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Fantomas translate Spanish

259 parallel translation
It was Fantomas!
Era Fantômas!
Gurn is Fantomas!
Gurn es Fantômas!
The guard Nibet serves his night duty at the prison of Sante, the death row, where was Fantomas.
El guardia Nibet toma el servicio nocturno en la Prisión de la Santé, en el pabellón de los condenados a muerte, donde se encuentra Fantômas.
Fantomas execution Tomorrow at the daybreak
Fantômas será ejecutado mañana al alba
by Jerome Fandor Fantomas is alive and he is free!
El Inspector Juve no se da por vencido por Jérôme Fandor Fantômas está vivo y libre!
From now on, the inspector Juve will have only one fixed idea : capture Fantomas.
En adelante, el inspector Juve no tendrá más que una obsesión : capturar a Fantômas.
Fantômas II Juve against Fantômas © Gaumont 1998
Fantomas II Juve contra fantomas
To preserve the coherence of the story, a missing sequence was replaced by an extracted sequence of another film of "Fantômas" series.
Para preservar la coherencia de la historia, una secuencia faltante de éste film fue reemplazada por una secuencia extraída de otro film de la serie "Fantomas".
GAUMONT presents Fantomas
Societe des Etablissements Gaumont Mr Navarre in the role of Fantomas
El Sr. Navarre en el rol de Fantômas
We must deliver this to Fantomas.
Necesito que le entregue esto a Fantômas
This man is not Fantomas!
Este hombre no es Fantômas!
Escape of Fantomas Inspector Juve has not won.
Evasión de Fantômas.
Mister Navarre in the role of Fantômas.
El Sr. Navarre en el rol de Fantômas
In his office, the inspector Juve, of Parisian Safety, charged with inquiries on crimes of Fantômas...
En su oficina, el inspector Juve, de la Sûrete parisina, a cargo de la investigación sobre los crímenes de Fantômas
- Juve, there underneath, there is Fantômas.
Juve, por detrás está Fantômas...
Fantômas or Chaleck, I will not give up until I know the truth.
Fantômas o Chaleck, yo no descansaré hasta saber la verdad.
To ensure removal of the witnesses of his hideous crime, Fantômas had envisaged, even organised, the horrible disaster.
Como testimonio definitorio, Fantômas era quien había organizado el desastre, la horrible catástrofe.
Fantômas had decided to go to search other halves of tickets in the offices of Kessler and Barru and at once, persuaded of the death of Fandor in the disaster of Simplon-Express, to finish it with Juve.
Fantômas había decidido tener la otra mitad de los billetes en las oficinas de Kessler et Barru. Y a la vez, estaba persuadido de la muerte de Fandor en la catástrofe del Expreso-Simplon y acabado con Juve.
I took you for Fantômas!
Juve! lo tomé por Fantômas
- Me also, Fandor, took you for Fantômas!
- Yo también, Fandor, lo tomé por Fantômas!
Fantômas ordered his men to set barrels of alcohol on fire, condemning Juve and Fandor to perish in the flames.
Fantômas ordena a sus secuaces a prender fuego a las barricas de alcohol, condenando a Juve y Fandor a morir en llamas.
Compromised by her accomplice and lover Gurn in assassination of her husband lord Beltham, lady Beltham was discharged for lack of proof.
Comprometida en el asesinato de su marido Lord Beltham, por Gurn, su amante, que no era otro que Fantômas,
Unaware that he had been discovered there by Juve and Fandor, Fantômas held the villa of lady Beltham for a sure hiding-place.
Ignorando que había sido sorprendido por Juve y Fandor, Fantômas considera el chalet de Lady Beltham como un escondrijo seguro.
Fantômas IV Fantômas vs Fantômas
Fantômas IV Fantômas contra Fantômas
Part One : Fantômas and public opinion.
Primera parte Fantômas o la opinión pública
Following the repeated failure of Inspector Juve in dealing with Fantômas, a violent press campaign erupted, which infuriated Jerome Fandor, reporter for'The Capital', and friend and collaborator of the policeman.
