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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Do you know anything about that

Do you know anything about that translate Spanish

270 parallel translation
There was a wallet missing from the body. An ostrich-leather wallet. Do you know anything about that?
¿ Saben algo sobre su cartera desaparecida?
Do you know anything about that?
- ¿ Está al corriente?
- Do you know anything about that?
- ¿ Sabe algo de eso?
Do you know anything about that? Not much.
- ¿ Sabe algo sobre eso?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Sabe algo de eso?
- Do you know anything about that bus?
- ¿ Sabe algo de ese autobús?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Sabes algo acerca de ellas?
Do you know anything about that, Kate?
¿ Sabe algo acerca de eso, Kate?
Do you know anything about that, Norman?
¿ Sabe algo al respecto, Norman?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Sabe usted algo?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Sabe usted algo del asunto?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Sabe algo sobre eso?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Tú sabes algo?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Sabes algo acerca de eso?
- Do you know anything about that?
- ¿ Saben algo al respecto?
Do you know anything about that, Miss Parker?
¿ Sabes algo al respecto, Srta. Parker?
- Do you know anything about that? - No.
- Sí. ¿ Sabe algo de eso?
Do you happen to know anything about a diamond-and-platinum watch that was stolen, do you?
¿ Sabes algo de un reloj de diamantes y platino que fue robado?
Do you know anything about a letter with a secret mark on it that Mr. McKinley was expecting?
¿ Sabe algo de una carta con una marca secreta que el Presidente esperaba?
That's what they all kept saying : You don't know how to live, you must bear it, you can't do anything about it, it's your fate.
Todos lo dicen : no sabes vivir, no sabes vivir, aguanta, qué le vas a hacer, así es el destino.
Me conoces, sabes que no haré ninguna estupidez.
Wait a minute. How do I know that you know anything about her... that you're not trying to bluff me?
Un momento. ¿ Cómo sé que sabe algo sobre ella?
Can you understand that you can be in love, know that it's wrong and not be able to do anything about it?
Se puede estar enamorado, aún sabiendo que se está equivocado, pero sin poder hacer nada al respecto.
Do you know anything about love in that miserable soul of yours that dribbles itself into these letters?
¡ Qué sabe del amor un alma tan mezquina...
Clarence, do you realize that I don't know anything about you?
Clarence, ¿ te das cuenta de que no sé nada de ti?
Do you know anything whatever about those to dames... that would give me a chance to begin to work?
¿ Sabe alguna cosa referente a estas señoritas que me dé una oportunidad de volver a trabajar?
Colin Do you know anything about a secret garden? A garden that's been all locked up... and no one's been into for...
¿ Sabes algo sobre un jardín secreto al que no se puede entrar desde hace diez años?
It was the most exciting thing we could do, and that's all it's ever been about, is really enjoying and getting genuinely excited about the possibilities, not necessarily achieving anything of our ambitions, but just going into it with that sort of sense of wonder again, you know?
Era lo más emocionante que podíamos hacer, y de eso se trata, de disfrutarlo y de emocionarse de verdad con las posibilidades, no necesariamente de lograr nuestras ambiciones, sino que de lanzarse a ello y de hacerlo con capacidad de asombro, ¿ sabes?
Well, you know, I guess it's the kind of thing that you don't do anything about until you actually have to.
Supongo que es el tipo de cosas en el que no se piensa hasta que es necesario.
Do you guys know anything about that?
¿ No sabréis nada al respecto?
Do you know anything about that?
¿ Y sabes qué?
Do you know anything about Diaz that might help us?
¿ Puedes ayudarnos con algo sobre Díaz?
Marjorie, I don't know anything about writing, but I do know that you're the kind of woman that's gonna be good at whatever it is she decides to do.
- Marjorie, yo no entiendo mucho de novelas. Pero estoy seguro que tú eres la clase de mujer... que hace bien cualquier cosa que se proponga.
Do you know anything about that, Fish?
Así que creo que he resuelto por usted su pequeño misterio.
What do you mean? I don't know anything about that.
No me incluyáis en vuestra conversación, no sé nada de eso.
Do you know anything about a rash that's going around?
¿ Sabes si hay una epidemia de sarpullido?
We are on that heading, sir. Do you know anything about Farpoint Station, sir?
¿ Sabe algo de la estación Farpoint, Señor?
Something in me sensed not that I'd do anything about it I had, you know, certain daydreams about it.
Algo en mí sintió que no es que fuera a hacer nada pero tenía ciertas fantasías acerca de eso.
Now, y'all don't know anything about that, now, do you?
¿ Por casualidad saben algo de eso?
Do you know anything about the Array that's sending energy pulses to the fifth planet?
¿ Sabe algo de la estación que envía pulsos de energía al quinto planeta?
Do you know anything about the serial killings... that are all over the news?
¿ Sabes algo acerca de los asesinatos seriales.... que han aparecido en todas las noticias?
Or is it that Tumek said that you didn't know anything about Klingon women and you're afraid he's right? What do you want?
Cuando Grilka y yo nos casamos no hubo grandes muestras de afecto.
Ifyou know that, then you know Beaumont's gonna do anything Beaumont can... to keep from doin'them ten years... including'tellin'the federal government any and every motherfucking thing... about my black ass.
Si sabes eso, entonces sabes que Beaumont hará lo que pueda para no pasar ahí diez años incluyendo decirle al gobierno federal todo y cualquier cosa acerca de mi negro trasero.
Do you know anything about a scandal at around that time?
¿ Recuerda algo sobre un escándalo en aquellos tiempos? - ¿ Escándalo?
I know you couldn't do anything about that guard, but you can do something now.
Sé que no pudiste hacer nada por el guardia pero ahora sí puedes.
If you know in advance that everything is going to go back to the way it was, you could do anything for as long as you want without having to worry about consequences.
si supieras de antemano que todo va a volver a ser como era... podrías hacer cualquier cosa, cuantas veces quisieras... sin preocuparse por las consecuencias.
Okay, which, you know, I don't know I don't know anything about shingles and roofing, and I just know how to tie knots, that's pretty much all I know how to do.
No sé nada de matojos ni material para el tejado, y no sé como atar nudos.
How are you supposed to do that? I don't know anything about walls.
¿ Y cómo vamos a hacer eso, señor?
You know what that relic means to the Taelons, and you know Zo'or's crazy enough... to do just about anything to get it back.
Sabes lo que representa esa reliquia para los Taelon y sabes que Zo'or está lo suficientemente loco como para hacer cualquier cosa para recuperarla.
I can come to the Mall of the Uncharted Territories, buy anthing I want cause I'm rich- - and that leather SM faced wacko Scorpy clone- - he's-he's, locked in here... here so, you know, I- - - -anything with all, you know, everything, is going to be just fine, but no- - my friend, she's sick, so we gotta find a place where she can heal- - and you have no idea what I'm talkin'about, do ya?
Sabes, poder llegar al Hiper de los Territorios Inexplorados, comprar todo lo que quiero porque, soy rico... y ese cara de cuero chiflado del clon de Scorpy, está, está encerrado por ahí... asi que, sabes, Yo nada de nada, sabes, todo iba a estar bien, pero, no mi amiga.
I don't suppose you know anything about that, do you? No...
¿ Sabe usted algo al respecto?

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