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Empire state building translate Spanish

384 parallel translation
He is making for the Empire State Building.
Va al Empire State.
Kong is climbing the Empire State Building.
Kong está subiendo al Empire State.
If he's only got $ 1.10, he goes to the top of the Empire State Building.
Sólo tiene un dólar y sube al último piso del edificio Empire State. A la azotea.
BILL :... the picture of the Empire State Building.
La foto del Empire State.
Where? On top of the Empire State Building?
En la azotea del edificio Empire State.
Top of the Empire State Building.
En el edificio Empire State.
And they have a man watching me, from the top of the Empire State Building... with radar.
Y tienen a un hombre vigilándome desde la cima del Empire State... con un radar.
Gave me diction and a job as a barker on the Empire State Building.
Clases de dicción y un trabajo de guía en el Empire State Building.
Empire State Building.
Empire State Building...
Will he find the Empire State Building?
¿ Se encuentra en el Empire State Building?
He did not kiss me from the Empire State Building.
No lo hace desde el Empire State Building.
We met today Rooftop the Empire State Building.
Nos conocimos hoy... en la última planta del Empire State Building.
Lovely people attending the Empire State Building.
La gente con encanto frecuenta el Empire State Building.
The architect the Empire State Building.
El arquitecto del Empire State Building.
If he gets any bigger, we'll rent him out like the Empire State Building.
Si crece más, le alquilaremos el Empire State.
No stunts now, like buzzing the Empire State Building.
No vaya a dar vueltas alrededor del Empire State.
The top of the Empire State Building?
¿ En lo alto del Empire State Building?
There's the Empire State Building.
Ahí está el Empire State Building.
I thought the Empire State Building was this way, and it's that way.
Creía que el Empire State Building estaba por ahí.
There's this big ape, and he's on top of the Empire State Building and there are thousands of planes coming to attack him.
Es ese gran mono, y está en la cima del Empire State y miles de aviones vienen a atacarlo.
You know man Is the only animal clever enough to build the Empire State Building and stupid enough to jump off it
El hombre es el único animal capaz de construir el Empire State Building y lo bastante tonto como para tirarse de él.
It will use the Empire State Building for ground zero.
Usará el edificio Empire State como punto de impacto.
Proportionately this would grow to, well, say, 200 times higher than the Empire State Building.
Proporcionalmente, esto debería crecer hasta... 200 veces la altura del edificio Empire State.
But what I saw from the top of the Empire State Building, I wouldn't mind going back there.
Pero lo que vi desde la parte superior del Empire State Building, no me importaría volver allí.
It's the story of a man who gets murdered while staring at top of the Empire State Building.
Es la historia de un hombre al que asesinan mientras contempla la azotea del Empire State Building.
Have you ever climbed the Empire State Building?
Has subido alguna vez al Empire State Building?
What about if we go to the Empire State Building?
Qué le parece si nos vamos al Empire State Building?
Here, on top of the Empire State Building you're on the hundredth and second storey above the ground level.
Aquí, en lo alto del Empire State Building, se encuentran en la planta cientodos sobre el nivel del mar.
D ´ you ever see the Empire State Building?
¿ Has visto el Empire State?
Empire State Building?
¿ El Empire State?
I want to go Empire State Building.
Quiero ir al Empire State.
She didn't ask you to jump from the Empire State Building she's not asking you for your blood.
No te pidió en absoluto que saltaras del Empre State Building.
That stuff they got at Niagara Falls, the Empire State Building pennants, pens, gimmicks.
Lo que venden en las Cataratas del Niágara, en el Empire State Building... banderines, lapiceras, aparatitos.
He could see a couple of shows... visit the top of the Empire State Building.
Puede ir al teatro o visitar el Empire State Building.
I go to the top of the Empire State Building. You know, the- - that building, the big- - And I am up there by myself, and nobody know I am there.
Fui al techo del Empire State, ya sabes... ese edificio, grande y estoy allá sola, y nadie sabe que estoy allá miro abajo y veo a todos los autos y a las personas... y estoy sola, y nadie sabe que estoy allá.
You could blow up the Empire State Building complete, and you could leave the 10th floor hanging. But your brains wouldn't fill your nose! How is it your fault?
Podrías hacer volar el Empire State Building... y dejar la décima planta colgando, pero tienes menos cerebro que un mosquito. ¿ Qué culpa tienes?
I'll shoot the light out in the Empire State Building.
¡ Voy a darle a la luz del Empire State!
"I'll meet you at the Empire State Building at 1 : 00 p.m."
"Estaré en el Empire State a las 13 : OO".
We drank Californian wine, and in the evening, the Empire state Building lit up only for us.
Bebimos vino de California, y por la noche, el Empire state estaba iluminado sólo para nosotros.
When I was ten I got sick in the Empire State Building.
Me descomponía en el ascensor del edificio Empire State.
- l wanna see the Empire State Building.
- Quiero ver el Empire State Building.
Probably in New York climbing the Empire State building.
Probablemente esté en Nueva York, trepando en el Empire State.
Space creatures conspiring with the Soviet government already control our thoughts by sending out electrical currents from the top of the Empire State Building, and I'm the only one that knows.
Los extraterrestres, con los rusos, dominan nuestra mente emitiendo una corriente eléctrica desde lo alto del Empire State Building, y soy el único que lo sabe.
It's where the big companies are, and it's also where the Empire State Building is.
El hogar de todas las grandes empresas y el Empire State Building.
So have you gone to the Empire State Building yet and the Statue of Liberty?
¿ Y has visitado el Empire State o la Estatua de la Libertad?
I watched the creature from the empire state building but at night it's closed.
Lo observé desde el Empire State Building, pero por la noche está cerrado.
You're a scientist as tall as the empire state building.
Los científicos son tan altos como el Empire State Building.
She's gonna show me Central Park... the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building.
Me mostrará Central Park la Estatua de la Libertad y el Empire State.
If Ben Luckett decides to jump offthe Empire State Building, do you have to do it too?
Si Ben Luckett decide saltar desde el Empire State, ¿ tu también lo haces?
For that kind of money I'd climb the Empire State Building.
Escalaría el Empire State Building.
And this is the Empire State Building.
Este es el Empire State Building.

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