prices in the area and boost the sales of their own properties.
Ella elevó el precio de la isla en el área e incrementó la venta de tu propiedad.
And then I thought she was just gonna pull out a pair of handcuffs and arrest me on the spot.
Y luego pensé que era sólo va sacar un par de esposas y detenerme en el acto.
And if I can just get Benny Goodman, then maybe she'll... Oh! Sit.
Y si consigo sintonizar a Benny Goodman, a lo mejor ella... Siéntese.
She's turning all my friends against me, and now I just want to kill myself.
Está poniendo a todos mis amigos en mi contra, y ahora solo quiero suicidarme.
And when she was a freshman, she was poised to be the head of her cheerleading squad, but the time in few years that just went out the window.
Y cuando era estudiante de primer año, estaba a punto de ser la líder de las animadoras, y dejó de existir.
Then she just funneled all of her energy into motherhood, and you see how well that turned out.
Luego simplemente canalizó toda su energía en ser madre, y mira cómo de bien acabó eso.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27