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Cartwright translate Spanish

936 parallel translation
Miss Julie, Mr. Cartwright phoned.
El sr. Cartright ha telefoneado.
Miss Cramont, Miss Lovering, Mrs. Terhune, Mrs. Holman Mr. Sanders, Miss Cartwright.
La señorita Cramont, la señorita Lovering, la señorita Terhune, la señorita Holman. La señorita Sanders, la señorita Cartwright.
I used to be a cartwright in Paris.
Trabajaba para el Sr. Baloup.
My name is Champmathieu. I'm a cartwright.
¡ Conozco al Sr. Baloup, y eso es todo!
I believe, Colonel, if we keep the plane in sight of the field in the preliminary test... it'll be better for observation.
Coronel, si mantenemos el avión cerca en la prueba preliminar... - será mejor. - Qué buena idea, Sr. Cartwright.
That's a good idea, Mr. Cartwright. Unfortunately, Masters, my regular test pilot, injured his shoulder.
Por desgracia, mi piloto de pruebas habitual se lastimó el hombro.
But in Mr. Cartwright's device, we've successfully overcome that.
Pero en el artefacto del Sr. Cartwright, lo superamos.
- Are you ready, Mr. Cartwright?
- ¿ Está listo? Listo.
Smooth as silk, Mr. Cartwright.
A la perfección, Sr. Cartwright.
Cartwright, she's heading out to sea.
Se dirige al mar.
I do, Cartwright does, and so does Masters.
Yo, Cartwright y Masters.
And that telephone call to the Royal Hawaiian... involves either Hopkins, Cartwright or Masters.
Y la llamada telefónica al Hawaiano Real... se relaciona con Hopkins, con Cartwright o con Masters.
Involves either Hopkins, Cartwright or Masters.
Se relaciona con Hopkins, con Cartwright o con Masters.
From the time I had Cartwright's invention, he's been after me to sell it.
Desde que tengo el invento, me pide que se lo venda.
Coming, Cartwright?
¿ Viene, Cartwright?
Will leave tomorrow in company with Hopkins and Cartwright on Clipper.
Partiré mañana junto con Hopkins y Cartwright, en el clíper.
Mr. Cartwright is standing by in Customs to identify the device.
Cartwright espera en Aduanas para identificar el artefacto.
All Strasser is doing is sitting back there and getting Hopkins's and Cartwright's life story.
Strasser está cruzado de brazos oyendo a Hopkins y a Cartwright.
Nobody has entered since I've been here, and I arrived with Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Cartwright.
Nadie ha entrado desde que llegué... junto con el Sr. Hopkins y el Sr. Cartwright.
What's your connection with the Cartwright invention?
¿ Cuál es su relación con el invento de Cartwright?
Then wouldn't it be advisable for you to turn over the Cartwright invention to us... and return to your own little game in Honolulu?
Entonces, ¿ no sería recomendable que nos diera el invento de Cartwright... y regresara a su jueguito a Honolulu?
Besides, Mr. Cartwright, when the boy is returned safely... we will go after the criminals and get it back.
Además, Sr. Cartwright, cuando devuelvan al muchacho a salvo... perseguiremos a los criminales y lo recuperaremos.
- And as a further precaution for your safety, Mr. Cartwright... you will remain with me.
Y como precaución extra para su seguridad, Sr. Cartwright... permanecerá conmigo.
This is the Cartwright invention.
Éste es el invento de Cartwright.
For the last time, where is the Cartwright invention?
Por última vez, ¿ dónde está el invento de Cartwright?
" Have recovered Cartwright invention.
" Recuperé el invento de Cartwright.
Oh, good day, Mr. Cartwright.
Buenos días, señor Cartwright.
Oh, yes, Cybil Cartwright was ordered right off the beach.
Sí, ordenaron a CybiI Cartwright salir de Ia playa.
- I'm going to see the cartwright.
- El carretero, ya voy.
Don't forget, your name is Emily Cartwright.
No olvides que te llamas Emily Cartwright.
- Emily Cartwright.
- Emily Cartwright.
You know, that's the way we Cartwrights do things.
Así es como hacemos las cosas los Cartwright.
It's a shame that we're the only ones... who appreciate the lost genius of Allan Cartwright.
Es una vergüenza que seamos los únicos... que apreciemos el genio perdido de Allan Cartwright.
Allan Cartwright was the only man I ever loved.
Allan Cartwright fue el único hombre a quien amé.
- There, there, Miss Cartwright.
- Tranquila, Srta. Cartwright.
Oh, you've got them, Cartwright.
Oh, las tiene usted, Cartwright.
Oh, doctor, the Cartwright girl's awake again.
Oh, doctor, la chica Cartwright está de nuevo despierta.
I think I'd like to have you talk to our Mr. Cartwright, in Lingerie.
Creo que me gustaría que hablara con el Sr. Cartwright, en ropa interior.
The young lady will show you to Mr. Cartwright's office.
La joven la acompañará a la oficina del Sr. Cartwright.
That's our Mr. Cartwright.
Ése es nuestro Sr. Cartwright.
I really wouldn't worry if I were you, Mrs. Cartwright.
Si fuera usted, no me preocuparía, Sra. Cartwright.
Lasher, would you make an appointment for Thursday for Mrs. Cartwright?
Lasher, ¿ me arregla una cita para el jueves con la Sra. Cartwright?
- Miss Cartwright is coming in.
- La Srta. Cartwright tiene visita.
Carry on, please, Lieutenant Cartwright.
Prosiga, por favor, teniente Cartwright.
General Cartwright, what a pleasant surprise.
Generala Cartwright, qué agradable sorpresa.
I am General Cartwright, regional director of Save-A-Soul.
Soy la generala Cartwright, Directora Regional de Salve Un Alma.
General Cartwright, I am in a position to guarantee you personally at least one dozen genuine sinners.
Generala Cartwright... puedo garantizarle personalmente... por lo menos una docena de pecadores genuinos.
On behalf of General Cartwright, Sergeant Sarah Brown and the rest of us...
En nombre de la generala Cartwright, de Sarah Brown y el resto de nosotros...
Gentlemen, our meeting will be conducted by the regional director of the Save-A-Soul Mission, General Cartwright.
Caballeros, nuestra reunión de esta noche será dirigida... por la directora regional de la Misión Salve Un Alma... la generala Cartwright.
Sergeant, tell the Commander Cartwright!
¡ Sargento, avise al Mayor Cartwright!
We were almost back to the ship when... Cartwright just disappeared.
Casi habíamos llegado a la nave cuando Cartwright desapareció.

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