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Flute cop translate Spanish

37 parallel translation
I hope you like being dead, Dr. Doo Doo. Flute Cop, we're switching boots.
Espero que te guste estar muerto, Doctor Doo Doo.
Axe Cop, this is Flute Cop, do you read me?
Axe Cop, soy Flute Cop, ¿ me copias?
What do you want, Flute Cop?
¿ Qué quieres, Flute Cop?
Flute Cop's taking me to Hawaii.
Flute Cop va a llevarme a Hawaii.
Sockarang, I'm at Flute Cop's house babysitting.
Sockarang, estoy de niñera en casa de Flute Cop.
Flute Cop has the best snacks.
Flute Cop tiene los mejores aperitivos.
What do you want, Flute Cop? !
¿ Qué quieres Flute Cop?
It's Flute Cop.
Es Flute Cop.
Flute Cop said we should take Uni-Baby to the park.
Flute Cop dice que deberíamos llevar a Uni-bebé al parque.
This volcano was about to erupt and everyone was like "we're going to die," but Flute Cop used his flute to charm the volcano.
Había un volcán a punto de entrar en erupción y todo el mundo estaba en plan "vamos a morir", pero Flute Cop usó su flauta para convencer al volcán.
Evil mermaids. Aah! Hey, Flute Cop!
Sirenos malvados. ¡ Oye, Flute Cop!
Hey, Flute Cop, what's the kind of dad that gets paid to be a dad?
Oye, Flute Cop, ¿ cuál es esa especie de padre que consigue que le paguen por ser padre?
Problem solved, Flute Cop.
Problema resuelto, Flute cop.
Flute Cop, Uni-baby, how was your day together...
Flute Cop, Unibebé, ¿ cómo os ha ido el día?
Can you wish for me to be Flute Cop again?
¿ Podrías hacer que fuera Flute Cop de nuevo?
Yellow, Flute Cop here.
Hola, al habla Flute Cop.
Flute Cop, we'll use your miles.
Flute Cop, usaremos tus ahorros.
Flute Cop!
¡ Flute Cop!
Flute Cop, is it really you this time or are you a night creature?
Flute Cop, ¿ eres tú de verdad o eres una criatura nocturna?
Flute Cop, I found her.
Flute Cop, la he encontrado.
- Aah! - Flute Cop!
¡ Flute Cop!
Anita, can Flute Cop go trick-or-treating with me tonight?
Anita, ¿ puede Flute Cop acompañarme esta noche a hacer lo de truco o trato?
I wish for Flute Cop to turn into Ghost Cop!
Deseo que Flute Cop se convierta en Fantasma Cop.
Uh, Flute Cop?
¿ Flute Cop?
Yeah, Flute Cop.
Sí, Flute Cop.
Flute Cop, now!
¡ Flute Cop, ahora!
Flute Cop, I did it.
Flute Cop, lo hice.
Flute Cop?
¿ Flute Cop?
But, Flute Cop, you're brothers.
Pero, Flute Cop, sois hermanos.
My name is Flute Cop.
Mi nombre es Flute Cop.
Don't even joke about something like that, Flute Cop, or I'll chop off your head.
Ni siquiera bromees sobre eso, Flute Cop, o te cortaré la cabeza.
Flute Cop said we need to have a girl on the team.
Flute Cop dijo que necesitábamos una chica en el equipo.
Mm, Flute Cop made me do it.
Flute Cop me obligó.
- What about Flute Cop?
- ¿ Y Flute Cop qué?
Make it quick, Flute Cop.
Habla rápido Flute Cop.
Hey, Flute Cop, call everyone I know
Oye, Flute Cop, llama a todos mis conocidos
I'm glad Flute Cop made me hire you.
Me alegro de que Flute Cop me hiciera contratarte.

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