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Find out what's going on translate Spanish

742 parallel translation
Richard, I know this is a trying time for us, but it's also an excellent opportunity to dig deep, and find out what's really going on here.
Richard, sé que esto es un momento difícil para nosotros pero también es una excelente oportunidad de profundizar, y averiguar qué es realmente está pasando aquí.
I get little enough opportunity as it is to find out what's going on without you running away as if I had the smallpox or something every time I open my mouth.
Ya tengo muy pocas oportunidades de averiguar qué está ocurriendo... para que salgas de aquí corriendo como si yo tuviera la viruela o algo así... siempre que abro la boca.
Well, this time, I'm going to find out what's what... if I have to keep everyone on this train awake all night.
Esta vez averiguaré qué está pasando... aunque deba tener a todo el tren despierto toda la noche.
I'll find out what's going on here.
Averiguaré qué está pasando aquí.
He won't sleep till I find out what's going on here.
No dormirá hasta que averigüe qué pasa aquí.
I'm not registering until I find out what's going on.
Un servidor de toda la estúpida raza humana.
We should be able to find out what's going on!
¡ Al menos tienen que informarnos!
I heard fellas shouting when we come in. I came to find out what's going on. - What's it all about?
He oído a la gente gritar a la entrada y he venido a averiguar qué pasa.
I don't know what's going on, but I'm coming over to find out.
No sé lo que está pasando pero voy para allá a enterarme.
I'm going on the road to find out what it's like to be poor and then I'm gonna make a picture about it.
Quiero saber qué sienten los pobres. haré una película sobre eso.
I'm going downstairs and find out what's going on. - Scott.
- Bajaré a ver que pasa.
Until I find out what's going on, I've just gotta play along.
Hasta averiguar qué ocurre, les seguiré la corriente.
We've got to get Miss Huberman inside that house and find out what's going on there.
Tenemos que hacerla entrar en esa casa y averiguar qué sucede.
Find out what's going on inside his house, what the group around him is up to, and report to us.
Averigua qué sucede dentro de su casa qué trama el grupo que lo rodea, e infórmanos al respecto.
Julie, I don't know what's going on here, but I'm going to find out.
Julie, debemos tener cuidado.
Oh, dear. Somebody ought to go and find out what's going on at the police court.
Oye, mira, alguien debería ir a averiguar qué pasa en el juzgado.
I am busting to find out what's going on in that feverish little brain waiting in there.
Me muero por saber qué se cuece en ese pequeño y febril cerebro.
You eliminate them, and you don't do that until you find out what's going on.
Los eliminas. No se hará hasta saber qué es lo que pasa.
- We can find out what's going on.
- Podremos saber qué está ocurriendo.
I've come to find out what's been going on between the two of you?
Corren rumores sobre vosotros. ¿ Por qué no me das tu versión?
Wait till we find out what's going on.
Espera a que averigüemos qué pasa.
And find out what's going on.
Y averiguarán qué está pasando.
You all might as well know what's going on. You'll find out anyhow.
Es mejor que se enteren de todo, lo sabrán tarde o temprano.
And see if you can find out what's going on.
Vea si puede averiguar lo que está ocurriendo.
I just wanted to find out what's going on.
Quería saber qué pasa.
Well, there's one way to find out just what's going on.
sólo hay una forma de saber qué pasa.
So... if I'm going to find out what's going on around here and exactly what this Fletcher campaign means..... and who's behind HIM.
Si quiero descubrir qué ocurre aquí, qué significa la campaña de Fletcher.
His sole mission is to find out what's going on at the Luxor Hotel.
Su única mision es averiguar qué está sucediendo en el hotel Luxor.
When your parents arrive... I want you to keep your mouth shut... for your sake and mine. If they ever find out what's been going on —
Cuando lleguen tus padres, no les digas una palabra... por tu bien y el mío... porque si se enteran de lo que ha pasado...
Find out what's going on.
I'm not upset, George, but I'm liable to get very upset... if I don't find out what's going on!
¡ No estoy irritada, George, pero podría irritarme mucho si no averiguo qué está pasando!
I think you better go upstairs and find out what's going on.
Conviene que subas y veas qué es lo que pasa.
I'll find out what's going on.
Averiguaré que es lo que pasa.
There's something going on, and I'm going to find out what it is.
Allí está pasando algo y voy a averiguar qué es.
I'm marching up and I'm gonna knock and find out what's going on in there.
Voy a ir y voy a llamar y averiguar qué está pasando allí.
And I'm not leaving until I find out what's going on.
Y que no voy a irme hasta que descubra lo que pasa.
If she's going to be coy about it and not tell you what's going on, you've gotta find out everything for yourself.
Si ella es tan tímida como para decirte qué sucede... tú tienes que averiguarlo por ti mismo.
Well, I think we'll have to go right down to that school and find out what's going on.
Iremos a esa escuela a averiguar qué está ocurriendo.
Quite apart from the fact, mr. Pierce, that you're not the most sensitive of men, did it ever occur to you there's something odd going on here and we better dispense with business as usual until we find out exactly what is going on?
Dejando aparte el hecho, señor Pierce, que usted no es el más sensible de los hombres, y nunca lo será, algo raro está pasando aquí y haríamos bien en seguir con el asunto como de costumbre hasta averiguar qué está pasando exactamente.
There's something fishy going on, and I wanna find out what it is.
Está pasando algo raro, y quiero averiguar lo que es.
Tengo que llegar a esa reserva entrar y averiguar qué sucede.
I'm going to find out what's in that coffin. Come on.
Voy a ver qué hay dentro del ataúd.
Somebody's gonna find out what's going on in here, what's happening.
Alguien va a averiguar lo que sucede aquí, lo que está pasando.
I've gotta find out for myself just what's going on.
Tengo que averiguar qué está pasando.
Vicki, there's only one way we can find out what's going on in there.
Vicki, sólo hay una manera de que podamos averiguar lo que está pasando allí.
I want you to give me enough time to get to that meeting and find out exactly what's going on.
Quiero que me de el suficiente tiempo para llegar a esa reunión y descubrir exactamente lo que está pasando.
That's what you're going to find out, sweet mama, as soon as you scoot on home and ask your rich sugar daddy. Webster.
Eso vas a averiguarlo tú, preciosa, en cuanto vuelvas a casita y se lo preguntes a tu rico queridito.
- Long enough to find out what's going on.
- Lo necesario para averiguar qué pasa.
Find out what's going on.
Averigüe qué pasa.
let's find out what's goin'on first, huh, if there is something going on, before we start spreading around lots of lies?
Si es que está pasando algo, antes de que difundamos mentiras.
Anne, look. I've got to find out what's going on.
Escucha, tengo que averiguar lo que está pasando.

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