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Book him translate Spanish

1,474 parallel translation
Okay. So we book him on the parole violation for soliciting a prostitute.
Bien, pues lo arrestamos por quebrantar la condicional con una prostituta.
They'll book him within the hour.
Lo arrestarán en una hora.
Just book him!
¡ Sólo resérvalo!
If he lets you book him... they'll deport him to Algeria.
Si deja que lo arrestes... lo deportarán a Argelia.
You find out what he is going to do... before he has a chance to do it, because if I have to book him... I'll carry you personally to Algiers... I'll deliver you in cuffs to whatever fuckin'mullah... wants to chop you into pieces over there.
Averigua qué va a hacer... antes de que lo haga, porque si tengo que arrestarlo... yo te llevaré personalmente a Argel... y te entregaré esposado con cualquier carajo ulema... que te quiera hacer pedazos allá.
Do you have any idea what we went through to book him, Dawson?
¿ Sabes cuánto nos costó conseguirlo?
I don't care if it's a psychic vision, it's enough to book him.
No me importa si es psíquico, es suficiente para arrestarlo.
Book him, Lou.
- Arréstalo, Lou.
And he's really good, so we had to book him way in advance.
y realmente es bueno, asi que tomaremos el curso avanzado.
A book we found beside him.
Es el único libro que hemos encontrado en su mesa de trabajo.
We found Skeet Ulrich's apartment in New York in a phone book... and paid a visit to try and get him the real story
Se han encontrado apartamento Skeet Ulrich's en Nueva York en una libreta de teléfonos... y realizó una visita de para tratar de conseguir que la verdadera historia
Give him the book, Cordelia.
Dale el libro, Cordelia.
Oh, I know that you're happy that we got him, Piper, but is it entirely necessary to disfigure the Book?
Sé que te alegras de que lo pilláramos, Piper ¿ pero es necesario que desfigures el Libro?
So I got him this book and I wrote this inscription and now he'll never read it.
Por eso le compré el libro y le escribí esa dedicatoria que él nunca leerá.
"Have you read a good book lately?" Why don't you ask him that, instead of embarrassing everybody?
"¿ Has leído un buen libro últimamente?" ¿ Por qué no le preguntas eso, en vez de avergonzarlo ante todos?
Michel tried to beat him senseless with the reservation book.
Michel trato de darle una paliza con el directorio.
And give him the book back yourself.
Y devuelvele el libro tu misma.
She mindwarped Alex and sent him to Las Cruces to decode the book, but he broke out of the mindwarp and she killed him.
Envió a Alex a Las Cruces a decodificar el libro. Cuando ya no pudo controlarlo, lo mató.
- Who gave him the recipe book?
- ¿ Quién le dio ese libro?
Tell him I wrote the nation's number one hate book?
¿ Decirle que escribí el libro número uno del odio en la nación?
When we needed a book report... a term paper, or a science project, we went to him.
Cuando necesitabamos un informe sobre un libro... un diccionario, o un proyecto de ciencias, veníamos a él.
Practically everything I knew about him... came from a book or a newspaper... or shreds of information dropped by other people.
Todo lo que sabía de él.... vino de un libro, de un periódico... o trozos de información dejada por otra gente.
I think I bought a book from him
Creo que le compré un libro
All you have to do, if you decide to invite him to dinner, go to the window and open a book.
Todo lo que tiene que hacer, si decide invitarlo a cenar es ir a la ventana y abrir un libro.
"There's not enough of him to fill a book." "So Orlean digresses in long passages."
"Él no da para un libro, así que Orlean... divaga en largos párrafos."
They even wrote a book about him.
Hasta escribieron un libro sobre él.
Little Red Book puts him in the most revolutionary category
Y eso, según el Pequeño Libro Rojo del Presidente Mao, le sitúa en la mayor categoría revolucionaria.
Bought a book at a Christian book store, but I didn't get a good look at it. Did you see him talk to anybody? Approach anybody?
Dr. Wiseman, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Handrick
- Buy him a new book.
Cómprale uno nuevo.
In his book and film, John says you were beating the Chechen shepherd Ruslan Schamajev brutally And then you just give him weapons?
En su libro y película, John dice que pegabas al pastor checheno y entonces le diste las armas.
It landed him in gaol where he put his political ideas into a book.
Le llevó a la cárcel, donde plasmó sus ideas políticas en un libro.
He told me to show him my book and ask for his help.
Me dijo que le mostrara mi libro y que le pidiera ayuda.
I thought so. The guy from the insurance company loves plants and I told him you were interested in selling the book. He wants to have another look at it.
Sí, eso pensé yo, y le dije al perito del seguro, que es aficionado a la botánica, que Vd. quería vender el libro, y dijo que quería verlo antes de decidirse.
I gave him a large picture book.
Le regalé un libro grande, un álbum de fotografías.
Tell him I really loved his book. Will you tell him?
Dile que leí su libro y que me ha gustado mucho. ¿ Se lo dirás?
- You showed him the Book?
- ¿ Le has enseñado el Libro?
I'm telling you, you're not gonna find him in the Book of Shadows.
Os digo que no lo encontraréis en el Libro de las Sombras.
I liked him. ln the book, I mean.
Me gustó. Me refería al libro.
If you do not want to be the next victim of the curse, I suggest you tell me, where you took him, and what happened to the last chapter of my book.
Si no quieres ser la próxima víctima de la maldición, te sugiero que me digas adónde lo llevaste, y qué pasó con el último capítulo de mi libro.
You could write a book about him alone.
Se puede escribir un libro sólo de él.
I lent him a book, and he wrote some stuff in it.
Le presté un libro y escribió en él.
Give him a book, have Sookie make him lunch... I swear I'll be home by dinner, and you won't have to say a word.
Dale un libro, que Sookie le haga el almuerzo... te juro que estaré en casa para la cena y no tendrás que decir una palabra.
When his publisher asked him to write a book on life in the industrial north,
Cuando su editor le pidió que escribiera un libro sobre la vida en el norte industrial,
Though you'd expect him to be repelled by Churchill's warrior heroics, he bestows on the book the greatest compliment he could think of, that it read like the work of a human being, not a public figure.
Aunque uno esperaría que le repelieran los relatos de guerra heroicos de Churchill, otorga al libro el mayor cumplido en el que uno pueda pensar, que se leía como la obra de un ser humano, no una figura pública.
The owner visited the museum, together with the book dealer, and they left their equipment and kit on this table, so we went out to lunch... and I said to him that it was extremely kind of him
El dueño visitó el museo en compañía del librero, y dejaron su equipo sobre esta mesa, de modo que salimos a almorzar... y le dije que era enormemente gentil de su parte hasta el considerar la idea de depositar
I don't know zack at all, but i can read him like a book, if you know what i mean.
El tipo va sólo a lo suyo.
She invited him to be her plus one at the book party... since she knew she'd be conveniently minus one.
Lo invitó como su "más uno" en la fiesta sabiendo que convenientemente tendría un "menos uno".
Sinbad says that Eris took the Book... and I believe him.
Sinbad dice que Eris se llevó el Libro, y yo le creo.
Let him go to Tartarus and recover the Book. What?
- Que vaya a Tártaro a recuperarlo.
You're gonna go in there and you're gonna pitch him those book ideas.
Entra y preséntale tus ideas.
- Read him a book.
- Léele un libro.

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