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Burn it down translate Spanish

502 parallel translation
I didn't want to burn it down. I didn't want to set you up.
No quería prenderlo fuego, no quería tenderte una trampa.
The way I see it, you either burn it down or you build it up!
Por como yo lo veo, tienes que quemarlo todo o mejorarlo todo.
Are you trying to burn it down, eh?
¿ lntenta provocar un incendio?
Burn it down around their ears!
¡ Quemarla con ellos dentro!
Burn it down.
He says that now, but later he'll go into Callejón Muchinga, and he won't come out, not even if they burn it down.
Eso lo dices ahora, y después que se mete en el "callejón Muchinga", no lo sacan, caray, ni con candela.
He said ours wasn't safe. They'd burn it down. We'd be killed.
Dijo que nos quemarían la casa, que nos matarían.
Watch the torches, they may try to burn it down.
- Pueden intentar quemarlo.
Nonsense, nonsense, they'll burn it down in a flash!
Tonterías, tonterías, van a quemarlo en un parpadeo!
Burn it down!
¡ Pegadle fuego!
"Do come in and tear the place apart or burn it down?"
"entren y destrocen todo o quemen todo"
Burn it down.
Pegadle fuego.
Fire, fire, burn it down.
Fuego... fuego... abrasalo todo...
Let's burn it down for the insurance.
Quememosla para el seguro.
Don't burn it down.
No lo incendies.
Se volvió loco cuando tus muchachos trataron de quemar el bar.
Burn it down!
Let's charge into the temple and burn it down!
A la carga y quememoslo!
I'm gonna burn it down, plow it up... and have me a real nice junkyard.
Voy a derrumbarlo todo, a arrasarlo. Y construiré un lindísimo basurero.
They see something they don't like, they shoot it up or burn it down.
Ven algo que no les gusta y se deshacen de ello.
One of them actually stole a pack of matches and tried to burn it down.
Una de ellas llegó a robar una caja de fósforos y trató de incendiarlo.
Burn it down!
¡ Quémenlo!
Let's charge into the temple and burn it down!
¡ Ataquemos en el templo y quemémosles!
Say, I was afraid the hospital would burn down before I could get into it.
Tengo miedo de que el hospital no ardiera antes de mi entrada.
Burn down every building with a Vigilante in it.
A quemar todos los edificios con los vigilantes dentro.
Well, we got a sayin down in Texas that it takes a good fire to burn down the weeds, let the flowers grow.
Como decimos en Texas... Con un buen fuego se quema la cizaña y crecen mejor las flores
Of course, I'll have to burn a house down to do it.
Tendré que incendiar otra casa
I don't want it to burn down, we wouldn't have money to pay.
No quiero que se queme, no tendríamos dinero para pagar.
Tear that sign down, take it out of town and burn it.
Quitad todos esos letreros y quemadlos.
I'd tear off my arms... I'd burn Springrock down to ashes if you wanted it.
Me arrancaría los brazos, pegaría fuego a Springrock si tú lo quisieras.
That's the kind of spirit it took for you gorillas To burn down homes, Without letting the women and children out.
Ese espíritu hizo que quemaran casas sin sacar a mujeres y niños.
Careful it doesn't burn right down!
Cuidado que no se queme.
Let it burn down... and we can go and beg!
- Subtítulo no traducido - todos juntos! ¡ E id a mendigar!
You tried to burn it down, remember?
lntentó incendiarlo.
It would be a shame if such possessions were to burn down with no compensation.
Sería una lástima que tales posesiones se fueran a quemar, sin compensación.
- It's a crime to knife people and then to knife a policeman when he tries to stop you burn down the place! No!
Si para estar alegre tienes que herir a dos ciudadanos incendiar un local y morder a un policía.
I'd throw it down the incinerator but it won't burn twice.
Lo metería en el incinerador, pero no se carbonizará dos veces.
Take this garbage down to the incinerator and burn it.
Llévate a esta escoria e incinera su cadáver.
In fact, the Portuguese had to burn the island... to put down the resistance of the Indians when they took it.
Los portugueses debieron quemar la isla... cuando la invadieron para vencer la resistencia indígena.
And it's they caused the army to burn the field down.
Ellos son quienes hicieron que el ejercito quemaron los campos de abajo.
Burn it all down.
Haz que explote todo.
Burn this, flush it down the toilet.
Quémala. Échala por el retrete.
I'll burn the place down! It never was any use!
¡ Quemaré ese maldito lugar que jamás sirvió para nada!
It's not upon us to burn down the house he's making laws like a king.
Redacta leyes como un rey...
It's not my business, but you'll burn the place down.
No es asunto mío, pero terminarás incendiando el lugar.
Burn down the forests. It won't make a scrap of difference.
Quemar los bosques, lo que sea, no hará la más mínima diferencia.
If we take the advantage of the Shogunate's death, It'll be an easy task to burn down Edo.
Si tomamos ventaja de la muerte del Shogun, será tarea fácil reducir Edo a cenizas.
People are starving and you want to burn it all down!
La gente está hambrienta y quieres quemarlo todo.
If the capsule is not at the correct angle with the blunt end and heat shield down, it will burn up.
Si la capsula no esta en el angulo correcto, con la parte roma y el escudo térmico hacia abajo, se quemara.
You'll have to burn it all down, Baby.
Deberás quemar todo, nena.
Burn it all down.
Quemar todo.

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