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Can we talk to him translate Spanish

318 parallel translation
- Mano. - How can we talk to him?
- ¿ Cómo podemos hablar con él?
- Mano. - How can we talk to him?
¿ Quién es el jefe indio de por aquí?
Can we talk to him? Sure.
- Podemos hablar con él?
Can we talk to him in there?
¿ Podemos hablar con élla ahí?
How can we talk to him?
¿ Cómo podemos hablar con él?
- Can we talk to him?
- ¿ Podemos hablar con él?
Can we talk to him?
Podemos hablarle?
Can we talk to him?
¿ Podemos hablar con él?
- Can we talk to him?
¿ Podemos hablar con él primero?
Can't we talk to him?
¿ No podemos hablar con él?
We can talk to him. - Is Triton here yet?
Podemos hablar con él.
Well, we've got more than one room in the house. You can talk to him downstairs.
Tenemos más de un cuarto en la casa.
Now if we can get him to talk about that chauffeur's license.
Si hablara de esa licencia de chofer...
We can't be too anxious when we talk to him, gotta be careful.
Sí. Pero que no se note que estamos ansiosos.
Suppose we go to the drug store and call up Uncle Charlie, you can talk to him yourself
Pregúntale si lo envió. - ¿ Qué te parece? - Bien.
We have a date at 9. Why don't you ask him to dinner? We can talk before dinner.
Bien, invítale a cenar aquí y hablaremos antes de la cena.
George, talk to him, make him see that we won't harm him..... he can let us live.
Háblales, haz que entienda que no le haremos daño. Puede dejarnos vivir.
We can't move from here so we can't talk to him.
No podemos salir de aquí así que no podemos hablar con él.
How can we talk to him if we have to keep remembering'to say
La hace imposible.
I think I can talk to him better if we're alone.
Hablaré mejor con él si nos dejan a solas.
We can not talk to him.
No podemos permitir que hable con él.
This is how we all can talk to the Lord, if we approach him with love and trust.
Así es como todos podemos hablar con el Señor, si nos acercamos a él con amor y confianza.
Can't we talk to him first?
¿ No podemos hablar con él antes?
We can't talk to him unless he wants to talk to us.
No podemos hablar con él a menos que quiera hablarnos.
Madame Guêrin, he can't understand but we must talk to him as often as possible.
Madame Guérin, no nos entiende pero debemos hablarle lo máximo posible.
We can talk to the prefect. We'll tell him Gregor was only riding to save an ape's life.
Podemos ir a hablar con el prefecto... para explicarle que cabalgó para salvar a un simio.
The way we can get them to talk is to bring them to L.A away from him, and question them separately.
La única forma de hacer que hablen es llevarlas a L.A lejos de él e interrogarlas por separado.
- Well... Why don't we get Sidney and you can talk to him?
¿ Por qué no hablas con Sidney?
I think I'll invite him out to the summerhouse tonight, so that we can talk about you more.
Creo que le invitaré esta noche al chalet, para poder hablar más sobre ti.
Yeah, well, we can talk to him later.
Si, bien, podemos hablar con él más tarde.
Maybe we can talk to him.
Podemos hablar con él..
We are, but first I want to get him this fight with Gomez... and when he wins that, then we can talk about...
Así es, pero primero tenemos que conseguir la pelea con Gomez... y cuando gane esta pelea podemos entonces hablar de...
We know he's inbound, but we can't talk to him. His radios are garbled.
Sabemos que se aproxima, pero no podemos hablar con él.
- We can't let him talk to Felix.
- No puede hablar con Felix.
I won't fight him. We can't force him to talk.
No quiere hablarnos, no lo puedo obligar.
If we can talk to him, we can go somewhere else.
Si podemos hablar con él, iremos a otro lugar. - Sí.
A friend's visiting us who we want you to meet... so you can talk with him for a while. OK?
Nos vino a visitar un amigo que queremos que conozcas, para que platiques un rato con él. ¿ OK?
- Can we talk to him?
¿ Por qué?
We can fill him in. Talk to us.
Cuando llegue, le contamos lo que pasó.
We certainly can't force him to talk to us.
No es posible obligarlo a hablar.
We can have Gail call us when he's there, go there and talk to him.
Si Gail nos llama cuando vaya, vamos y hablamos con él.
Listen, you can talk to him later, I mean, we don't want to keep the headmaster waiting.
Escuche, usted puede hablar con él luego, quiero decir... que no debemos hacer esperar al Sr. Rector.
Hey, Josh, if you can talk to God... ask Him if we could get a couple more days off for Christmas.
Hey, Josh, si puedes hablar con Dios... pregúntale si podemos tener un par de días libres para Navidad.
Maybe I can get to talk with him... or maybe we can go see him.
Quizás pudiera ir a hablarle o quizás podemos ir a verlo.
Now we can talk to him one on one.
Ahora podemos hablar solos.
And that will give him room enough to breathe until we can talk to him.
Y eso le dará la oportunidad... para meditar hasta que hablemos con él.
I'm damn sure we can scare him to talk.
Sé que podemos asustarlo para que hable.
No, but by the looks of things, you would think an additional sword would be welcome. If he's good enough to get through the siege scum, the border lord should talk to him. We can always kill him later.
, pero por lo que he oido creo que una espada mas les vendría bien si ha sido capaz de desacerse de esa escoria, el jefe querra hablar con él y podriamos matarlo después
Can we just talk to him for five seconds?
Bueno... ¿ podemos hablar con él 5 segundos?
Why can't we just talk to him?
¿ Por qué no nos sentamos y hablamos con papá?
Eventually, talk to him... but right now, help me get the rest of this stuff so we can feed those people.
Eventualmente, hablar con él, pero ahora mismo, ayúdame a buscar el resto de las cosas para alimentar a esta gente.

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