Después de repetidos fracasos para atrapar a Fantômas por el Inspector Juve, una violenta campaña de prensa se desata dejando afuera a Jérôme Fantor, periodista de "La Capitale", amigo y colaborador de la policía.
JUVE IS Fantômas!
He intends to find out the truth about Fantômas. Perhaps he will find a lead on the bank messenger who mysteriously disappeared several days ago and is believed to have been murdered.
Acaba de llegar con la intención de descubrir la verdad sobre Fantômas
Part Three : Fantômas vs Fantômas.
Tercera parte Fantômas contra Fantômas
By her new marriage, Lady Beltham, Fantômas's old mistress, had become the grand duchess Alexandra.
Con su nuevo matrimonio, Lady Beltham, la antigua amante de Fantômas, era ahora la gran duquesa Alexandra.
- Fantômas!
Since the police are incapable of delivering Fantômas to us, the grand duchess Alexandra proposes to offer a public reward payable to whoever brings about the arrest of the elusive criminal.
Dado que la policía es impotente en arrestar a Fantômas, la gran duquesa Alexandra, propone abrir una suscripción pública destinada a recompensar a quien pueda contribuir al arresto del inasible bandido.
By thus'usurping'the legendary costume of Fantômas, the journalist hoped to provoke a reaction from the criminal, which would lead him to give himself away.
"Usurpando" la legendaria vestimenta de Fantômas el periodista esperaba provocar una reacción del bandido que lo obligara a traicionarse.
In the joyful atmosphere of the ball, no-one, except the grand duchess, took the quarrel between the two Fantômases seriously... or nearly no-one.
En el alegre ambiente del baile, los asistentes, salvo la gran duquesa, no tomaron en serio el altercado entre los dos Fantômas,... nadie o casi nadie.
If Juve and Fantômas were one and the same, Juve must have the same wound on his own right arm.
Si Juve y Fantômas fueran uno, Juve debería tener la misma herida en la mano derecha
Juve recognizes Nibet, Fantômas's accomplice, who he often saw at mother Toulouche's, when he was disguised as the idiot Cranajour.
Juve reconoce a Nibet, el cómplice de Fantômas que el viera a menudo con la madre Toulouche, cuando él era el idiota Cranajour
He explored them one by one to find Fantômas's trail.
Los había investigado uno por uno para encontrar la pista de Fantômas.
It was Fantômas's gang.
Era la banda de Fantômas.
Upon my release, which will not be long, I will distribute the loot. - Fantômas
Cuando salga, repartiré la pasta.Fantômas
Since Fantômas had promised to share out the loot upon his release from prison, the gangsters had decided to speed things up.
Dado que Fantômas había prometido de repartir el botín a la salida de la prisión, los maleantes habían decidido acelerar las cosas.
- If you want to catch Fantômas and his gang, follow me.
Si Ud. quiere atrapar a Fantômas y su banda, sigame.
- If you are Fantômas, we want our share immediately.
Si eres Fantômas queremos la parte inmediatamente.
- Tell them that you are Fantômas and to lift the dark-coloured paving stone in front of you.
Diles que tu eres Fantômas y levanta la baldosa más oscura delante tuyo
- I am Fantômas.
Yo soy Fantômas
Fantômas, Tom Bob and father Moche were all one and the same.
Fantômas, Tom Bob y el padre Moche eran uno.
Once more Fantômas shot off on the path of crime.
De nuevo Fantômas se lanzaba sobre el camino del crimen
Fantômas V The False Judge
Fantômas V El falso magistrado
The thefts are Ribonard and Paulet, two rogues of the Fantômas band.
Los culpables, son Ribonard y Paulet, dos granujas de la banda de Fantômas.
- INVESTIGATION The journalist thinks he sees in these crimes the hand of Fantômas.
El periodista cree ver en estas fechorías la mano de Fantômas.

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