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Disgust translate Spanish

1,480 parallel translation
You disgust me!
Me das asco.
Yeah. And have it serve as like a metaphor for inner disgust.
Sí, y que eso sirviera de metáfora para una repulsión interna.
Why does it disgust you?
¿ Por qué da asco?
I wanted to see if doing it with a man would disgust me.
Quería ver si al hacerlo con un hombre, me daba asco.
Sexual disgust?
¿ Asco sexual?
You disgust me.
Me das asco.
I disgust her?
La detesto.
Firstly, the very mention of the idea will cause Sandi to recoil in disgust. Whereupon, she will insist that I remove myself from the premises.
Primero, la idea hará que Sandi se espante de semejante asquerosidad y me pedirá que me retire de su casa.
And I know plenty of human customs which disgust me.
Yo conozco costumbres humanas que me dan asco.
Great, so we both disgust each other.
Genial, nos damos asco mutuamente.
I will not disgust you quite so much as I do now.
Ya no le disguste tanto como ahora lo hago...
And you disgust me.
Y me disgustas.
When I saw myself in the lake, I wanted to turn away in disgust.
Cuando me vi en el lago, tuve que admitirlo a disgusto.
'It was many months before I could look in a mirror without disgust.
Pasaron muchos meses antes de que yo pudiera mirarme en un espejo sin aversión.
With you, I'm filled with self-disgust.
Contigo, estoy lleno de autocompasión.
The two of you disgust me.
Tus dos "yo" me repugnan.
Be honest, Doesn't the fact that I'm older disgust you?
Honestamente... ¿ No te disgusta el hecho de que soy mayor?
I have a wife I love, who not only doesn't love me, but I disgust her.
Tengo una esposa que amo, que no solo no me ama sino que además disgusto.
You disgust me.
Me asqueas.
I disgust you very much. Yes.
- Veo que no te agrado.
Disgust me.
Me da asco.
You disgust me.
Me revuelves el estómago.
I really disgust you?
¿ Tanto asco te doy?
I hate myself and you disgust me!
Me odio y tú me das asco.
and I was filled with disgust, man.
Y me sentí enfermo, hombre.
You disgust me!
¡ Me dan asco!
You disgust me, man.
Me das asco, hombre.
and disgust me.
y asquearme.
You... disgust me.
Me repugnas.
You disgust me.
Me pone enfermo.
You disgust me!
¡ Tú me enojas!
It doesn't disgust you?
¿ No te da asco?
I disgust them. They say I stink.
Estoy enfadado con ellos.
You disgust me!
Me das asco!
But they do not disgust me.
Pero no me repugnan.
( EXCLAIMS IN DISGUST ) - I'm gonna miss Murray.
Voy a extrañar a Murray.
You disgust me!
¡ Me repugnas!
I only disgust roaches
A mí sólo me dan asco las cucarachas
In keeping with the trusty adage : "Starve a cold, disgust a fever."
Me quedo con el refrán : "Si el resfrío muere de hambre, se enoja la fiebre."
You people disgust me.
Ustedes me dan asco.
Says here the guy's feeling disgust and remorse.
Dice que el sujeto siente asco y remordimiento.
Rest assured that I was on the Internet within minutes registering disgust throughout the world.
No tardé en meterme en Internet para comunicar mi indignación.
You disgust me!
¡ Me das asco!
We all have felt the sting of human hatred, seen the disgust smolder in their eyes.
Todos hemos sentido el odio de los humanos, hemos visto la repugnancia en sus ojos.
I hate ghettos. They disgust me.
Odio los ghettos, me dan asco.
She tolerated everything. Spot, hatred, even disgust.
Soportan todo, burlas, odio y aversión.
- Lady, you disgust me.
- Señora, usted me repugna.
If I disgust you, tell me.
Pero, si yo le doy asco, puede decirlo.
It's not a question of disgust.
Pero no se trata de eso.
( EXCLAIMS IN DISGUST ) They are the worst.
Esos son los peores!

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