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Doctors without borders translate Spanish

162 parallel translation
I've volunteered to go to Bosnia for two months with Doctors Without Borders.
Me he presentado voluntario para ir a Bosnia con Médicos Sin Fronteras.
Something I've taken great pride in over the years is Sacred Heart's involvement in the esteemed "Doctors Without Borders" programme.
Siempre me enorgulleció la participación del Sagrado Corazón... en "Médicos sin fronteras".
- This is from Doctors Without Borders.
Lo avala Médicos Sin Fronteras.
- Doctors Without Borders.
- Médicos sin Fronteras.
So he's a doctor. But Doctors Without Borders?
¿ Pero Médicos sin Fronteras?
Doctors Without Borders, Medical Institute of Beijing.
Médicos sin fronteras. Instituto Médico de Beijing.
Doctors without borders... or apartments.
Médicos sin fronteras... ni apartamentos.
Doctors Without Borders. They're opening a new clinic in Guatemala and they- - they want me to come help set it up.
Médicos sin fronteras, va a abrir una clínica en Guatemala, y quieren que yo vaya, para organizarla.
I mean, I gave up Doctors Without Borders to be with Grace.
Dejé Medicos sin frontera, para estar con Grace.
Grace, Doctors Without Borders is there to prevent an entire population from being annihilated by infectious diseases.
Y escalofriante. - ¿ Entonces, estás bien?
- What? Doctors Without Borders called
Me llamaron de "Médicos sin frontera".
So anyway, when Leo got the call from Doctors Without Borders he didn't wanna go but I insisted
Cuando lo llamaron de "Médicos sin Frontera", Leo no quería ir. Pero yo insistí.
Because Doctors Without Borders... dinner without flavors.
Algo bueno. Porque Médicos sin frontera.... Cena sin sabor.
Well, if he did, there's no report of it. The record, unfortunately, was destroyed, and... the anesthesiologist is in Tanzania... "Doctors without borders", I believe.
Si lo hizo, no lo sabremos porque el informe fue destruido y el anestesiólogo ahora está en Tanzania con los Médicos Sin Fronteras.
No, but they're all the places that Doctors Without Borders brings good medical care and vaccinations and clean drinking water. What?
No, pero son donde los Médicos Sin Fronteras llevan asistencia médica, vacunas y agua potable. ¿ Qué?
Doctors Without Borders.
Médicos Sin Fronteras.
Because, uh, Doctors Without Borders seems to think they'll be seeing you quite soon in Namibia.
Porque los de Médicos sin Fronteras esperan verte pronto en Namibia.
And Doctors Without Borders is an organization we're both so committed to... so any sacrifices we have to make as a family are worth it.
Y ambos estamos muy comprometidos con Médicos Sin Fronteras así que cualquier sacrificio que debamos realizar como familia vale la pena.
- Doctors Without Borders.
- Médicos Sin Fronteras.
He's in Africa... ... working as a scrub nurse for Doctors Without Borders.
Está en África trabajando de enfermero para Médicos sin Fronteras.
Derek works with Doctors Without Borders.
Derek trabaja en Médicos sin Fronteras.
He works for Doctors Without Borders.
Trabaja para : "Médicos Sin Fronteras".
Well, then maybe we should try to track him down. Doctors Without Borders will know where he is.
Tal vez podamos ubicarlo a través de "Médicos Sin Frontera".
He was in Malawi on a Doctors Without Borders mission, but there was another guy, a Dr. Rose.
Estaba en Malawi en una misión de Médicos sin Fronteras, pero había otro tipo, el Dr. Rose.
I thought you were still in Lhasa with Doctors Without Borders.
Creí que todavía estabas en Lhasa con los Médicos Sin Fronteras.
Doctors Without Borders.
Doctores Sin Fronteras.
[Charles] Kenya was amazing. And being part of Doctors Without Borders was rewarding.
Kenia fue fabulosa, y pertenecer a Médicos Sin Fronteras fue satisfactorio.
I was with Doctors Without Borders for eight years.
Fui miembro de médicos sin fronteras durante 8 años.
Volunteer consultant with Doctors Without Borders.
Asesora voluntaria con Médicos sin Fronteras
I am sure we all agree that doctors without borders have done much good.
Gracias. Estoy seguro que todos concordamos que los médicos sin fronteras han hecho muchas cosas buenas.
His, uh, father just dumped him here for four weeks so he could jet off with his doctors without borders buddies and fix cleft palates in Kenya.
Su padre lo ha dejado aquí cuatro semanas para poder largarse con sus colegas de Médicos Sin Fronteras a arreglar paladares hendidos en Kenya.
Doctors without borders,
Médicos sin Fronteras,
In Doctors Without Borders. - ln Uganda!
Con Médicos sin Fronteras.
- ln Doctors Without Borders.
- En Médicos sin Fronteras.
- Doctors Without Borders said it was...
- Médicos sin Fronteras dijeron que era...
Carlos, any word from Doctors Without Borders?
Carlos, ¿ hay algo de Médicos sin Fronteras?
Doctors without Borders?
Doctores sin fronteras.
Then we did Doctors Without Borders for a couple of years, - before he moved here.
Después estuvimos en Médicos Sin Fronteras un par de años antes de que él viniera.
- Whoa. Pete did Doctors Without Borders?
- ¿ Pete estuvo en Médicos Sin Fronteras?
Yeah. I didn't see it. I was in Central Asia over the summer... doing Doctors Without Borders.
Sí, no la vi, yo estaba en el centro de los médicos sin fronteras durante el verano.
I'm still doing stuff for Doctors Without Borders.
Sigo con Médicos Sin Fronteras.
Global Recovery, Doctors Without Borders.
GreenPeace, Doctores sin Fronteras.
And you were in Somalia with Doctors Without Borders.
Y estuvo en Somalía con los Médicos Sin Fronteras.
Why did Doctors Without Borders leave?
¿ Por qué crees tú que el MSF se ha ido?
They were journalists from Doctors Without Borders.
Eran periodistas de MSF.
- I saw some action in Bosnia... doctors without borders.
Yo vi algo de acción en Bosnia.
Yeah, when I was with Doctors Without Borders
Si, cuando estaba en "Médicos son fronteras".
You were with Doctors Without Borders?
¿ Estuviste en "Médicos sin fronteras".
I'm giving up Doctors Without Borders.
Dios mío, ¿ estás seguro?
He works for Doctors Without Borders.
Cariño, es un gran tipo.
Now he's with Doctors Without Borders.
Sí, sí, sí.

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