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Get behind me translate Spanish

790 parallel translation
Satan, get behind me.
Retírate, Satanás.
Get behind me.
Camine detrás de mí.
Get behind me and follow me.
Ponte detrás de mi y sígueme.
Get behind me.
Ponte detrás mío.
Get behind me, Satan, and tie my hands.
Ponte atrás de mí, Satanás, y amárrame las manos.
Get behind me, Abby.
Poneos detrás de mí, Abby.
I beg you, get behind me!
Por favor, venid detrás de mí,
Now you lust get behind me and keep gain'.
Ponte detrás de mí y sigue.
"Get thee behind me, Satan!"
"¡ Mantente alejado de mí, Satán!"
I get started with some good laps And then it happens, every time I'm behind a wheel.
Cuando empiezo va bien, pero me pasa cuando estoy al volante
Then get behind that piano and shoot anybody who calls me maestro.
Pasar tras del piano y acabar con cualquiera que me llame "maestro".
If at some future time your nerves get the better of you and you're driven to some desperate measure... leave a little note behind telling me where the stone is.
Si algún día sus nervios sacan Io mejor de usted y se ve obligado a tomar alguna medida desesperada, deje una nota que diga dónde está Ia piedra.
I'm dying to know something about Miss Adams, and all I get is talk behind my back.
Me muero por saber algo de la Srta. Adams, y solo consigo conversaciones a mis espaldas.
You were just using me - using me to get information for him - and laughing at me behind my back.
Sólo me usabas para obtener información para él... y te reías de mí a mis espaldas.
But get me the names of the persons behind all this.
Bueno, eso es todo.
You'll get your money's worth. My place is behind this desk, and behind this desk I stay.
Sí, aquí debo estar y aquí me quedaré.
Youre not going to get out and leave me behind.
No te marcharás dejándome aquí solo.
That will give me a chance to get behind them to the river.
Iré hacia el río.
And if we are gonna get knocked off I just want to leave a couple of bouquets behind to be remembered by.
Y si he de caer, quiero dejar un par de recuerdos para que no me olviden.
# Get thee behind me, Satan #
* Apártate de mí, Satanás *
# Get thee behind me, Satan # #
* Apártate de mí, Satanás *
Get thee behind me.
Ubícate detrás de mí.
I want a sound american businessman who will get me the hard-boiled facts behind the most complicated and dangerous situation the world has ever faced. It's quite an order.
Necesito a un hombre de negocios para descubrir los hechos reales, en la situación más complicada y más peligrosa jamás conocida.
But that young doctor squirt, not dry behind his ears... he turns me down. I don ´ t get it.
Pero ese doctorsucho sin experiencia... me rechazó. No lo entiendo.
When I say, "Stand in the door," you get in line behind me.
Cuando diga : "A la puerta", se pone en fila detrás de mí.
I know it's my duty to get back to England into the fight again... ... but it's not easy to leave Laddie behind.
Sé que es mi deber regresar a Inglaterra para volver a filas pero no me resulta fácil dejar atrás a Laddie.
Get on behind me, ludovic.
- Ponte detrás, Ludovico.
Let me get behind that wheel.
Deja que conduzca yo.
If people get behind with their bills, I get into trouble.
Si la gente se atrasa con sus facturas, me meteré en líos.
Clem'll get about as far as I could throw a dead elephant with one arm tied behind me back.
No irá más lejos de lo que puedo lanzar un elefante muerto con una mano atada a la espalda.
Ask me quickly. Let's get this behind us.
Pregúntame y dejemos eso atrás.
Didn't want to let me get behind him.
No quería darme la espalda.
I'm gonna get behind'em.
Me podré detrás de ellos.
If it would help her I would get out from behind that desk, and put YOU there. Even if it broke me.
Si sirviera para ayudarla lo pondría detrás de esa mesa, por mucho que me doliera.
As soon as get in that car all of my troubles will be behind me.
En cuanto entre a ese auto todos mis problemas habrán terminado.
Get thee behind me, evil demon!
¡ Atrás, demonio malvado!
But I'll probably get home And find out I've left behind me all that's really important.
Pero lo más seguro es que llegue a casa y me dé cuenta de que me he dejado lo que es importante.
Tell me. How did you get behind us back at pease cottage.
¿ Cómo os quedasteis detrás en Pease Cottage?
Brother, I can take your Cook's tour around the zoo but when we get on this mental striptease and hide behind Louisa May Alcott I want a powder.
Una cosa es aguantar esta visita al zoo, pero si vais a seguir con el striptease mental y andaros con remilgos yo me largo.
Men that can get the country behind me.
Gente que haga que eI pais me apoye,
Get up behind me.
Monta detrás de mí.
Now, don't get excited. Let's take this quietly. That's why I stayed behind.
Tomémoslo con calma, para eso me he quedado.
Behind the other officers, I get on the wall. Like this.
Detrás de los otros oficiales, me subo a la pared.
- Get that thing out from behind me!
- ¡ ¡ saque esa cosa de atras mio!
Get on behind me.
¡ Súbase!
Shy and so quiet, until you get behind those drums, then boom! "Look out, I'm coming at you, so hear me good."
Tímido y tan silencioso, Hasta consiguio estar detrás de esos tambores, Entonces en ¡ auge! " Tenga cuidado, Le vengo,
Once I get that backcloth behind me I can hold them for half an hour.
En cuanto tenga el telón de fondo, podré entretenerles media hora.
Get on behind me. We're going home.
Nos vamos a casa.
Won't you get in behind the blinds on the veranda?
¿ No me entra usted las persianas en el mirador?
What's the "Get thee behind me" for?
¿ Para qué tanto secreto?
Guys, when I drink I don't get behind the wheel!
Chicos, cuando bebo yo no me pongo al volante!

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