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Flattering translate Spanish

1,383 parallel translation
- Not very flattering, either.
- No es muy halagadora.
It's flattering, in a twisted, psychotic way, but it didn't happen.
De una manera retorcida y psicótica, puede ser hasta adulador, pero no ha ocurrido.
- lt's flattering.
- Te favorece.
Very flattering on you.
Te sentaba muy bien.
He's flattering you, sir!
- El lo esta halagando, señor! - Halagando?
How flattering.
Qué halagador.
You could have decided it was flattering.
Podías haber decidido que era halagador.
You're flattering me
Me estás adulando.
Stop flattering me.
Deje de adular.
Thank you, thank you for flattering me
Gracias, gracias por elogiarme.
- That's not too flattering.
- Eso no es muy halagador.
It was flattering.
Todo fue halagador.
Well, the proper slip knot, not only can conceal those unwanted bug guts, but it also creates a flattering neckline and gives the illusion of cleavage.
El correcto nudo corredizo no sólo puede ocultar esas tripas de bicho no deseadas sino también crea un favorecedor escote y crea la ilusión del canalillo.
It's very flattering, but I can't even consider it even if you doubled my salary and offered me an Eldorado in the Bill Blast color scheme,
- No. Es muy halagador pero no puedo ni considerarlo. Incluso doblándome el salario y ofreciéndome un Eldorado en la combinación de colores de Bill Blass tendría que rechazar.
This is very flattering to the prospective customer, isn't it?
Es un nombre halagador para los futuros clientes, ¿ no?
I think maybe you're flattering yourself.
Creo que se está adulando a sí misma.
- Sure you're not flattering yourself?
- ¿ No estás siendo vanidoso?
- If I was flattering myself I think I'd come up with someone a little less annoying than Noreen.
- Si lo fuera inventaría a alguien menos irritante que Noreen.
It's probably very flattering. - Oh, yes.
Debe favorecer mucho.
I have a number of suits that would look quite flattering on you.
Tengo varios trajes que le sentarian de maravilla.
He is flattering me
Me está adulando
"A very flattering offer has been made to me to teach at a university for the deaf in Washington DC"!
"Me han hecho una oferta muy halagadora para enseñar en una universidad para sordos en Washington".
That my dear departed father could see me now, for the King shows me a flattering affection... that stems, I suspect, from my ability to amuse him.
Si mi querido padre, que en paz descanse, pudiera verme ahora... que el Rey me muestra una halagadora atención... que proviene, sospecho, de mi habilidad para divertirle.
- How flattering for you.
- Que halagador para ti.
That is fortunate for you, that you possess such an extraordinary talent for flattering with delicacy.
Que afortunado es usted, al poseer tan extraordinario talento para adular con elegancia.
Reading something, knowing the character is based on you it's both flattering and disturbing at the same time.
Leer algo sabiendo que el personaje está basado en ti es al mismo tiempo halagador e inquietante.
I think you're flattering yourself.
Creo que se hace ilusiones.
Roz, that was quite a flattering description.
Roz, fue una descripción bastante halagador.
That is a very flattering sleeve length on you.
El largo de la manga le sienta muy bien.
Your confidence in me is flattering, Mr Neelix.
Su repentina confianza en mí me halaga, Sr. Neelix.
Stop flattering me.
Deja de halagarme.
You are flattering me
Me estás adulando.
Yes, and it's very flattering,
- Sí, y es muy halagador.
Mother, for love of grace lay not that flattering unction to your soul that not your trespass but my madness speaks.
Madre, por el cielo no pongas ungüento lisonjero en tu alma que muestre mi demencia y no tú culpa.
Scratch Acid and Big Black... said that Seattle had the most exciting... potent scene going on in the U.S. They all loved to play here because everyone... would just, like, go nuts and drink themselves... into a frenzy and throw themselves onstage... and it was very flattering for these bands, you know... whereas you go to Los Angeles and New York...
Scratch Acid y Big Black... decian que Seattle tenía la más... excitante y potente escena de los Estados Unidos todos ellos amaban tocar ahí porque todos... se enloquecian y se emborrachaban... en momentos de locura se aventaban todos en escena... y era motivo de adulación para esas bandas... comparado a otras escenas como New York
The truth is never flattering, Dr. Adams.
Nunca elogio, Dra. Adams...
And I'm sure your obituary will be more flattering than you deserve.
Y estoy seguro de que su funeral será más ostentoso de lo que se merece.
- You don't think it's flattering?
¿ No crees que sea... favorecedor?
The flattering effect will only be marred by my appalling paunch The result of participating in this great conspiracy
Mi terrible barriga arruinará el efecto favorecedor, consecuencia de toda esta artimaña.
By flattering his vanity
Alimenta su vanidad.
As one honest man to another, it is my dying wish that you deliver an honest eulogy without any embellishment or flattering crap. "
De un hombre honesto al otro, mi último deseo es... que dé un discurso fúnebre honesto... sin embellecimientos ni basura halagadora. "
That's very flattering.
Eso es muy halagador.
Well, that's very flattering, but given my brother's connection with the case, it wouldn't be very prudent for me to get involved.
Bueno, eso es muy halagador, pero dada la relacion de mi hermano en el caso, No sería muy prudente para mí participar.
Hi, Frasier! Hey, you look lovely, that colour's very flattering!
Hey, te ves hermosa, ese color es muy halagador!
How flattering.
Que considerados.
Oh, that's very flattering, but there are so many things I'd like to ask you.
Oh, eso es muy halagador, pero hay tantas cosas que me gustaría preguntarle.
Now, now Dad, it's flattering to Daphne that Bebe finds her food so tasty.
Es halagador para Daphne que Bebe considere su comida tan rica.
It's flattering.
Es halagador.
Can't you look at this as flattering?
¿ No puedes tomarlo como un halago?
Thank you. Very flattering. But no, thank you.
- Amanda, no tienes certeza de eso.
Well, as flattering as all that is I'm afraid I don't do these good works for the acclaim.
A pesar de lo elogioso de esto me temo que no lo hago para que me aclamen.

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