Can't help translate Spanish
17,950 parallel translation
Must be something interesting if you can't help out your brother, huh?
Debió ser algo interesante... si no podías ayudar a tu hermano.
Can't help it.
No lo puedo evitar.
I can't help it.
No puedo evitarlo.
I tried offering her my help, but she wouldn't take it, of course, and now I've been trying to reach her all night and I can't get ahold of her.
Intenté ofrecerle mi ayuda, pero no la quiso, claro, y ahora llevo toda la noche intentando contactar con ella y no lo consigo.
Look, I can't help you.
Mira, no puedo ayudarte.
And you can't help me.
Y tú no puedes ayudarme.
I can't help her.
No puedo ayudarla.
I just have to keep reminding myself again and again and again that he can't help himself, you know, when it comes to me.
Solo tengo que recordarme una y otra vez que no puede evitarlo, sabes, cuando se trata de mí.
I can't tell you how much everyone at Isodyne appreciates your help.
Yo no te puedo decir lo mucho que todos en Isodyne aprecia su ayuda.
That boy can't help you, Whitney.
Ese chico no te puede ayudar, Whitney.
And [sighs] I... I can't help you unless you ask me to.
Y [suspira] Yo... no puedo ayudarle a menos que me lo pida.
I can't help you...
No te puedo ayudar...
Nah, sorry, can't help you.
No, lo siento, no puedo ayudarte.
I can't help you right now.
Ahora mismo no puedo ayudarte.
Can't you see I'm trying to help you?
¿ No entiendes que intento ayudarlos? - ¿ A qué?
But, as a man of science... I can't help but admire him.
Pero, como hombre de ciencia no puedo más que admirarlo.
I mean, if we can't trust each other... then how can I help you?
Si no podemos confiar el uno en el otro ¿ cómo puedo ayudarlo?
I can't do it... My people would never take me back... but... I can help you do it.
No puedo hacerlo... mi gente nunca me aceptaría otra vez... pero... puedo ayudarte a que tú lo hagas.
I can't help you do something that leads to war against my people.
No puedo ayudarte a hacer algo que lleve a una guerra contra mi gente.
I can't help you now.
No puedo ayudarte.
Can't help you.
No puedo ayudarte.
I'm sorry I can't help you out with that.
Lamento no poder ayudarla con eso.
I wanna help find him but I can't do anything while I'm suspended.
Quiero ayudar a encontrarle, pero no puedo hacer nada si estoy suspendida.
Look, I can't help if I don't know what's going on.
Mira, no puedo ayudar si no sé qué está pasando.
You can't even help white people.
No puedes ni ayudar a los blancos.
No, this place can't help him.
No, este lugar no puede ayudarle.
They want to help you penetrate some new markets, and they see no reason why you can't go nationwide.
Quieren ayudarlo a que penetre otros mercados nuevos, y no ven razón por la que no pueda llegar a toda la nación.
Listen, I can't help it, he's a great conductor.
Escucha, no puedo evitarlo, es un gran conductor.
You need to pick apart his flaws and plan a strategy that he can't help but fall into.
Tienes que observar sus defectos y planear una estrategia en la que no pueda evitar caer.
I can't help you.
No puedo ayudarte.
Coulson didn't sour you, it's still a noble and worthwhile idea, and I'd like to help you any way that I can.
Coulson no te ha agriado... sigue siendo una idea noble y merecedora del esfuerzo... y me gustaría ayudar de la forma que sea posible.
I can't see how that would help you.
No puedo ver como eso le ayudaría.
Well, it's just I can't help thinking, "What if I'd stayed?"
Es sólo que no puedo evitar pensar : "¿ Qué si me hubiera quedado?".
Those who can't help themselves, can never be of any help to God.
Aquellos que no pueden ayudarse a sí mismos no pueden obtener ninguna ayuda de Dios.
Thank you. You sure I can't help with the rip?
- ¿ Segura que no quieres ayuda?
I'm sorry I can't be more help, Mrs. Clark.
Lamento no poder ayudar más, Sra. Clark.
This is a "you messed with Mother Nature" problem, and I can't help you.
Se trata de "te metiste con la Madre... Naturaleza", y no puedo ayudarte.
Why don't you tell me what the problem is, and I'll call him. - You can't help me.
¿ Por qué no me cuenta el problema y yo le llamo?
I just can't help it.
Es que no puedo evitarlo.
I can't help it if your daughter's so popular.
No puedes evitarlo, tu hija se ha vuelto muy popular.
And since you can't remember anything, we have a method, an unusual method that might help you remember.
Y como no puedes recordar nada, tenemos un método, un método inusual que puede ayudarte a recordar.
Okay, if it's just a robbery, we can't help them.
Vale, si solo es un robo, no podemos ayudarles.
And if it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them.
Y si es algo sobrenatural, mi padre no puede ayudarles.
I can't help.
No puedo ayudar.
If we can't help you, you'll stay and become one of us.
Si no podemos ayudarte, te quedarás y te convertirás en uno de nosotros.
What if they can't help me?
¿ Y qué pasa si no pueden ayudarme?
I mean, how am I supposed to help my friends if I can't fight?
¿ Cómo se supone que voy a ayudar a mis amigos si no sé luchar?
You can't help him.
No puedes ayudarlo.
He can't help that.
No puede evitarlo.
It's hard to... look at that and not think about how I can't help people anymore.
Es díficil... mirar eso y no pensar en que ya no puedo ayudar a la gente.
It means that I can't help you.
Significa que no puedo ayudarte.
can't help it 46
can't help you 74
help 8877
help me 6892
helping 62
helped 17
helpless 96
helpful 64
help yourself 675
help me please 29
can't help you 74
help 8877
help me 6892
helping 62
helped 17
helpless 96
helpful 64
help yourself 675
help me please 29
help me understand 34
help is on the way 77
help you with what 18
help me with this 60
help wanted 20
help her 180
help me out 369
help a brother out 20
help me out here 204
help people 28
help is on the way 77
help you with what 18
help me with this 60
help wanted 20
help her 180
help me out 369
help a brother out 20
help me out here 204
help people 28
help him 346
help me here 41
help us 749
help me find him 18
helping me 31
help them 74
helping people 38
help yourselves 81
help is coming 30
help me now 22
help me here 41
help us 749
help me find him 18
helping me 31
help them 74
helping people 38
help yourselves 81
help is coming 30
help me now 22