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Enderby translate Spanish

105 parallel translation
Ship's Samuel Enderby of London.
Mi barco, el Samuel Enderby de Londres.
"Jesse Reed, prominent cattleman of this territory " took fast action " when his daughter Nancy ran off with Dave Enderby
Jesse Reed, ganadero destacado de la zona, actuó rápidamente cuando su hija, Nancy, se fugó con Dave Enderby, un sospechoso de asesinato.
Well, Dave Enderby ran off with your daughter, shot you in the leg and ambushed 21 of your men.
Dave Enderby se fugó con su hija. Le disparó y acorraló a 21 de sus hombres.
You're paying for Dave Enderby delivered and breathing.
Está pagando por Dave Enderby, entregado con vida.
Why, you overdressed tin soldier, you have about as much chance against Enderby as a ribbon clerk.
Soldadito de plomo recargado tiene tantas posibilidades contra Enderby como un bebé.
There's a man called Dave Enderby.
Hay un hombre llamado Dave Enderby.
Señor Enderby. My friend.
El Sr. Enderby es mi amigo.
I tell you, stranger. Don't ever get mixed up with that Dave Enderby.
Le diré, no se meta con ese Dave Enderby.
You must be very happy here, Mrs. Enderby.
- Debe estar feliz aquí, Sra. Enderby.
The Gospel by Saint Enderby.
- La verdad de San Enderby.
I came after Dave Enderby, and he's still there.
Vine por Dave Enderby y él sigue aquí.
Anyway, I've put myself in Mrs. Enderby's hands.
Como sea, me puse en las manos de la Sra. Enderby.
I know Mr. Enderby's rich but he's, well, rather eccentric, to say the least.
Señorita Marple. Conozco al rico Sr. Enderby. Pero él es excéntrico para decir lo menos.
Mr. Enderby?
¿ Sr. Enderby?
Don't be alarmed, Mr. Enderby.
No se alarme, Sr. Enderby.
The victim is old Mr. Enderby. Enderby?
La víctima es el viejo Sr. Enderby.
What are you talking about?
¿ Enderby?
Yes, old Enderby was frightened to death.
Sí, el viejo Enderby fué asustado de muerte.
I cooked the piece of mud we found in old Enderby's house and then filled the hole with plaster.
Cociné el pedazo de barro que encontramos en la casa del viejo Enderby. Y luego llene el agujero con yeso.
That piece of fresh mud was stuck between the sole and heel of someone's riding boot. Someone who visited Mr. Enderby just before he died. The murderer, you mean?
Aquel pedazo de barro fresco estaba pegado entre la suela y el talón de la bota de equitación de alguien Alguien que visitó al Sr. Enderby justo antes de que muriera.
I'm sure everyone in Milchester is interested to know how much Old Enderby had left, and to whom.
Estoy seguro de cada uno en Milchester quiere saber cuanto dejó Enderby.
- Mr. Enderby was murdered.
El Sr. Enderby fue asesinado.
And that's where her brother, Mr. Enderby, visited her.
Allí era donde su hermano el Sr. Enderby la visitaba.
- Mrs. Lansquenet told me they were all staying with Mr. Hector Enderby for a few days.
La Sra Lansquenet me dijo ellos estaban quedándose con el Sr Enderby por unos dias.
- Mr. Enderby, Inspector Craddock.
Sr. Enderby. Inspector Craddock.
A statement to the effect that your uncle, Mr. Enderby, was murdered.
Una declaración de que su tío. el Sr. Enderby fué asesinado.
Very well, then. And I suppose you were out riding too, Mr. Enderby?
Muy bien entonces... y supongo que usted también estuvo montando, Sr. Enderby.
Did any of the staff see you when you came here looking for Mr. Enderby?
¿ Alguien la vió cuándo usted vino buscando al Sr. Enderby?
I'm far from satisfied, Mr. Enderby.
Estoy lejos de estar satisfecho, Sr. Enderby.
Yes, Mr. Enderby, it is.
Sí, así es.
- It belongs to...
Esto pertenece a... A mí, Sr. Enderby.
- Mr. Enderby.
- Sr. Enderby.
Yes, Mr. Enderby?
Sí. Sr. Enderby.
- Thank you, Mr. Enderby.
- Gracias. Sr. Enderby.
How's the foot now, Mr. Enderby?
Cómo está el pie ahora?
But I insist, Mr. Enderby.
Insisto, Sr. Enderby.
Useless, Mr. Enderby.
Será inútil, Sr. Enderby.
Nearly off, Mr. Enderby.
Casi afuera, Sr. Enderby.
Mr. Enderby, I think you'd be better occupied bathing that foot.
Sr. Enderby. Mejor ocúpese de remojar ése pie.
Then his appearance is extremely deceptive, Mr. Enderby.
Entonces su aspecto es sumamente engañoso, Sr. Enderby.
I always take a constitutional before retiring, Mr. Enderby.
Siempre tomo un reconstituyente antes de retirarme. Sr. Enderby.
Well, if I was the murderer, I'd be very worried in case you heard what Old Enderby said to Cora when he called.
Si yo fuera el asesino, estaría preocupado en caso de que usted se hubiera enterado lo que dijo el viejo Enderby a Cora.
Mr. Enderby, you quite startled me.
Sr. Enderby, me asustó.
I'm so sorry. Mr. Enderby, Mr. Stringer.
Lo siento, Sr. Enderby el Sr. Stringer.
Well, it's been very nice to meet you, Mr. Enderby.
Cierto. Ha sido muy agradable encontrarle.
Why, thank you, Mr. Enderby.
Gracias. Sr. Enderby.
- Of course, Mr. Enderby.
- Desde luego, Sr. Enderby.
Still one must be tolerant of the young, Mr. Enderby.
Hay que ser tolerante con los jóvenes, Sr. Enderby.
He's Enderby.
El es Enderby.
And though it is with some regret that I finally satisfy the greed of my relatives I nevertheless do devise and bequeath that my entire estate be divided equally between my fourth cousin, George Crossfield in order that he no longer need borrow from his clients'funds my niece, Rosamund Shane in order that she may support her husband in the style to which he would like to be accustomed to my nephew, Hector Enderby, in order that he may be able to afford to hunt every day, rather than once a week thereby providing more opportunity for breaking his neck and finally, my sister, Cora Lansquenet out of gratitude that she stayed out of the country for 30 years and didn't bother me.
"... y aunque sea con algún pesar que yo finalmente satisfaga la avaricia de mis parientes. No obstante, deseo que toda mi fortuna sea dividida igualmente entre : Mi cuarto primo.
- Me, Mr. Enderby.
Buen día, Inspector.

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