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Formally translate Spanish

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I will now question you formally.
Voy a interrogarte de forma oficial.
Though not formally, " " and we have been actually man and wife ever since. "
Aunque no formalmente, y realmente hemos sido desde entonces marido y mujer.
Andreas, I'm formally asking your daughter's hand in marriage with my son.
Andreas, te pido oficialmente la mano de tu hija para mi hijo.
During which he was formally declared an Egyptian god.
En la ceremonia se le declaró dios egipcio.
I formally denounce Councilman Nottola, whom you would now elect commissioner, as the principal figure in a group of unscrupulous businessmen who wish to redirect the expansion of the city to land entirely owned by them.
Denuncio formalmente al concejal Nottola, al cual elegirán ahora asesor, como el principal responsable de un grupo de negociantes que quieren dirigir la expansión de la ciudad hacia terrenos de su propiedad.
Councilman De Vita's proposal is formally inadmissible.
Considero inadmisible la propuesta del concejal De Vita.
I said that any girl who'd permit a man to kiss her before they're formally engaged is a trollop.
Dije que una mujer que deja que un hombre la bese... antes de estar formalmente comprometida es una ramera.
Who was it who said only a trollop would kiss a man before they were formally engaged?
¿ Quién fue el que dijo que solo una ramera besaría a un hombre... antes de comprometerse formalmente?
We haven't been formally introduced yet.
No me lo han presentado todavía.
I formally protest...
Protesto formalmente...
You don't have to dress formally.
No se preocupe por eso, no es una gala.
I want to be formally introduced.
Quiero que me los presente como corresponde.
You will be charged formally.
Se te acusará formalmente.
The Ninth FusiIiers now formally charge you with the murder of colonel Lockart.
El noveno de fusileros le acusa del asesinato del coronel Lockart.
'His Excellency will cut the tape and formally declare this Hall open.'
Su Excelencia cortará la cinta y declarará el Salón inaugurado.
We're not formally married.
No estamos casados formalmente.
I formally advise Your Majesty against the pork.
Desaconsejo formalmente el cerdo a su Majestad.
That's why I suggested we clear out of his office, which was rather public anyhow, with people coming and going, and conduct the interview less formally in the park.
Por eso sugerí que dejáramos su despacho, un lugar pùblico, con gente entrando y saliendo, y charláramos en el parque de modo informal.
He can't discuss business with you until he's been formally introduced.
Él no puede ni soñar con hacer negocios con usted si antes no han sido presentados.
The clan didn't ask for her formally.
El clan no la reclamó formalmente.
You're saying I must formally ask the castle to take her back?
¿ Entonces debo de enviar una petición al castillo para que la devuelvan?
I can either hold him and try to break his alibi, as one witness has formally identified him.
O le retengo e intento desbaratar su coartada, ya que le ha reconocido formalmente un testigo,
You said you are friends but you speak so formally to each other
Dices que sois amigos y ni siquiera os tuteáis.
Formally speaking, you're right, collegue.
Formalmente hablando, tiene razón, colega.
We were formally married
Fuímos formalmente casados.
"The theory of Copernicus is philosophically absurd, formally heretic and erroneous regarding the Faith."
La teoría copernicana es absurda. Formalmente herética y errónea respecto a la fe.
Oh, Mrs. Clutterbuck. Please, can I take this opportunity... to apologize to you formally... for what happened at the dining room table.
Ah, Sra. Clutterbuck... por favor, permítame disculparme formalmente por lo sucedido... en el comedor.
General Clutterbuck. Sir. Please, I would like to formally apologize to you... for any inconvenience that I may have caused you... or your guests at the dining room table.
General Clutterbuck, señor, por favor, querría disculparme formalmente... por cualquier inconveniente que hubiera podido causarle... a usted y a sus huéspedes.
The U.S.S. Enterprise, under command of Captain James T. Kirk is formally charged with espionage.
El U.S.S. Enterprise, bajo el mando del capitán James T. Kirk es acusado formalmente de espionaje.
Talking so formally!
Suena demasiado formal.
The Minister of Justice thought you're a Leftist. I formally denied it.
El Ministerio me preguntó si era Ud. De izquierdas y yo lo desmentí.
I believe you said yesterday you would like to question me formally about my dealings with the murdered woman?
Si no me equivoco, ayer usted dijo que deseaba preguntarme formalmente... sobre mi trato con la muerte.
As we could no suppress his declaration, I ordered that the investigation be carried out formally.
Como no podíamos suprimir su declaración, ordené que la investigación se efectuara formalmente.
Are you formally requesting me to contravene the Geneva Convention?
¿ Me está pidiendo que viole la Convención de Ginebra?
The power to decide its own fate, at least formally, is in the hands of the people.
Las antiguas divinidades primordiales coexisten con el nuevo mundo... de la razón y la libertad.
You see, we haven't exactly been formally introduced, have we?
Ves, no hemos sido presentados formalmente, ¿ o sí?
I must formally request that you delay penetration zero until his return.
... debo pedir formalmente que retrase la perforación final hasta su regreso.
I hope you're not shocked that I haven't dressed formally for the setting.
Espero que no le ponga nerviosa este ambiente.
I formally accuse Bartolomeo Vanzetti for double homicide and robbery together with Nicola Sacco... and other unknown men.
Acuso formalmente a Bartolomeo Vanzetti, por doble homicidio y robo..... con la participación de Nicola Sacco... y otros desconocidos.
The state and commonwealth of Massachusetts. versus Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both present, arrested in the afternoon on the 5th of April, 1920, in Brockton, formally charged for double homicide and robbery. on Pearl Street, South Braintree on the 15th of April, 1920, at 3 pm.
la comunidad de Massachussets y Commonwealth contra Sacco y Vanzetti aquí presentes detenidos en la tarde del día 5 de Abril de 1920 en Brockton acusados de doble homicidio y robo cometidos... en Pearl Street, South Braintree el día 15 de abril de 1920, a las 15 : 00
The young miss... today, she formally got engaged.
La Srta. Aya... Hoy... Hoy se casa oficialmente.
You're dressed very formally today
Hoy vistes muy ceremoniosamente
We won't lay the table formally
No es necesaria tanta ceremonia
Protocol demands that you should present formally your credentials to King Peladon.
El protocolo exige que debe presentar formalmente sus credenciales... al rey Peladon.
Princess, I do look forward to speaking with you again, less formally.
Princesa,... esperaba poder hablar de nuevo con ustedes, de manera menos formal.
I solemnly and formally take possession of all this land.
Tomo solemne y formalmente posesión de todas estas tierras.
Colonel, I am requesting that you officially and formally approve my transfer.
Coronel, solicito que apruebe mi traslado de manera oficial y formal.
Captain, I'd like to formally apologise for the 4077th.
Quisiera pedirle disculpas formales por la unidad 4077.
Allow me to request... your hand formally in marriage.
Permíteme pedir... tu mano en formal matrimonio.
Do you intend to charge her formally, Captain?
¿ Va a acusarla formalmente, capitán?
I Augustine, Bishop of Hippo formally entreat you to return him to freedom
Sabes lo que debes a la Iglesia.

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