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Be nice to him translate Spanish

478 parallel translation
I'd like you'd to try to be nice to him for a change.
Ojalá empezaras a ser más simpática con él.
Be nice to him.
Y me lo tratas con mucho cariño. ¿ Entiendes, Santa?
Oh, uh, Battle, be nice to him, of course.
Sea amable con él, claro.
Please be nice to him.
Por favor, sé amable con él.
Be nice to him, he's an NCO
Se amable. Es un oficial.
Let's be nice to him.
Sé amable con él.
- I told you to be nice to him.
- Te dije que fueras amable con éI.
Now, you tell Tommy to be nice to him and give him things like cigarettes and that,'cause this guy Smokey knows a lot of swell rackets for Tommy when he gets out.
Dile a Tommy que sea bueno con él, y que le dé cigarrillos y cosas así, porque este tipo Smokey está metido en varios negocios sucios y puede conseguirle trabajo a Tommy para cuando salga.
I have to be nice to him, don't I?
Tengo que ser amable con él, ¿ no?
If i bring him here, will you be nice to him, josie, for my sake?
- ¿ Cómo? - Tienen una orden. - Nos prohíbe emitir acciones.
You should be nice to him.
Tendría que ser amable con él.
Everybody be nice to him.
Sed amables con él.
- You should be nice to him.
- Debes ser amable con él.
I just wanted to be nice to him.
Sólo quise ser amable con él.
And you better be nice to him too.
Y tú sé amable con él.
Be nice to him. Now look boys, we're here to conduct business.
Entendámonos amistosamente.
And you must be nice to him, Janet, anyway until after the election.
Se amable con él, Janet, al menos hasta después de las elecciones.
We must be patient. I'll lie low and you'll be nice to him.
Voy a pasar desapercibido, mientras te encargas de él.
To begin with, be nice to him.
Para empezar con, sea bueno a él.
The next time I see him I'll go out of my way to be nice to him.
Cuando lo vea, seré muy bueno con él.
I provide a house for him to live in, Food for him to eat, whiskey for him to drink, I may as well be nice to him as well.
Le proporciono una casa para que viva, comida para que coma, whisky para que beba, así que también podría ser agradable con él.
Be nice to him, please.
Sé agradable con él.
Don't be nice to him.
No sea buena con él..
- Be nice to him.
- Sé amable con él.
Than we should be nice to him.
Entonces deberíamos ser agradables.
He's my friend. You must be nice to him.
Es amigo mío, sé amable con él.
All right, be nice to him, and then he'll fall apart in small pieces.
Porque si no lo trato con dureza, se nos vendrá abajo.
She even opened up that shop for him, so of course he should be nice to her.
Abrió algunas tienas para él.
Dan's a nice guy and I don't want to be making a chump out of him.
Es un buen tipo, no quiero burlarme de él.
Oh, it's always the same. You want a man to be nice to you, you have to be rotten to him.
Siempre la misma historia si quieres que un hombre sea bueno contigo, tienes que ser dura con él.
Well, of course, a girl doesn't have to be a gold digger exactly but if she wants to be nice to a man and takes a present or two from him in a nice way, I mean.
Bueno, por supuesto, una chica no tiene que ser exactamente una cazafortunas... pero si ella quiere ser amable con un hombre y aceptar de él uno o dos regalos de manera adecuada, quiero decir.
I've gotta be nice to him.
Tengo que ser amable con él.
He seems to be a nice guy, but I don't really know him that well
Parece ser, pero la verdad es que no lo conozco muy bien.
It must be pretty nice for a husband to have a wife who picks up bargains for him.
Debe ser estupendo tener una esposa que busca ofertas para uno.
- It'll be nice to see him.
- Me alegro de poder verle
That boy's coming back tonight, he's bringing his father with him, and you're gonna be nice to them.
- y traerá a su padre. - No... Serás amable con ellos.
I want you to be particularly nice to him.
Quiero que te portes bien con él.
'Twould be nice to have lips — lips to whisper lies... lips to kiss a man and make him suffer.
Sería bonito tener labios. Labios para susurrar mentiras labios para besar a un hombre y hacerle sufrir
It would be too bad to kill him and waste the nice, fat reward offered for his capture.
No estaría bien matarlo. Perderíamos la jugosa recompensa que ofrecen por él.
Be nice to see him, maybe.
Quizá te gustaría verle.
You seem to be a very nice girl, but you could turn out to be very bad for him.
Usted parece una buena chica, pero puede resultar fatal para él.
Now, you will try and be extra nice to him tonight,
Intentarás ser muy muy agradable con él esta noche,
I think it would be nice if... if you were able to do something for him.
Estaría muy bien que pudieras hacer algo por él.
And now you.. you who look so happy and was so nice to declare himself earlier, Do me a favor : run to the priest and tell him we'll be right there.
Ahora usted, que tiene esa cara sonriente... y que ha sido tan amable de manifestarse antes,... hágame el favor, corra donde el sacerdote... y dígale que enseguida estaremos allí.
Wouldn't it be nice to pay him a visit?
¿ Estaría bien hacerle una visita, no?
You've taken a perfectly nice boy, and brought him up to be a Prussian pickle.
cogiste un niño sano, y lo volviste un pepinillo prusiano.
I try to be nice and I try not to get him angry and everything.
Intento ser buena e intento no hacerlo enojar y todo eso.
However, although it wasn't necessary, I decided it would be a nice touch to win him.
Pero aunque no fuera necesario pensé tener un detalle con él.
Well, thank you very much, Miss Kimi, and it was very nice meeting you, Mitsvah Watanibble. And would you tell him, please, that I would like to be his friend and that I'll come and see him before I go back to America?
a Ud tambien, Sr Mitsuvo Watanave y, digale a Mitsuvo que si quisiera me gustaria ser su amigo y vendre a verlo, antes de partir de regreso, a America
The whole town is going to be at the train to meet him, it doesn't look nice.
Todo el pueblo va a esperar el tren para recibirle, no parece que esté bien.
It would be nice to help him forget, even for a few hours, all this unpleasantness.
Sería bueno hacerle olvidar, por unas horas siquiera, todo esto tan desagradable.

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