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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Don't mind me

Don't mind me translate Spanish

9,444 parallel translation
- I don't... I don't mind.
- ¡ No me molesta!
- Don't mind me.
- No se preocupen por mí.
No, I don't mind.
No, no me importa.
If you don't mind me asking.
Si no te molesta que pregunte.
Don't mind me.
No me hagan caso.
- I don't mind.
- No me importa.
I don't mind if you don't, but I wondered why.
No me importa si no quieres, pero me preguntaba por qué.
I don't mind shooting people.
No me importa disparar a la gente.
You don't mind if I pull myself a pint, do you?
Gracias. No te importa si me sirvo un trago, ¿ verdad?
I don't mind giving interviews and things like that.
No me molesta dar entrevistas y cosas así.
Just so you know, I don't mind a little... thinning on top.
Solo para que lo sepa, no me importaría un poco de... volumen ahí arriba.
I'm quite proud of that line, actually, so I don't mind if you want to use it in your brochures.
Estoy muy orgullosa de esa línea, la verdad, así que no me importaría que la utilizasen en sus panfletos.
Oh, I don't mind.
Oh, no me importa.
I'd really like to give him a solid day of rest if you don't mind.
Me gustaría dejarlo descansar todo el día si no te importa.
I don't mind.
No me importa.
No problem there, Johnny, I don't mind helpin'out.
No hay problema, Johnny. No me molesta ayudar.
I couldn't care less who with and I certainly don't mind "Frauleins".
No me importa con quién y por supuesto no me desagradan las "señoritas".
As long as it's healthy, I don't mind what it is.
Mientras esté sano, no me importa lo que sea.
As long as it serves its purpose, I don't mind.
Mientras cumpla su propósito, no me importa.
That's cool. I don't mind.
Está bien, no me importa.
( Laughs ) I don't mind.
No me importa.
~ I don't mind.
- No me importa.
I think I might stick with Doc, if you don't mind.
Creo que me quedaré con doc, si no te molesta.
If you don't mind my asking, sir... since your arrest, where have you been?
Si me permite que se lo pregunte, señor, desde su detención, ¿ dónde ha estado?
You two don't mind, do you, if I steal Dom away for a few?
¿ No les importa si me llevo a Dom por unos minutos?
I don't mind dying.
No me importa morir.
How did you get those scars, you don't mind me asking?
¿ Cómo te hiciste esas cicatrices... si puedo preguntar?
I don't mind.
Es que no me molesta.
Yeah, because I don't care how any of us got here, it's mind-blowing, incredible and grand.
Sí, porque no me importa cómo terminamos aquí. Es asombroso, increíble y grandioso.
I can give it as hard as I can take it, and I don't mind going to jail.
Puedo darle tan duro como puedo tomarlo, y no me importa ir a la cárcel.
Don't mind me.
No me preocupa.
Although I don't mind if someone sneaks a peek in my direction, for obvious reasons. ♪ Cokecan, ♪ blessed... You know what I'm saying?
Aunque no me importa si alguien mira en mi dirección, por obvias razones. ¿ Sabes que estoy diciendo?
Let me grab that door behind you, if you don't mind.
Déjame agarrar la puerta, si no te importa.
Now that I know the truth, I don't mind.
Ahora que sé la verdad, no me importa.
Let him stay a few more days, I don't mind.
Déjalo quedarse unos días más, a mí no me molesta.
I love Bhaskor da,.. or maybe he has already made a plan of coming back as Piku's kid... daughter.. don't mind me saying but I need to tell you something.
Yo amo a Bhaskor da. Piku, ven aquí un minuto. O tal vez él ya ha hecho un plan para volver.
I don't mind staying.
No me importa quedarme.
I'm quite proud of that line actually, So I don't mind if you want to use it in your brochures.
Estoy muy orgullosa de esa línea, la verdad, así que no me importaría que la utilizasen en sus panfletos.
I don't mind you singing, Melody.
No me importa que cantes, Melody.
I don't mind.
No me molesta.
Dude, I don't mind.
Tío, no me importa.
I don't mind three of us going out.
No me importa que salgamos los tres.
I like it when you stink. I don't mind.
Me gusta que apestes.
How much do you pay, if you don't mind me asking?
¿ Cuánto pagas? Si no te molesta que pregunte.
How much did that set you back, if you don't mind me asking?
¿ En cuanto te salió? Si no te molesta que pregunte.
If you don't mind, I'd like to see somebody.
Si no le importa, me gustaría ver a una persona.
I hope you don't mind me calling this late.
Espero que no te moleste que llame tan tarde.
Oh, I don't mind waiting.
No me molesta esperar.
- I don't mind.
- No me molesta.
Don't mind if i do.
No me molestaría.
Don't mind me.
No me importa.

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