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As i told you translate Spanish

2,032 parallel translation
As I told you before, I have other plans for you.
Como te dije antes, tengo otros planes para ti.
You forgot to mention that. As I told you, I have no idea what she's capable of.
Como le dije, no sé de qué es capaz.
As I told you, Mr Monks, it will take time.
Como le dije, señor Monks, eso llevará tiempo.
And, as I told you, in my dream, there was another couple, an interracial couple.
Y, como te dije, en mi sueño, había otra pareja, una pareja interracial.
As I told you, Mr Monks, it will take time.
Como le dije, Sr. Sr. Monks, llevaría tiempo.
As I told you once before, Mr. Potter naughty children deserve to be punished.
Como ya le había dicho, señor Potter los niños majaderos merecen ser castigados.
As I told you, you had no chance.
Te dije que no tenías posibilidades.
Well, as I told your daughter on the phone, you do pay a premium for my...
Pues bien, como le dije a su hija por teléfono, usted paga una prima para mi...
But as I told you before, this is a story about Fred.
Pero, cómo te dije antes, esta es la historia de Fred.
But as I told you before this is the story of a boy named Fred.
Pero como les dije antes es la historia de un chico llamado Fred.
As I told you, I'm forming a little orchestra.
Como le dije, estoy formando una pequeña orquesta.
As I told you, you fell and your clothes got dirty.
Como te dije, te caíste y tus ropas se ensuciaron.
As I told you comrade Naboev we had the information that
Como le dije, camarada Naboev, tenemos información de que...
Go and do as I told you!
¡ Anda, haz lo que te digo!
As I told you before, ancient evil runs that forest.
Como te dije antes, un mal antiguo deambula por ese bosque.
The savings, as I told you, would be around 30 %.
El ahorro, como ya he dicho, sería de alrededor del 30 %.
As I told you once before, Mr. Potter naughty children deserve to be punished.
Como ya le dije Señor Potter, Niños bocacalles merecen ser castigados.
- As I told you...
- Como le he dicho...
As I told you, my partner and I are With the joint terror task force now.
Como le dije, mi compañero y yo estamos ahora con el Grupo de Tareas Unido contra el Terrorismo.
Well, it's like last year when the safety brake failed on Enid's wheelchair and she started rolling toward our pool. I told myself, "Bob, it's already too late to stop it, " so you might as well just sit back and enjoy it. "
Bueno, es como el año pasado, cuando el freno de seguridad de la silla de Enid falló y comenzó a bajar rumbo a la piscina, y me dije : "Bob ya es demasiado tarde para detenerla así que mejor reclínate y disfrútalo".
Told her to stay the hell away from you, same as I would any girl.
Que se alejara de ti como le diría a cualquier chica.
as I've told you.
- ¡ Eh, eh! Yo también te lo he dicho a ti, ¿ no?
As a matter of fact, I hope you don't mind That I told a few people that you were the anonymous person.
A decir verdad, espero que no te moleste pero le dije a unas pocas personas que tú eras la persona anónima.
What did you tell him? I told him that if the photos Were as good as he claimed,
Le dije que, si las fotos eran lo que él decía le pagaríamos un millón de dólares.
I told you, he took off as soon as we docked.
Se lo dije, se largó tan pronto como atracamos.
Told you as much as I can.
Le he dicho todo lo que puedo.
For... for being such a disappointment as a father. You deserve better. And I should have told you sooner.
Por ser tan decepcionante como padre te merecías algo más y te lo debería haber dicho antes.
- As I've been told, you've gathered a lot of beautiful one
Ya me habían informado que tienen muchas bellezas aquí.
She's trying to reach me because I told her I'd be home by now and because we're in another fight, caused by you, as usual.
Intenta comunicarse porque le dije que iría a casa y porque tuvimos otra pelea, por culpa suya, como de costumbre.
Marty, I told you, I will let you know as soon as...
Ya te dije que yo te aviso...
Truth be told, as long as you can carry a tray and fill a pie tin, I don't care if you give birth while doing it.
Mientras puedas cargar una bandeja y rellenar un pastel no me importa si das a luz en el ínter.
I told yöu guys to be here as soon as possible.
Les dije chicos que estuvieran aquí lo antes posible.
- Yeah. I told Ian about Angela taking you shopping tomorrow as well.
Le dije a Ian que mañana Ángela te llevará de compras.
When they told me you were expecting a baby, I took it as an omen.
Cuando me dijeron que esperabas un bebé, lo tomé como un presagio.
As a matter of fact, just go back to sleep and act like I never told you. O K?
Es más, sigue durmiendo... y haz de cuenta que jamás te lo conté.
Yes, you I The Lord told me to tell you that what you're doing Is wrong as the day Is long.
¡ El Señor me pidió que te dijera... que lo que haces está muy mal!
I told them to sit you up as often as possible.
Les dije que te acomodaran lo antes posible.
I knew it, my brother told you as an excuse.
Porque seguro que mi hermano te ha dicho eso como un pretexto.
They're saying at The Barge that you turned up at Rex's solicitor's today with a will that had you as beneficiary. I told them it wasn't true.
Dicen en The Barge que apareciste en lo del abogado de Rex hoy con un testamento que te tiene como beneficiaria.
There is something, I haven't told you as well.
Hay algo... que tampoco te he dicho.
Now, I'm old and bloody-minded enough to not do as what I'm told, but you're clever. You should know better.
Ahora, yo ya estoy grande y soy un madito cabeza dura como para hacer lo que me dicen, pero tú eres inteligente.
And you told me the job was mine, just so long as I would prove to you how badly I wanted it.
Y me dijiste que el trabajo era mío, sólo siempre y cuando te demostrara cuánto deseaba ese trabajo realmente.
Well, as you can see, and as you were just told by my physician, I'm in complete possession of my faculties, and so to remove me from this office would be to betray both your oath and the American people who voted me as their president.
Bien, como pueden ver, y como acaba de decirles mi médico estoy con control total sobre mis facultades así que removerme de este cargo, sería traición a su juramento y al pueblo norteamericano que me votó como su Presidente.
Well, I'm sure it all pales in comparison... to a subsequent party I'm told you attended... one where the governor was there as well.
Supongo que palidece en comparación con una fiesta posterior a la que asistió junto con el gobernador.
I-I told them not to let him near you, And we're gonna get you home as soon as wcan.
Les dije que no le dejaran acercarse a ti, y vamos a llevarte a casa tan pronto como podamos.
I am talking about last month at the book-shop bake sale when Winsen brown came up and told us that her daughter Maude was just signed by ford, you know, as a baby model, and you were like,
Hablo de la venta de pasteles en la librería del pasado mes. Cuando Winsen Brown vino y nos dijo que su hija Maude había firmado con Ford, ya sabes, como modelo infantil, y tú estabas como,
You've mentioned that several times, and as I've told you, I would be more than happy to help you manage your time in the afternoon.
Ya me lo has mencionado. Te ayudaré a gestionar tu tiempo por las tardes.
Well, if you're as hungover as I am... that was some ory you told, though.
Pues si tienes tanta resaca como yo... Vaya historia que contaste.
I don't know if anyone's told you, but I'm about as crazy as you can get without being committed.
No sé si alguien te lo dijo pero estoy loca sin tener motivos para estarlo.
You do as you're told, and I'll make sure that you and your parents have enough money to live happily ever after.
Hz lo que te hemos dicho y me aseguraré que tú y tus padres tengáis suficiente dinero para vivir felizmente para siempre.
Look, Detective, as I told you on the phone,
Entonces supongo que tampoco dijo cuando volvería.

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