Cut that translate Spanish
9,017 parallel translation
He cut that motherfucker up like it was nothing.
Ha rajado a ese hijo de puta como si nada.
Cut that thing.
Corta esa cosa.
I will cut that shit off!
Voy a cortar esa mierda!
Brother, we can cut that in half and both make more money.
Hermano, podemos dividir eso en dos partes y los dos haremos más dinero.
Hey, cut that shit out!
¡ Hey, corta esa mierda!
Hack that beacon or just cut it.
Hack ese faro o simplemente cortarlo.
- That abortion cut our legs.
- Aquel aborto me cortó las piernas.
I'm gonna go cut off the sleeves of my Jean jacket, you go gather up some leather vests, and that'll really stick it to her!
Voy a cortar las mangas de mi chaqueta de Jeans, Tienes que recoger algunos chalecos de cuero, y realmente se le pega a ella!
Yeah, that just means he's some rich guy trying to cut corners
Sí, eso significa que es un tío rico tratando de cortar las esquinas
That can cut through vibranium?
Eso puede cortar través vibranium?
Once they cut me off and I realized that I was on my own, I took out a bunch of loans, I applied to every job that I could, no matter how ridiculous, and I paid my way through school by myself.
Una vez me apartaron me di cuenta de que estaba solo, pedí un montón de préstamos, solicité todos los trabajos que pude, no importaba cuán ridículos, y me pagué toda la universidad yo mismo.
I'd like to cut her skin off, and then sew it together, so that I could wear it as a human tracksuit.
Le quitaría la piel, y la cosería para poder usarla como un traje de piel humana.
- That's a cut.
- Corten.
Kneel, so that I can cut a father's mark across your temple!
Arrodíllate, de modo que pueda cortar la marca de un padre a través de su templo!
Cut the cable that controls the lock.
Corta el cable que controla el freno.
The "vision" message really resonated in our focus groups post-debate, so I think we should cut a new ad centered on that and weave it into the stump.
El mensaje de la "visión" resonó mucho postdebate en los grupos de opinión así que deberíamos sacar un anuncio nuevo centrado en eso e intercalarlo en la gira de campaña.
Oh, that woman with the awful bowl cut?
Oh, esa mujer con el corte horrible de guacal?
That's a cut.
Es un corte.
I guess I'm just not cut out for that kind of thing.
Supongo que estoy hecho para ese tipo de cosas.
Ooh, now that's a frolic pad I'd like to cut a rug at.
Esa es una fiesta a la que me gustaría asistir.
We're supposed to believe that Flowers, before he was shot or after, managed to cut her throat.
Se supone que creamos que Flowers, antes que le dispararan o después, se las arregló para cortarle la garganta.
That bitch might be here waiting to cut your throat.
Esa zorra podría estar aquí esperando para cortarles la garganta.
Look at that, I found a cut.
Mira, he hecho un corte.
They claim the Smart Rain's gonna feed the world, but I just saw a knife cut through a Plowman bag of seed that was full of nothing but bones.
Afirman que la Lluvia Inteligente va a alimentar al mundo, pero acabo de ver un cuchillo atravesar una bolsa de semillas Plowman que estaba llena de huesos.
And given that we've tried to remove it... several times in the past, our only option now... is to cut the rope before it strangles us both.
Y dado que intento solucionarlo... varias veces en el pasado, nuestra única opción ahora... es "cortar la cuerda" antes de que nos ahorquemos los 2.
'We've noted that you've been cut off.'
Tengo anotado que les cortaron el servicio.
I saw him cut down many with that sword cane.
Una vez le vi rajar a muchos con ese bastón - katana.
Anything that's connecting life support to a network, Cut it.
Cualquier cosa que conecte el soporte vital a una red, córtala.
The cut to her lingual bone suggests that our victim's throat was cut when she was thrown through the windshield, resulting in massive blood loss.
El corte en el hueso lingual sugiere... que la garganta de nuestra víctima fue cortada... cuando fue lanzada a través del parabrisas... resultando en una masiva pérdida de sangre.
Which is why it's my professional opinion that, due to the angle of the cut, Abe's mother slit her own throat.
Que es por lo que en mi opinión profesional... debido al ángulo del corte... la madre de Abe cortó su propio cuello.
Yeah, he got that... he got that cut back speed.
Tiene la técnica y la velocidad.
Cut it with that shit!
¡ Córtala con esa mierda!
So you gently cut around that and then you cut the musk glands out and then you scrape it out like this.
Así se corta suavemente alrededor que y luego cortar las glándulas de almizcle cabo y luego se raspa fuera así.
When I see a perfectly struck ground stroke or I hear the thwack of the ball on the racquet and I smell that freshly cut lawn, my heart almost aches for the beauty of it.
Cuando veo un golpe en el suelo perfectamente golpeado... u oigo el golpe de la pelota en la raqueta... y huelo ese césped recién cortado, mi corazón casi sufre por la belleza de eso.
I can get that sentence cut down.
Puedo conseguir que salgas.
Because I understand that in order to get ahead and stay ahead, you have to cut ties.
Porque entiendo que para poder estar y seguir adelante... hay que contar vínculos.
This is Latif's backpack, the one that you found in the alleyway that he would cut through on his way home from school, right?
Esta es la mochila de Latif, la que encontraron en el callejón por el que atajaba para ir a la escuela, ¿ verdad?
♪ tell'em that God's gonna cut'em down ♪ Protect yourself at all times.
Ten cuidado.
Did you cut off her finger and steal that ring?
¿ Le cortaste el dedo y le robaste el anillo?
Did you cut off her finger and steal that ring?
¿ Le cortaste su dedo y robaste ese anillo?
Do we have any other background on the victim that's not cut into strips of paper?
¿ Tenemos cualquier otro fondo sobre la víctima eso no es cortado en tiras de papel?
Your dad and I shouldn't have cut off your phone like that.
Tu padre y yo no deberíamos haberte cortado el teléfono así.
Your daughter's phone's not the only one that cut off the Wi-Fi.
El teléfono de su hija no es el único que desconectó el Wi-Fi.
But you cut off my arms my legs, take away everything that makes me fucking formidable, poof, threat's gone.
Pero me cortas los brazos, las piernas... me quitas todo lo que me hace formidable... y se acaba la amenaza.
Anyway, I flunked an exam and I realized that I wasn't cut out for it.
Como sea, reprobé un examen... y me di cuenta de que no tenía madera para eso.
You know, he had the black, horn-rimmed glasses and his ears kind of stuck out a little, and he had the crew cut and that's not good on anybody.
Usaba grandes gafas redondas y sus orejas sobresalían y... tenía este corte de pelo que... no favorecería a nadie.
I'll cut his heart out right here, right now, you say that again!
¡ Le arrancaré el corazón aquí mismo si vuelves a decirlo!
Ava, even if that is Dewey's blood, there's nothing that don't indicate he didn't just cut himself shaving.
Ava, aunque fuera la sangre de Dewey, nada indica que no se cortara afeitándose.
If I help you out, you gonna cut me in on that $ 10 million? ♪ I wanna go back, ♪ ♪ I wanna go up and down ♪
Si te ayudo, ¿ vas a compartir conmigo esos 10 millones?
I think that the best idea would be to cut it.
Creo que la mejor idea sería quitarla.
If you can cut together an 81 minute movie that arguably stars the Ham Girl guy, I can guarantee distribution and a fast turnaround deal.
Si montan una peli de 81 minutos en la que se pueda decir que... el prota es el de "Jamón, nena", les garantizo distribución y beneficios.
cut that out 75
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25