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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Dance with me

Dance with me translate Spanish

2,526 parallel translation
- And then you'll dance with me.
- Después bailas conmigo. - Lo sé, lo sé.
Do you wanna dance with me?
¿ Baila usted el wanna conmigo?
Dance with me, George.
Baila conmigo, George.
Mommy, dance with me, OK?
Mami, baila conmigo, ¿ sí? Sólo quiero que bailes conmigo.
Come on, dance with me.
Vamos a bailar.
Hey! Hey, come dance with me.
Ven a bailar conmigo.
You know you wanna dance with me.
Sabes que tu quieres bailar conmigo.
That's all you ever wanna do, is argue with me and dance with me.
Todo lo que siempre has querido hacer, es discutir y bailar conmigo.
Sometimes I wonder when I grow that old.. ..who will be the fortunate old woman that will dance with me.
A veces me pregunto cuando sea de su edad quién será la anciana afortunada que bailará conmigo.
"Come dance with me."
"Ven baila conmigo."
"Come dance with me."
"Mira como mi corazón hace bum-bum."
"Dance with me romance with me."
"Baila conmigo, romancea conmigo."
- Can I ask you to dance with me?
- ¿ Puedo pedirte que bailes conmigo?
Come on, dance with me.
Ven, baila conmigo.
You dance with me?
¿ Bailas conmigo?
Come dance with me.
Baila conmigo.
Come and dance with me
Veni y baila conmigo
Will you go to the dance with me, Rosie?
¿ Irías conmigo, Rosie?
Dance with me.
Baila conmigo.
Paula, dance with me.
Ahora mismo, quiero bailar.
Go to the dance with me, and I'll be so happy. "
"Ve al baile conmigo, y seré tan feliz".
Do you want to go to the dance with me?
- ¿ Quieres ir al baile conmigo?
Why didn't you dance with me?
¿ Por qué no quieres bailar conmigo?
- dance with me, Come on!
- Baila conmigo, vamos!
So I guess you're not going to dance with me, then.
Supongo que no vas a bailar conmigo entonces.
Come on, dance with me.
Vamos, baila conmigo.
Wanna dance with me?
¿ Quieren bailar conmigo?
Will you go to the dance with me?
¿ Irias al baile conmigo?
Dance with me, Daddy.
Baila conmigo, Papi.
Come, dance with me.
Ven, baila conmigo.
Helena, you should dance with me. Oh my god, you should.
Helena, deberías bailar conmigo.
Dance with me, chulita.
Baila conmigo, chulita.
Detective Bellefleur, you come dance with me.
Detective Bellefleur, puede bailar conmigo.
If you want to dance, demon, you'll dance with me!
Si quieres bailar, demonio, bailarás conmigo.
Come dance with me, Mom.
Mamá, baila conmigo, mamá.
Young man, would you like to have a dance with me..
Hola, joven.
The only thing that's too bad is that I didn't get a chance... to visit his deathbed and dance in his ugly face for leaving me with that bitch.
Lo único que está mal es que no tuve oportunidad de visitar su tumba y bailarle con esta cara horrible por dejarme con esa perra.
Give me something solid and I'II dance with it.
Dame algo sólido y lo investigo.
Marriages with a fixed program, route maps, organized fun, always bugged me, with train timetables and a dance at the local inn.
En serio, las bodas con programa fijo, itinerarios y diversión organizada siempre me molestaron, así que nada de horarios de trenes ni baile en el albergue del lugar.
They dance pretty good for brothers, but I'm glad I got to dance with you.
Bailan muy bien para ser mis hermanos, pero me agradaria bailar contigo.
Well, if a girl asks a guy to a dance and he barely shows up, but she still waits to dance with him, can you tell me why not?
Bueno, si una chica, le pide bailar a un chico que aparece de repente y ella todavia espera bailar con el, puedes decirme, porque no?
I am fully aware of who I just married. So hurry up and change, because I want to dance with you.
Oye... estoy consciente sobre con quién me casé, así que apúrate y cámbiate, porque quiero bailar contigo.
Because if you keep giving me this tired-ass song and dance about trying to stop the Pontiac Killer, I'll make sure you're locked up in county with them big old boys.
Porque si sigues con esto de detener al Asesino de Pontiac me aseguraré de que te encierren con unos grandotes.
I flirted with you 30 years ago to piss my husband off, and now here you are, picking me up off the dance floor.
Yo coqueteé contigo hace treinta años para molestar a mi esposo y ahora estás aquí, levantándome de la pista de baile.
I passed out on the dance floor. I was vomiting, convulsing... it was a nightmare. And... after that, I mean, my boyfriend Noah... broke up with me.
Me desmayé en la pista de baile, caí, convulsionando, después de eso mi novio, Noah... rompió conmigo.
Well, she would turn the music up pretty loud and she would dance it out with me, but I don't think you want to go there.
Pondría la música muy fuerte y bailaría conmigo, pero no creo que quieras hacerlo.
- He knew he had me. This is the only place in town where you can dance with the dead.
Este es el único sitio de la ciudad donde se puede bailar con los muertos.
Dance with me.
Estoy bien.
If I have to wait to be killed I would rather dance frantically with Kotone!
¡ Si tengo que esperar a que me maten prefiero bailar frenéticamente con Kotone!
Speaking of the dance, want to go with me?
Hablando del baile, ¿ quieres ir conmigo?
First he sticks me with the sucky soul assignment, and then he makes me dance like a monkey.
Primero me clava con esta misión apestosa de las almas, y luego me hace bailar como un mono.

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