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Deal the cards translate Spanish

112 parallel translation
Come on, deal the cards. ─ Alright.
Venga, reparte.
I'll have to deal the cards again.
Tengo que volver a echarlas, me he equivocado.
Go ahead, deal the cards.
¡ Vamos! ¡ Da cartas!
¿ Jugamos a las cartas, eh?
Deal the cards.
Reparta las cartas.
Deal the cards.
Reparte las cartas.
Deal the cards.
- Reparta las cartas.
If I'm going to lose a hand, the least I want to do is deal the cards.
Si voy a perder la partida, cuándo menos quiero repartir las cartas.
- Deal the cards.
- Reparte las cartas.
Deal the cards.
Deal the cards.
Now, come on, deal the cards, damn it.
Ahora, venga, reparta las cartas, condénelo.
Deal the cards, Hopalong.
Reparta las tarjetas, Hopalong.
- Deal the cards.
- Baraja.
You want to play poker, deal the cards.
Si quieres jugar, baraja.
Will you deal the cards, Cluny?
¿ Juegas a las cartas, Cluny?
Deal the cards, Cluny, and you'll find out.
Reparte las cartas, Cluny, y lo sabrás.
Deal the cards, boys.
Repartan las cartas, muchachos.
Deal the cards.
Reparte los naipes.
Come on, deal the cards.
Vamos, reparte los naipes.
Deal the cards, Mister!
Reparte las cartas, maricón.
- Deal the cards.
¿ Quién va?
- Deal the cards.
Reparte las cartas.
– Deal the cards, bunky.
- Reparte las cartas, Bunky.
Deal the cards, Data.
- Come on, deal the cards.
- Vamos, baraja las cartas.
I'll deal the cards henceforth.
Yo me encargare de las cartas de ahora en adelante.
Whoever you are will you win the game in which I deal the cards?
Quien quiera que seas.. .. ganaras el juego del cual reparto las cartas?
Twice. So, would you guys shut up and deal the cards? Never in one night.
Dos veces, así que olviden eso y repartan las cartas.
Now... deal the cards, my boy.
Ahora,... reparte las cartas, muchacho.
You sure won't let me deal the cards.
Seguramente ya no me dejará repartir cartas.
Just deal the cards, will you?
Reparte las cartas, por favor.
In the meantime, you've gotta play the cards the way I deal them, Mac.
Mientras tanto, debes jugar las cartas como yo te las entregue, Mac.
Place a shiny gold cigarette case in front of you. When you're the bank, deal cards to your opponent right over it, like over a mirror.
Dejen sobre la mesa una brillante pitillera, después, como si se tratara de un espejo, pasen sobre ella... las dos cartas para la banca.
Don't deal any cards off the bottom with it.
- No saques ninguna carta del fondo.
Yo diré la carta que es mientras las doy.
You shuffled the cards, but now it's my deal.
Barajaste las cartas, pero ahora es mi turno. Solo hay una forma de manejarte.
- Deal the cards.
- Baraja las cartas.
How to stack cards and deal from the bottom?
¿ De cartero?
You deal out four columns of thirteen cards on the bed, you remove the aces.
Distribuyes sobre tu cama 4 hileras de 13 naipes, y retiras los ases.
In theory, you have the right to two more attempts, no sooner does the game appear lost than you scoop up all the cards, shuffle them once or twice, and deal them out again for another attempt.
En principio, tienes derecho a otros dos intentos, pero cuando se complica la jugada, recoges todas las cartas, las barajas 2 o 3 veces y las repartes de nuevo para volver a probar.
You shuffle the cards, deal them out, remove the aces, and take stock of the situation.
Barajas las cartas, las distribuyes, retiras los 4 ases, observas el juego.
Once again you deal out the fifty-two cards on your narrow bed.
Una vez más, distribuyes las 52 cartas sobre tu estrecho catre.
Deal the cards, boss.
Dos cartas.
I shuffle like cards the lives I deal with.
Barajo las vidas con las que trato como si fueran naipes.
- I deal with whoever holds the cards.
- Yo trato con quien tenga las cartas.
You sit round the table with your friends, and you deal out five "cards" each, and then the object of the game is to give away all your money as quickly as possible.
Te sientas a una mesa con los amigos, repartes cinco "cartas" a cada uno y el objetivo del juego es desprenderte de todo tu dinero lo antes posible.
Within a week, somebody'll come in to make a deal for himself... then the whole house of cards collapses. They're going down.
Dentro de una semana, alguien querrá llegar a un acuerdo, y todo el castillo de naipes, se vendrá abajo.
deal the cards.
Repartan las cartas.
From now on, I'll deal out the cards, you say "gin" whenever you feel like it.
Ahora yo reparto y tú cantas.
The big deal is those computers were bought with stolen cards.
Que fueron compradas con tarjetas robadas.

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