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But it's not enough translate Spanish

880 parallel translation
It's not even enough if he comes here and bows to you, but how dare he tells you to come or go?
Debería venir él hasta acá y postrarse ante usted. ¿ pero cómo se atrevió él a pedirle que venga a este lugar?
- But it's not enough!
- ¡ Pero no es bastante!
"'but it's not fun enough to take the place of 100 percent virtue'and three square meals a day. "'
"'pero no tanto como para desplazar a la virtud pura... "'ni al bienestar material ".'
But it's not enough.
Eso es bueno. Pero no basta.
Thirty-five, thirty-five. But it's not enough.
Treinta y cinco, treinta y cinco.
Oh, not enough to make it worth Rome's while but a sum that you and I would be well content to share.
No es suficiente para poner en riesgo mí puesto pero es una jugosa suma que tú y yo podríamos compartir.
That'd be very good for "Javert"... but the blood stain's not big enough You can't see it... and the body isn't visible
Eso estaría muy bien para "Javert"... pero la mancha de sangre no es bastante grande. No se puede ver... y el cuerpo no está visible.
Perhaps it's not my place to bring it up... but it is an argument, so you'll let me use it. I'm a person of considerable means in my own right. Enough for the three of us.
Quizás no sea yo la más indicada para utilizar este argumento pero permítame decírselo : soy una persona con unos importantes recursos económicos con los que los tres podríamos vivir...
It's fair, but not enough.
Es justo, pero no tanto.
That's somekind of paper that will make it rain just enough. But not too much!
Eso es algún tipo de papel que hará que llueva lo suficiente pero no demasiado.
That is possible. But it's not nearly enough of a reason to run way from you. You shouldn't think that everyone believes every lie.
- Posiblemente, pero no es motivo... para salir huyendo ante Uds. ¿ Cree que todo el mundo cae en cualquier trampa?
Yes, but that's not enough, and... and I'm afraid it's too late now.
Sí, pero eso no basta, y... me temo que ya es demasiado tarde.
It's bad enough not being able to go to any parties... but looking this way, too.
Es suficiente no poder ir a fiestas... y peor lucir así.
- That's very generous but it's not enough.
- Muy generoso, pero no es suficiente.
It's not enough that you charge twice what it's worth to haul freight into here... but you've collected the doggonedest bunch of lawbreakers... in the whole territory of Arizona.
No te basta con cobrar el doble del valor de lo que llega aquí, además has reunido al peor grupo de delincuentes... de todo el territorio de Arizona.
It's not enough that you charge twice what it's worth to haul freight into here... but you've collected the doggonedest bunch of lawbreakers... in the whole territory of Arizona.
Hablo a título personal. No te basta con cobrar el doble del valor de lo que llega aquí, además has reunido al peor grupo de delincuentes... de todo el territorio de Arizona.
[All Chattering] i know. i know it's not an easy thing i'm asking you to do. But we can do it if we've got faith enough.
¡ Sé que lo que les pido que hagan no es nada fácil... pero podemos hacerlo si tenemos la fe suficiente!
But it's not enough to retire on, so forget it.
Gracias a Wendy. Pero con eso no basta para retirarnos, así que olvídalo.
It's not much money, but it'd be enough to live on.
No es mucho dinero, pero alcanza para vivir.
Not classy, but it's enough when you're on short dough.
No tiene mucha clase, pero está bien, cuando no hay nada en el bolsillo.
- She's pretty, but it's not enough.
- Es guapa, pero eso no basta.
Living in a suburb and doing your own cooking and washing up... may be good enough for you, but it's not good enough for me.
Vivir en un suburbio, cocinando y limpiando no es suficiente para mí.
But it's not enough.
Pero eso no es suficiente.
That's the best offer I've had since lunch. But it's not good enough.
Es la mejor oferta desde la comida, pero no es suficiente.
It's nice to make customers drink, but it's not enough.
No basta con hacer beber a los clientes.
Yesterday was good, but it's not enough.
Ayer lo hiciste bien, pero no es bastante.
But it's not enough.
Pero no basta con eso.
McDonald has every cent he can raise behind me, but it's not enough.
Mc Donald ha puesto hasta el último centavo, pero no basta.
But it's not enough. I've missed things along the line, important things.
Aunque en el camino perdí muchas cosas importantes.
It's not much profit, but it is enough to save my honor.
No es demasiado beneficio pero es suficiente para limpiar mi honor.
But, it's not enough
Pero no es suficiente
It's not an Alfa Romeo, but it's good enough.
No es un Alfa Romeo, pero va bien.
I guess she'll have enough to get by on, that is, when it's all settled up. But in the meantime, if she needs any ready cash, it's not much considering what's happened. It's only a little over $ 700, but if she'll accept it...
Supongo que no tendrá problemas económicos al menos cuando todo esté resuelto, pero mientras tanto, si necesita dinero no es mucho, poco más de 700 $, pero quisiera...
But it's not enough to go by.
Pero no basta.
It's bad enough to hide, but... not to know what you're hiding from.
Es malo esconderse, pero... no saber de qué te escondes...
I'm glad to hear it, but it's not enough, Peter, it's not enough.
Me alegra oírlo. Pero no es suficiente, Peter, no es suficiente.
- So I saw. It's not enough that I'm married to a scientist, but my son has to turn into one, too.
- Sí, ya lo veo, no sólo me casé con un científico, mi hijo también lo será.
It's not critical, but it's serious enough.
La cosa no es muy grave, pero es bastante seria.
It's bad enough, but not very bad.
Es bastante grave, pero no demasiado.
- I know, but it's not enough.
Lo sé, pero no es suficiente.
Not good enough for Aron, anyway. Because sometimes when I'm with Aron... Aron likes to talk about our being in love... and think about it and that's all right, but...
Al menos no lo bastante buena para Aron. a Aron le gusta hablar de que estamos enamorados... pero...
It's not enough to cover the loss, but - -
No es suficiente para cubrir las pérdidas, pero...
Mistress, I'm working as hard as I can every day but it's still not enough
Señora, trabajo tan duro como puedo todos los días, pero aún no es suficiente.
You fly well and you're good at games. But it's not enough.
Puede ser un buen piloto y es hábil para los deportes.
I explained the situation and they volunteered, but it's not enough.
Se lo expliqué y se ofrecieron, pero aún faltan.
I love company. Oh, I know it's fashionable these days to be self-sufficient and not need people around, but I'm old enough not to mind being old-fashioned.
Sé que está de moda Io de Ia mujer autosuficiente que no necesita... a nadie pero...
He's not a doctor, but it's close enough
No es médico. Pero casi.
You don't have to be guilty to be here. But in order to be released it's not always enough to be innocent.
Para ser prisionero, no es absolutamente necesario ser culpable, por otro lado, para ser liberado no siempre es necesario ser inocente.
The rift between the Maharaja and Padhu suits me well but it's not enough.
Me viene bien que el Maharajá haya roto con Padhu por la bailarina, pero necesito más.
It's not a large sum, but for the mimosas it can be enough.
Bueno, no es una gran cifra, pero creo que bastará para las mimosas.
- But it's not enough.
- Pero no será suficiente.

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