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Drunk driver translate Spanish

348 parallel translation
Sure. And my client slugged me... carried me out, put me in my car, ran it over a curb, poured whiskey on me... and then went somewhere to call the police and report a drunk driver.
Claro, y mi cliente me golpeó... me llevó al carro, lo dejó al lado de la calle y me echó whisky encima... y luego llamó a la policía para informar de un conductor borracho.
Said he was a citizen who wanted to report a drunk driver.
Hizo un aviso anónimo sobre un borracho que conducía.
A drunk driver wants to come in with his car!
¡ Un conductor borracho quiere entrar con su coche!
I'm a car thief, a drunk driver, and a murderer.
Soy ladrón de coches, conductor borracho y asesino.
"You're my drunk driver," he's saying.
"tu eres mi conductor borracho". eso dice.
There's this drunk driver who's peed all over himself, who's looking for his sister.
- Había un borracho que se hizo encima y buscaba a su hermana.
Yes. Lila tried to pass it off as a drunk driver, but I don't think so.
Lila dijo que era un conductor ebrio, pero yo no lo creo.
It was just a drunk driver.
Era un conductor borracho.
Crazy drunk driver.
Otro loco borracho.
No, no.Some drunk driver ran into a radio car at my crime scene.Friggin'idiot.
No, no. Un conductor borracho estrelló su coche con... el coche radio de mi escena del crimen. Estúpido idiota.
When Dean was run down by a drunk driver..... I flew up to Tulsa.
Cuando Dean fue arrollado por un conductor borracho volé hasta Tulsa.
A cop killed waitress, a drunk driver and now this musician...
Una camarera, un conductor borracho, ahora un músico
She'll be classified as just another drunk driver.
La clasificarán como una simple borracha más.
If she'd been hit by a drunk driver...
Si Ia hubiera atropellado un auto...
Probably a drunk driver.
Seguro estaba ebrio.
Drunk driver.
Un automovilista ebrio.
A drunk driver hit our car.
Un conductor ebrio nos chocó.
He was killed by a drunk driver just a month before he was to graduate.
Un mes antes de graduarse un conductor borracho lo arrolló con su automóvil.
Cruzó la parte...
A drunk driver hit our car.
Un chofer ebrio chocó nuestro auto.
Drunk driver hit a carload of kids on their way to the prom.
Un conductor borracho chocó contra unos chicos que iban a un baile.
- Are you a drunk driver?
- Es usted un conductor borracho?
- Nonsense. - I'm an excellent drunk driver.
Tonterías, soy excelente manejando borracho.
Says he was killed by a drunk driver.
Decía que lo mató un conductor borracho.
The drunk driver that killed Coach Burke's son.
El conductor que mató al hijo del entrenador Burke.
Oh, drunk driver. She lost her husband and son.
Un borracho mató al esposo y al hijo.
- Drunk driver.
- Conductor ebrio. Bien, vamos.
A drunk driver, probably.
Tal vez un motociclista bebido.
But as soon as he backs out of his driveway... Bam! He gets slammed big-time by a drunk driver.
Entonces, justo al dar marcha atrás, chocó con un borracho.
Drunk driver hit him.
Lo mató un conductor ebrio.
- A drunk driver.
- Un conductor ebrio.
She was on a pedestrian crossing and was hit by a drunk driver.
Ella iba por un paso de peatones y un conductor borracho la atropelló.
So your drunk driver just got out and ran away?
así que tu conductor ebrio se salió y escapó?
Drunk driver.
Un conductor ebrio.
I may be a drunk driver but I'm not a murderer.
Puedo ser una conductora ebria, pero no una asesina.
- There was a drunk driver and they ran the light at 1 8th and Potomac.
- Un conductor ebrio. Se pasó el semáforo de la 1 8 y Potomac.
She bought her first new car and you hit her with a drunk driver. What?
Compró su primer auto nuevo y la estrellaste con una ebria.
Drunk driver.
- Sí. Iba borracho.
Today, on the Olympic Expressway in Seoul, a drunk truck driver crashed his truck and killed one person.
Temprano esta mañana, en la carretera Olímpica... un camionero ebrio estuvo involucrado en un accidente... que resultó en una muerte.
Just the other morning, I read about Mr Cedar's own son, how he got drunk and insisted on driving a taxicab while the driver sat inside.
El otro día leí que el propio hijo del Sr. Cedar iba tan borracho que quería conducir un taxi y llevar al taxista de pasajero.
I told them the autopsy proved that our truck driver wasn't drunk, and I asked for a retraction.
Les dije que la autopsia probó que no estaba ebrio... y pedí una retractación.
The Brink's driver gets drunk, beats up his wife gets into a beef with the cops and got fired.
El conductor se emborracha, pega a su mujer tiene un riña con la policía y le despiden.
Who, drunk, ran into a wagon, killing the horses... and wounding the driver?
¿ Quién, estando borracho, chocó contra un carro mató los caballos, hirió al cochero?
A couple hours later, I was standing in the middle of Lexington Avenue, not looking or acting drunk, but I had my gun pointed at a taxi driver because I didn't like the way he was honking his horn.
Un par de horas después estaba parado en el medio de la Av. Lexington sin aparentar estar ebrio pero tenía mi arma apuntada a un taxista porque no me gustaba cómo sonaba su bocina.
A drunk truck driver did that.
Un camionero borracho hizo eso.
The trouble was, this cab driver was on a serious drunk.
La cosa es que el taxista sí que estaba borracho.
- Fucking drunk driver.
Maldito conductor ebrio.
Hey, are you blind or a drunk driver.
eh, es usted un deslumbra o un chófer ebrio
The day I went off to college was the day that Sam got his driver's license, and he celebrated by taking a drive with some of his f riends... drunk and high as a paper kite.
El día que fui a la universidad fue el día que Sam recibía su carnet de conducir, y lo celebró cogiendo un coche con algunos de sus amigos... borracho y colgado como una cometa de papel.
The only person who had anything to do with her death was the driver, Henri Paul, who was drunk.
El único que tuvo algo que ver con su muerte... fue el chófer, Henri Paul, que estaba borracho.
I said... that I had a car accident when I was a kid. The driver was drunk.
Le dije que tuve un accidente de auto cuando era niño... y que el conductor estaba borracho.

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