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Come and have a drink translate Spanish

347 parallel translation
Come and have a drink on me.
Ven, te invito un trago.
Well, come and have a drink with us.
Venga a tomar una copa.
Come and have a drink.
Ven a tomar una copa.
- Come and have a drink.
- Venga a tomar algo.
Come and have a drink.
Mandaré algunos telegramas.
You must come and have a drink in my suite.
Venga a tomar un trago en mi suite.
Ah, Nurse Erna. Come and have a drink.
Enfermera Erna, tómese una copa.
Come and have a drink.
Vamos a tomar una copa. - Encantado.
We're way ahead of you, but come and have a drink.
Os llevamos ventaja, pero venid a tomar una copa.
Come and have a drink you two.
Venid y tomad algo.
Hey, Doberti, come and have a drink.
Eh, Doberti, ven aquí, ven a beber.
I want you guys to come and have a drink with me.
Quiero que vengáis a beber algo conmigo.
Come and have a drink with me, John, I don't feel like being alone.
Tómate un trago conmigo. No quiero estar solo.
Come and have a drink
Ven, sírvete.
- Be a good boy, come and have a drink.
Sé un buen chico y ven a tomar una copa.
Come on, you must have a drink and complete my ruin.
Vamos, tómese una copa para completar mi ruina.
Come on in and have a real drink. No, I'm going to Janet's and get some cider!
No, iré a casa deJanet por sidra.
I just want you To come over to my place, And we'll have A little drink together.
Sólo quiereo que vayamos a mi casa, y tomemos una copa juntos.
Britta, come, my sweet, dearest Britta, come on and let's have a drink.
Britta, mi amor, queridísima Britta, ven y tomemos una copa.
Say, boys, come on! Come over to my table and have a drink.
Bien, muchachos, vamos a mi mesa y tomemos algo.
- Come in and have a drink.
- Pase y tome una copa.
Then come in and have a drink.
Entonces, entra a tomar algo.
Tell the old boy to come on over and have a drink.
Dígale que venga a tomar una copa.
Touched by my scruples, he held out his hand, his only hand, and said, "Thank you," adding, "Come have a drink."
Entiende mis motivos y me tiende su mano... su única mano. Me propone : "Vayamos a tomar algo."
Come over here and have a drink.
Ven a tomar unas copas.
You'd better come on down and have a drink.
Mejor ven y toma un trago.
I just ran into Mr. Wagner and he insisted I come in and have a drink.
Me encontré al Sr. Wagner e insistió en que entrara a beber.
Come on and have a drink with the Murphy boys from Arizona.
Vengan a tomar un trago con los hermanos Murphy de Arizona.
Why, you gotta come over and have a drink with us.
Tienes que tomar algo con nosotros.
Sure I'll come up and have a drink with you.
Claro que pasaré y beberé con usted.
"Come in and have a drink."
"Ven y tómate un trago".
Come on over and have a drink on the house.
Ven y toma una a cuenta de la casa.
- No, come on in and have a drink.
- No, quédate y tomemos una copa.
I should like to take the opportunity of this festive occasion to drink the healths of one and all present, and to thank a kindly fate for so arranging that my ship should have to come home for boiler cleaning two days before Christmas -
Quisiera aprovechar esta ocasión festiva... para beber a la salud de todos los presentes... y gracias a lo sucedido con los motores... que hicieron volver a mi nave dos días antes de Navidad.
My advice is to come inside, have a drink and let's wait till we hear from the sheriff.
Entren, tómense un trago y esperemos a saber algo del alguacil.
Come in, Ernie, and have a drink.
Pasa, Ernie, y tomate una copa.
Come on, let's get out of here and have a drink.
- Vamos, tomemos una copa.
Come on over and have a drink.
Ven y toma una copa.
Why don't you come to my place and have a drink.
¿ Por qué no vienes a casa y nos tomamos algo?
Listen, have a drink. Come over here and have a drink.
Oídme : tomaos una copa, ¡ vamos, muchachos, tomadla!
Come over and have a drink with us.
Ven a tomar una copa con nosotros.
- Come on and have a drink with me!
- Le invito.
Mark, please come up and have a drink with us.
Mark, sube a tomar una copa con nosotros.
Come over here and have a drink.
Ven aquí y toma una copa.
Come back to the local and have a drink.
Vuelva al bar y tome una copa.
Come on out and have a drink.
Venga conmigo, necesita un trago.
Come over here, my friend, and have a drink.
Ven aquí, mi amigo, y bebe.
Come by and have a drink and we'll settle up.
Pásese a tomar algo y lo arreglamos.
You must come and have a drink in my suite.
Venga a mi suite a tomar algo.
Well, come in and have a drink.
Bueno, pasen a tomar una copa.
Why not come up and have a drink with us?
¿ Por qué no viene arriba con nosotros a tomar un vermouth? ¿ Sabe?

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