Eat up translate Spanish
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Oh, yeah, it's all that thing does - - piss, moan, and eat up money we ain't got.
Sí, todo lo que hace es... molestar, gemir y gastar el dinero que no tenemos.
Please, eat up.
Por favor, devórelo.
I ordered it, so eat up.
Yo lo pedí, así que lo comeré.
Eat up.
Eat up, my little babies.
Coman, mis pequeños bebés.
Well, eat up, girls.
Bueno, terminad de comer, chicas.
Let's all eat up and build up our strength.
Así que comamos y ganemos fuerza.
Eat up, chumps.
Come, tonto.
Today we eat up to half of our body weight in sugar every year.
Actualmente comemos hasta la mitad de nuestro peso en azúcar cada año.
Eat up, boys!
¡ Coman, muchachos!
Eat up already.
Coma ya.
Eat up.
Just shut up and eat your food.
Come y calla.
They eat it up.
Se la comen.
I grabbed something to eat and, um, popped up to see her in her room but the lights were off, yeah.
Así que he cogido algo para comer y he subido a su habitación a verla pero las luces estaban apagadas, sí.
Are you the same lady who recently posted on the message boards, "I will give up my priority on the waiver wire as soon as Pete shits out an omelet for Andre to eat."
Eres la misma dama que puso en el foro : "Daré mi prioridad en los fichajes tan pronto como Pete cague una tortilla para que se la coma Andre".
What, you wake up and eat your Wheaties this morning or something?
Qué, te despiertas y te comes tus cereales esta mañana o algo?
Now, eat it up, girls.
Comedlo todo, chicas.
You know, everybody says they ride the roller coaster for their kids, but the adults eat it up.
Ya sabes, todo el mundo dice que suben a la montaña rusa por sus hijos, pero los adultos lo disfrutan.
I mean, he cases us all up and down, from first base to home, trying to eat us alive.
Adivina con qué mataremosss al rey de fuego.
I'll heat us up something to eat.
Calentaré algo para comer.
She didn't eat enough seals before the ice broke up.
No comió suficientes focas antes que el hielo se rompiera.
Here, eat up.
Toma, come.
I mean, living with that can eat you up.
Quiero decir, vivir con eso puede acabar contigo.
No, I want to eat sushi off of some Jap broad's tits. Hmm. All right, guys, listen, I whipped us up a couple of backstories here, so take a look at these cards.
No, quiero comer sushi servido encima de las tetas de alguna japo.
I swear I could just eat you up, but, you know, then I'd probably get a sugar rush,'cause you are just so sweet, and if you think
Juro que simplemente podría comerte, pero, ya sabes, probablemente me daría un ataque glicémico.
They weren't good at hunting, just like I'm not good at jobs, but they would eat the food provided by the hunters and in exchange they would think up a lot of really cool stuff for the future and shit.
No eran buenos para cazar, como yo no soy bueno para los trabajos, pero podían comer la comida suministrada por los cazadores y a cambio ellos idearían un montón de cosas chulas para el futuro y esa mierda.
Twins in costumes- - the people eat it up.
Gemelos disfrazados... la gente caía.
And since he's gearing up for hibernation, he can eat twice that.
Y como se está preparando para hibernar, puede comer el doble.
Just eat it and perk up a little.
Sólo come y anímate un poco.
I could just bite him and eat him up.
Podría solo morderlo y comérmelo completico.
Then you grow up and eat beef...
Ven aquí.
I swear, I could just eat you up, but you know, then I'd probably get a sugar rush.
Te lo juro, yo podría comerte, pero ya sabes, entonces probablemente se me subiría el azúcar.
Up you have enough to eat.
Arriba tienes comida de sobra.
I forced him to go to school after Halloween, and he probably threw up and told everyone I made him eat all his candy.
Lo forcé a ir a la escuela después de halloween, y probablemente vomitó y le dijo a todo el mundo que yo lo hice comer todos sus dulces.
Everyone eat and clean up.
Todo el mundo come y a limpiar
Japanese fellas eat those up.
Los japoneses se los comen.
Why am I gonna wrap it up when I'm just gonna eat it.
¿ Por qué voy a envolverlo cuando estoy a punto de comerlo?
I'll be reminded that I had to eat dry pancake mix because all our money went up her nose?
¿ Recordaré que tenía que comer una mezcla de tortita seca porque todo nuestro dinero subía por su nariz?
You want to wash up before we eat?
¿ Quieres lavarte antes de comer?
I'm just saying shut up and let me eat my sandwich.
Sólo digo que callar y déjame comer mi sándwich.
We walked up to tree mail this morning and there was bacon and sausage and I'll tell you, your strength starts to return just from knowing you're going to eat.
Fuimos al árbol del correo hoy y había, tocino, salchichas, y te digo, tus fuerzas comienzan a volver con sólo saber de que vas a comer.
You can't eat them afterwards, but it's fun watching them blow up.
No puedes comértelos después, pero es divertido verlos volar.
I was looking forward to going up to complete strangers on the street and saying "eat me," but she won't leave.
Yo esperaba abordar a completos extraños en la calle y decirle "Cómeme", pero ella no quiso ir.
Can I eat it up?
¿ Puedo chuparla?
I want to eat it up with my mouth
Quiero chuparla.
I'm going to eat you up.
Te vamos a comer.
I want to eat you up.
Quiero comerte.
You might as well just eat me up.
Deberías mejor devorarme.
And he'd say, "Get up, baby. Come and eat."
Y él me decía : "Levántate, baby Ven y come.".
Couldn't you just eat him up?
¿ No podrías simplemente comer?
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upsy 47
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upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
up top 130
upside down 57
up yours 130
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up we go 50
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up against the wall 84
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up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87