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Braddock translate Spanish

626 parallel translation
You are not Rupert BadgewickJeeves, but Rupert, earl of Braddock.
Ud. no es Rupert Badgewick Jeeves, sino Rupert, el conde de Braddock.
Earl of Braddock.
Conde de Braddock.
The English gentleman is the earl of Braddock.
El caballero ingles es el conde de Braddock.
The earl of Braddock... 30.
El conde de Braddock, 30.
In your hobnobbing about Europe, did you ever meet the earl of Braddock?
Mientras te codeabas con la realeza en Europa, ¿ conociste al conde de Braddock?
¿ Braddock?
Braddock, no.
Braddock, no.
Good afternoon, sir. Are you the earl of Braddock?
¿ Es Ud. el conde de Braddock?
A member of the hotel staff has informed me... that the earl of Braddock is traveling without his secretary.
Un empleado del hotel me dijo... que el conde de Braddock viaja sin su secretario.
I hate to bother you, Mrs. Ross, but, uh, no doubt you've planned... a number of social activities in honor of the earl of Braddock.
Odio tener que molestarla, Sra. Ross, pero sin duda tendrá preparados... una serie de compromisos sociales en honor del conde de Braddock.
Yes. She's planning a number of social activities in honor of the earl of Braddock.
Tiene planeados varios compromisos sociales en honor del conde de Braddock.
Now, look, deary... I'm throwing a big party for the earl of Braddock and a Prince Caminov.
Mira, querida... voy a dar una gran fiesta en honor del conde de Braddock y el príncipe Caminov.
I am the new social secretary to the earl of Braddock.
Soy el nuevo secretario social del conde de Braddock.
Uh, I'm afraid he's not the earl of Braddock.
Me temo que él no es el conde de Braddock.
Anthony Braddock was one of them.
Anthony Braddock era uno de ellos.
Tony Braddock was a professional chemist.
Tony Braddock era un químico profesional.
According to the organization, Braddock should be in this area.
De acuerdo a la organización, Braddock debe estar en esta área.
Braddock is mine.
- Ven a buscarme. Braddock es mío.
If he is, it'II be the Iast contact he ever makes.
Podría ser el contacto de Braddock. Si lo es, será el último contacto que haga.
We don't know what Braddock told him.
¿ Y el otro sujeto, McGyver?
Killing him shouldn't be difficult.
No sabemos lo que Braddock le dijo.
I called Sam Taylor in Washington and asked for an update on Anthony Braddock, including all current connections.
Llamé a Sam Taylor en Washington y le pedí datos de Anthony Braddock incluyendo las conexiones actuales.
So Anthony Braddock is tied to someone with the code name Lancer.
Entonces Anthony Braddock está ligado a alguien llamado Lancer.
I'm the one that found Braddock in the first place.
Soy el que encontró a Braddock.
Tony Braddock said there's gonna be a killing.
Tony Braddock dijo que iba a haber muerte.
Skip your story of your fight with Braddock.
No nos cuentes sobre tu pelea con Braddock.
I wanted to tell him about Braddock but I don't do it so well.
Quería contarle todo sobre Braddock pero no soy bueno para contar.
You be Braddock.
Tú harás las veces de Braddock.
Now, this guy Braddock, a very smart, cagey boxer starts peppering me with light lefts.
Bien, este tipo Braddock, un boxeador astuto y cauteloso me propina ganchos a la izquierda.
Braddock didn't go down till the seventh.
Braddock no se desplomó hasta la séptima ronda.
I haven't seen you since the Indians chased us off Braddock's Field.
No os he visto desde que los indios nos echaron de Braddock's Field.
I'll cross Turkey Foot to the Old Braddock Road.
Yo cruzaré Turkey Foot hasta el camino de Old Braddock.
I was there when they stopped Braddock.
Yo estuve cuando lucharon con Braddock.
And over there, Braddock's whole command was massacred.
Y allí, todo el regimiento de Braddock fue masacrado
I'm selling toys at Braddock's on the sixth floor, and I've been working on a novel.
Vendo juguetes y estoy escribiendo una novela.
She leased the Braddock house this winter.
Alquiló la casa de Braddock este invierno.
If you should walk down to the waterfront in the coastal town of Braddock in the state of North Carolina, you'd probably hear a story told about one of the skippers in the fishing fleet that makes this port its home... for this skipper is a woman...
Si Ud. camina por la ribera del pueblo costero de Braddock en Carolina del Norte posiblemente oirá la historia de uno de los capitanes de la flota pesquera de este puerto... porque se trata de una mujer...
I'd been in Braddock over a year and was still an outsider.
Yo había vivido en Braddock un año, todavía un forastero.
And then I met Jim Gentry, Braddock's richest man.
Conocí a Jim Gentry, el hombre más rico del pueblo.
If Braddock's the same old town, come sunup, you'll be riding home with nothing but a head.
Si Braddock es el mismo viejo pueblo, cuando amanezca, irá a casa sólo con la cabeza.
Boake and Tracy were married in the traditional manner to which Braddock was accustomed.
Boake y Tracy se casaron en la forma tradicional acostumbrada en Braddock.
Braddock Times?
¿ Braddock Times?
Can I take over the Braddock Times?
¿ Me puedo apoderar del Braddock Times?
Yes, Ruby Gentry was born on the wrong side of the tracks, and the people of Braddock never let her forget it.
Sí, Ruby Gentry no nació en la mejor parte del pueblo, y la gente de Braddock, nunca le permitió olvidarlo.
Mrs. Braddocks, Mr. Braddocks, Mr. Cohn.
Señora Braddock, señor Braddock. Señor Cohn.
- Well, the count, Zizi, the Braddocks.
El Conde, Zizi, los Braddock.
Shh. The earl of Braddock.
El conde de Braddock.
He could be Braddock's contact.
Pero hay otro sujeto con él.
What's the coroner's wagon doing here?
¿ Qué hace el auto del forense aquí? Es un sujeto llamado Braddock.
It's a guy named Braddock.
Le dieron con una 9mm.

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