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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Don't follow me

Don't follow me translate Spanish

898 parallel translation
I don't follow... You've a guest by the name of Virgilio Guzman.
Me gustaría ver su habitación y una copia de su pasaporte.
Don't make me laugh. Naughty gypsy children are soon to follow.
Pero no es cosa de risa, los gitanillos llegan deprisa.
Follow me. You'll find I don't do so bad either.
No me las arreglo tan mal.
Don't say a word, and follow me, or I'll strangle you!
No digas nada, y sígueme, ¡ o te estrangularé!
- And don't follow me anymore!
- ¡ Y ya deje de seguirme!
I know you don't follow Arsenal but they're a good bet, believe me.
No entiendo. - No, pero es una buena apuesta. Creanme.
Now, in case you folks don't follow me, I'll tell you that this mouse here... has just had a padlock put on The Paradise... and thrown all of Blackie Norton's performers in jail.
En caso de que no me entiendan, les diré que esta rata... ha cerrado con candado El Paraíso... y metió a todos los artistas de Blackie en la cárcel.
I don't understand why you insist when it's such a pain not to follow you.
¿ Por qué insistes? Me entristece, pero no puedo ir contigo.
- And don't get excited, just follow me. Come on, follow me.
Y no os pongáis nerviosos, seguidme.
Run along home and play with your dolls... and don't follow me anymore.
Vete a casa a jugar con tus muñecas y deja de seguirme.
You don't have to follow me. I'm going your way.
No me sigas, voy en tu dirección.
So, if you don't follow me, we cannot perform together anymore.
Así que, si no me sigues, ya no podemos interpretar juntos.
Well, don't follow me about.
Entonces, no me persigas.
I don't know whether Burke's guilty or innocent, But I thought you had something, Something important, and you wanted to follow it through.
No sé si Burke es culpable o inocente, pero me pareció que tenías algo, algo importante que querías hacer.
I don't really follow you.
Te confieso que no me encuentro muy bien.
Don't follow me into the house.
¿ Que no? ¡ Me canso!
And don't follow me.
Y no me siga.
Si no le importa, nos gustaría que viera a nuestro sastre.
Don't follow me.
No me sigas.
- Meet me in yonder window embrasure, and look as though you know nothing. - I don't quite follow.
Me temo que no le sigo.
You follow me, don't you?
Me sigue, ¿ verdad?
- Do me a favour and don't follow me, alright?
- Hazme un favor y no me sigas, ¿ vale?
But I'm afraid I don't follow you.
Me temo que me he perdido.
If so, they will follow me and I don't need something else.
Si es así, me seguirán y yo no necesito nada más.
- Why don't you just follow me, Birmingham?
- ¿ Por qué no me sigues?
Somewhere where I don't believe you'll be able to follow me. I don't believe ghosts can travel over water.
A alguna parte donde no creo que podáis seguirme... porque no ceo que los espectros puedan viajar por el agua.
Don't follow me.
No me venga siguiendo.
- Or don't you follow me?
- ¿ O es que no me sigue?
They follow me around to see that strangers don't annoy me.
Para asegurarse de que no me molesten los forasteros.
If you love me, please, please, don't follow me.
Por favor, sí me queréis de veras, os suplico que os abstengáis de seguirme
Don't try to follow me.
No intentes seguirme.
Martha, if you don't go in the bedroom and shut up.. I'm going to follow Eloise right out that window.
Martha, si no te encierras en el cuarto y te callas, me tiraré por la ventana con Eloise.
Don't try to follow me tonight or I'll put a dent in that ugly head of yours.
Te preocupas. No trates de seguirme esta noche o te romperé la cabeza.
- Don't follow me!
- No me sigas!
As long as I'm not at the bank, I don't have to follow those rules and regulations, do I?
Como estoy fuera del banco, ya no me afectan sus normas.
No, don't follow me.
Me voy a morir.
I don't like them any more than you do, but we've got to follow orders. Come on.
A mí tampoco me agradan, pero tenemos que obedecer las órdenes.
Don't follow me in here!
¡ No te atrevas a entrar aquí a beber!
If you don't follow me, I kill you.
Le mataré si no viene conmigo.
I don't follow all that, sir.
No me entero de esas cosas, señor.
- Don't follow me, Josie.
- No me sigas Josie
You do follow me, don't you?
Me sigue, ¿ no?
Don't follow, look at my baton!
Ustedes no me siguen. Fíjense en mi batuta.
And don't try to follow me, or I still might.
Y no me sigáis o puede que lo haga.
- Don't follow me!
- ¡ No sigáis!
Those who don't want to follow me can go beg from them.
Que salgan por ella todos los que no quieran seguirme.
Don't follow me, go and buy an ice cream or take walk with the others.
No vengas detrás de mí, vete a comprar un helado, o a dar una vuelta con los otros.
I don't want you to follow me anymore.
No quiero que me sigas más.
Don't follow me. We won't see each other again.
Noo venga detrás mía.
Don't be alarmed about me-- - they can't follow me I'm outwitting them this time
Así que cuando leas esto, el pequeño Jimmy y yo, estaremos de camino a Georgia.
You know, I don't consider myself a snob, But I'm sure there's no one among my acquaintances Who follow women to powder rooms.
Yo no me considero un snob, pero nadie entre mis amistades es capaz de seguir a una dama al tocador.

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