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Cleaver translate Spanish

628 parallel translation
Just you wait, it won't be long The man in black will soon be here With his cleaver's blade so true
Espera sólo un ratito de negro el monstruo vendrá sólo con su cuchillito a ti te rebanará.
Went for me with a cleaver.
Me persiguió con una cuchilla.
- The cleaver's a new matter, sir.
- La cuchilla es un nuevo asunto, señor.
Astor started with a meat cleaver, old vanderbilt had a rowboat, and uncle daniel drew didn't have nothing but a cow and a pail of water.
El viejo Vanderbilt tenía un bote y tío Daniel Drew sólo poseía una vaca y un cubo de agua. Veréis cómo Fisk Boyd se erige sobre sus fondos confederados.
- Cleaver, sir.
- Cleaver, señor.
Hello, Cleaver.
Hola, Cleaver.
I'll take Russell and Cleaver.
Me llevaré a Russell y Cleaver.
Russell and Cleaver will take four and five.
Russell y Cleaver, al cuatro y al cinco.
Russell Cleaver, Scott.
Russell Cleaver, Scott.
Poor little Cleaver went first.
El pobre Cleaver cayó primero.
- Chased me out with his cleaver.
- Por poco me mata con su cuchillo.
- I'll get my cleaver.
- Cogeré mi puñal.
But I still think my cleaver...
Pero sigo creyendo que mi puñal...
Only, with my cleaver he wouldn't know anything about it either.
Sólo con mi puñal podría enterarse de esto.
What are doing with that cleaver?
- ¿ Qué hace con eso en la mano?
Here, I'll take the cleaver.
A ver, deme el cuchillo.
And two weeks ago he did a job on his uncle with a meat cleaver.
Y hace un par de semanas le hizo un trabajito a su tío con un cuchillo.
Roy Cleaver, Frank.
Roy Cleaver, Frank.
Acting on Cleaver's information, we made a canvass of all metropolitan clinics and hospitals.
De acuerdo con la información de Cleaver, buscamos en todas las clínicas y hospitales metropolitanos.
Get rags, the saw and the cleaver.
Coge trapos y la sierra.
Just my luck, there was a cleaver handy.
No, pero basta, eso fue hace diez años.
You saw what happen to the meat cleaver when it hit him.
Viste lo que sucedió con el cuchillo de carnicero cuando lo golpeó.
Pretty good, that cleaver How are you tonight?
Eres buena con ese cuchillo de carnicero pero que tal con un cuchillo?
With a meat cleaver.
Con una cuchilla de carnicero.
A few more inches and that cleaver would have cut off your head.
Esa cuchilla casi te decapitó.
Thank you, Mrs Cleaver.
- Gracias, pague al otro lado.
Put the cleaver down!
¡ Suelta ese cuchillo!
Why did you have a cleaver on you?
¿ Por qué llevabas ese cuchillo encima?
Millie, get the cleaver!
Millie, dame el cuchillo!
Watch out for that cleaver, now.
Ten cuidado con esa cuchilla.
You will have your death tonight, boris, within a few hours, but we will have killed with artistry and not with a meat cleaver or an explosive bullet or any other of the butcher's tools.
Tendrás esa muerte esta noche, Boris. Dentro de unas pocas horas. Pero mataremos con arte, no con una bala explosiva o cualquier otro instrumento de carnicero.
Obviously, Mr Cleaver, you're the expert.
Está claro, Sr. Cleaver, que Ud. es el experto.
And then recently Mr Cleaver, the government's nuclear adviser.
Y ahora, el Sr. Cleaver. - El consejero nuclear del gobierno.
Excuse me. Before he died, Mr Cleaver posted some of his findings online.
Antes de morir,... el Sr. Cleaver colgó sus hallazgos en la red.
Well, I don't know much about nuclear physics, but from what I could make out, Cleaver was saying the whole project could go up, worse than Chernobyl.
Pero por lo que he deducido... Cleaver decía que todo el proyecto podría explotar... y sería peor que en Chernobyl.
I mean it sounds absurd, there must be so many safety regulations, but Cleaver seemed to be talking about a nuclear holocaust.
Sé que suena absurdo, habrá muchas reglas de seguridad,... pero Cleaver parecía hablar de un holocausto nuclear.
It's the best way. I've got a brand-new cleaver needs christening.
Tengo una hoz nueva a estrenar.
Try to get something to eat and some son of a bitch comes up on you with a meat-cleaver.
Intentas comer algo... y un hijo de puta te ataca con un machete.
- Let's start with the cleaver.
- Empecemos con la cuchilla.
One cleaver, approximately eight inches in length.
Una cuchilla de unos 20 cm.
Cleaver away!
¡ Hacha fuera!
Your butcher cleaver man knows that.
Tu inteligente carnicero debía conocer esto.
I had my passport confiscated, so we can't leave, and just now I had my head nearly decapitated by a meat cleaver.
y me confiscaron el pasaporte, así que no me puedo ir, y hace un momento casi me decapitan con una hacha de carnicero.
Cleaver, Herschell B. Roosevelt, Charles B.
Cleaver, Herschell B. Roosevelt, Charles B... ]
A hero, as Cleaver said, or a swine, an Uncle Tom, as LeroyJones said?
Un heroe, como Cleaver dijo, o un cerdo un Tío Tom, como Leroy Jones, dijo?
And now Cleaver :
Y ahora Cleaver :
Malcolm X, Cleaver and the Black Panthers.
Malcom X, Cleaver y los Panteras Negras
But if Cleaver and Bobby Seale, founder of the Black Panthers, had lived 150 years ago, the things they yell out every day now, they could have said them only on the day of the carnival.
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But the next day, Cleaver and Seale would have been sold right here, in the huge slave market, where the rum ran like a river in the streets.
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If Cleaver, LeroyJones, Malcolm X, had lived 140 years ago they too, like Nat Turner, would have fallen into hating whites men, women, children who were there by God's orders.
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The slave Cleaver, like the slave Turner, certainly never would have dared imagine that the order would come to them directly from within.
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