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Didn't matter translate Spanish

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It didn't matter really.
Mucho no importaba.
But I told him it didn't really matter. That I liked it.
Pero yo le dije que en realidad no importaba, que me gustaba.
It doesn't matter that he didn't attack you physically.
No importa que no te atacara físicamente.
We didn't matter.
No importabamos.
Didn't matter what kind of music either, a toe would start tapping.
No importaba qué clase de música, siempre estaba bailando.
I had feelings for you, kelly, and then you went to see dylan and... it doesn't matter'cause you didn't owe me anything.
Sabes, tenia sentimientos... hacia ti, Kelly, y cuando supe que fuiste a ver a Dylan... No importa, porque no me debias explicar nada.
I didn't. What does it matter?
No sabía nada. ¿ A caso importa algo?
For the first time in my life it didn't matter to me.
por primera vez en mi vida no me importava mi permanencia
You said it didn't matter if I believe it or not.
Dijiste que no tiene importancia si lo creo o no.
It didn't matter what Kim had to say. Elliot was already in car-sex mode.
Sin importar qué tuviera que decir Kim, Elliot pensaba en el sexo en el auto.
But you said the story didn't matter!
¡ Pero dijiste que la historia no importaba!
No matter how crazy it was to Joy now, Randy was her first love, and I didn't just rob Randy of what he had that summer, I robbed her, too.
No importaba cuán loco fuese para Joy ahora Randy fue su primer amor y no sólo le robé a Randy lo que tuvo ese verano se lo robé a ella también.
We didn't discuss the matter further.
No discutimos más el asunto.
But it didn't matter to him.
Pero no le importaba.
If I didn't have air conditioning and air circulation and ventilation fans moving the heat out of that room, these plants would cook in a matter of hours.
Si no tengo aire acondicionado y los ventiladores de circulación, de aire y ventilación moviendo el calor de esa habitación, estas plantas se cocinarían en cuestión de horas.
Then she told me to grow the fuck up and get on with my life, but that didn't matter, because it was one of those moments where I decided,
Y después me dijo que madure y que siga con mi vida. Pero eso no importó. Porque fue uno de esos momentos en los que decidí, resolví, que iba a seguir luchando.
Whatever happened in my dad's past... it didn't matter.
Pasara lo que pasara en el pasado de mi padre... no importaba.
It didn't matter.
No importaba.
Lucien's illness didn't matter here.
Aquí, la enfermedad de Lucien no era importante.
Didn't matter.
No importó.
And I realized my father wasn't the end-all, and it didn't matter what he thought of me, because I realized I didn't think that much of him anymore either.
Y me di cuenta que mi padre no lo era todo, y no importó lo que él pensara de mi, porque me di cuenta que yo tampoco pensaba tanto en él.
He didn't care no matter how much ever you cried.
No le importaba lo que te pasaba a ti.
Kinski. Could fuck, or get fucked, it didn't matter, he did what he wanted to, he defined himself.
Kinski podía coger o ser cogido, no le importaba, hacía lo que quería se definió a sí mismo.
'But either way, it didn't really matter'because our three King's Lynn crocks'had made it to the finishing line.
Pero de cualquier forma, realmente no importaba Porque nuestras tres chatarras de King's Lynn habían llegado a la línea de meta
In the Greek minds it didn't really matter that it wasn't his fault.
En las mentes griegas no importaba que no fuera su culpa.
But it didn't matter, did it?
Pero daba lo mismo, ¿ no?
But Agatha ended up dumping him, but that didn't matter.
Pero Agatha termino dejándolo a él, pero eso no importó.
i didn't make any sence, but it didn't matter.
no tenía sentido, pero no importaba.
And, I didn't wanna give her the satisfaction of knowing it really did matter what she said.
¿ vale? No le quería dar la satisfacción de saber que realmente me importaba lo que dijo.
i figured it didn't matter.
Me imaginaba que no importaba.
If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have brought it up, g.
Si no importara, no lo habrías comentado, G.
... because Sparky loved chasing a ball, and it didn't much matter what kind.
... Porque Sparky amaba perseguir una pelota, y no importaba mucho de qué tipo.
But it didn't matter, because every time we did it, I always thought, "We are, for sure, the coolest kids ever."
Pero no importaba, porque cada vez que lo hicimos, siempre pensé que éramos, de seguro, los niños más guays de la historia
And it didn't matter that that world was ruled by orangutans, because Heston went straight for the mute chick in the loincloth.
Y no importa que ese mundo estuviera dominado por orangutanes, porque Heston fue directo a la chica muda en taparrabos.
When I saw him again, I... All those years of petty arguments that tore us apart didn't seem to matter.
Cuando volví a verlo todos esos años de discusiones tontas parecían no importar.
I didn't... it won't matter.
No dije - No importa lo que hagas.
The money didn't matter.
El dinero no importa.
It didn't matter that it was bobby.
No importaba que fuera Bobby.
Every TV that we were asked to do, we did... and it didn't matter how stupid it was.
Y así, íbamos a cualquier show de TV que nos pedían... sin importar lo estúpido que fuera.
He greeted everyone, no matter if it was a soldier or an officer, he treated everybody equally, he didn't boast about being the president of the Ultra Group.
Saludaba a todo mundo, no importaba si era soldado u oficial, trataba a todos igual, no presumía ser el presidente del Grupo Ultra.
You didn't disturb me just for this trifling matter?
No me molestaste por algo tan trivial.
/... table tennis, it didn't matter.
... el tenis de mesa, no importaba.
That it didn't matter that she was fluffy or not terribly bright- - nothing else mattered.
Pero eso no importó que fuera frívola o no demasiado brillante, nada más importaba. Tenía toda mi atención.
Yeah, the matter is that she didn't, and we've never spoken about it.
Ya, la cuestión es que no lo hizo, y nunca hemos hablado de ello.
In fact, I didn't, but it don't matter.
De hecho, yo no, pero qué importa.
Actually, I didn't, but that doesn't matter.
En realidad, no dormí, pero no tiene importancia.
But that didn't matter.
Pero no me importaba.
Didn't matter how big a room it was, they were in the same room.
No importa lo grande que fuera el lugar, estaban con ellos.
what I know now and what I didn't know... when I held that gun and those pills in my hand... is that life has value... no matter how dark the past or tortured the present.
Lo que sé ahora y lo que yo no sabía... cuando sostuve esa pistola y las pastillas en la mano... es que la vida tiene valor... no importa cuán oscuro sea el pasado o torture el presente.
But no matter what we did, nothing worked It didn't work, and that's it!
Pero no importa lo que hicimos, nada funcionó
- But it didn't matter.
- Pero no importó.

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