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Get her out of there translate Spanish

481 parallel translation
Get her out of there and lock her in the bedroom.
Hay que sacarla de ahí y encerrarla.
- Stop thinking. Get her out of there!
- Deja de pensar. ¡ Sácala de ahí!
- I gotta get her out of there?
- ¿ Debo entrar ahí?
Come on, get her out of there.
Vamos, sáquela de ahí.
Come on, get her out of there.
Vamos, sácala de ahí.
Sullivan, you have to get her out of there.
Sullivan, debe sacarla de ahí.
Get her out of there.
Sáquenla de allí.
It'll get her out of there, won't it?
Eso la sacará de allí, ¿ cierto?
I knew I had to get her out of there, and I said, " You'd better go home, kid.
Sabía que tenía que sacarla de allí y le dije : " Deberías irte a casa.
We applaud that spirit, we admire it, we believe in it, but we must get her out of there.
Aplaudimos ese espíritu, lo admiramos, creemos en él, pero tenemos que sacarla de ahí.
Well, we've not only got to get her out of there, but we must get the land cleared, the houses and trees down...
Bueno, no sólo tiene que haberse ido, tenemos que limpiar la isla, derribar casas y árboles...
- Come on, get her out of there.
Vamos. ¡ Llévensela!
As the Doctor says, on the way we may find a way to get her out of there.
Como dice el médico, en la forma en podamos encontrar una manera de sacarla de allí.
Then get her out of there!
Entonces sacala de aqui!
I've got to get her out of there.
Tengo que sacarla de allí.
Get her out of there.
Saque la nave de ahí.
- Let's get her out of there, quick!
- ¡ Rápido, sáquela afuera!
- Get her out of there.
- Colóquenlo.
Whoever finds the girl, get her out of there right away.
Cuando hallen a la chica, sáquenla de allí enseguida.
Get her out of there, and report it to central repair.
Sáquela de allí, y envíela a la central de reparación.
We'd better go and get her out of there.
Lo mejor será sacarla de ahí.
They want us to get her out of there now.
Quieren que nos lo llevemos de ahí ahora mismo.
Now, we have already started emergency shutdown operations to enable us to try and get her out of there.
Ya hemos comenzado las operaciones de apagado de emergencia... para poder sacarla de allí. Podéis continuar.
Mr Driscoll, get a team of men suited up and armed, and get her out of there.
Sr. Driscoll, envíe personal armado y con trajes de protección y sáquenla de ahí.
She's in a private room now until I can get back and get her out of there.
Está en una habitación hasta que la pueda sacar de allí.
Let's get her out of there!
Saquémosla de ahí.
Get her out of there!
¡ Fuera de aquí con ésa!
- Figured how to get her out of there?
- ¿ Pensaste cómo sacarla de allí? .
How the heck are we ever gonna get her out of there?
¿ Como demonios vamos a sacarla de ahí?
- We gotta get her out of there.
Tenemos que sacarla de allí. Woody...
Get her out of there.
Corta. Pasa a otra cosa.
- We've got to get her out of there.
- Tenemos que sacarla de ahí.
There's no other way we can get her out of there.
No hay otro modo de sacarla de ahí.
Now he can't even get her out of there.
Ahora ni siquiera puede conseguir sacarla de allí.
- Get her out of there!
- ¡ Sácala de ahí!
There must be something that would get her out of here like -
Debe haber algo que Ia saque de aquí, como...
You've got to go there and get her out of that bar.
Tienes que ir allí y sacarla del bar.
Now, you get my stuff out of the supply shack and you... You know, and we'll put her up over there.
Saca todas mis cosas de la choza de utensilios y la instalas allí.
Even though we know that he's pulled her out of the bay, taken her back, taken her clothes off and put her into bed, the audience isn't supposed to really get that because there's no clothes hanging on the line.
Aunque sabemos que la sacó de la bahía, la llevó a su apartamento, le quitó la ropa y la puso en la cama, el público no debe captar ese detalle porque no hay ropa colgada en el cordel.
I'll get her out of here, while there's still time.
La sacaré de aquí.
There's no physical reason why this person should not get straight up out of her chair and walk with the rest of us.
No hay razón física para que ese individuo no salga de su silla de ruedas y camine, como el resto de nosotros.
Is there any way to get her out of it?
¿ Hay algún modo de sacarla de ese estado?
Now she steps up in class... goes up against colts, draws an inside post position in a sprint... and ain't got no speed of her own to get out there.
Y de pronto sube de categoría... le gana a caballos más jóvenes, se mete por adentro en un pique... y esa está lejos de ser una velocidad propia de ella.
There must be a way to get her out of this.
Tiene que haber una forma de sacarla de este enredo.
She told me that there was somebody following her all the time. that people were looking at her people were turning their heads after her And that she wouldn't get out of the hospital that she preferred staying in the hospital.
Me dijo que había alguien siguiéndola todo el tiempo, gente que estaba observándola, a la que luego daba vueltas en su cabeza, y por eso no quería salir del hospital, por eso prefería quedarse en el hospital.
I'm gonna call May right now, tell her to take the kid and get out of there.
Voy a llamar a May ahora mismo, y decirle que tome la niña y salga de allí.
- You'll get her out of there any way you know!
La sacará de allí como sea.
And as for that great Spanish dumpling there, get her out of my sight at once!
Y en cuanto a este montón de carne de cazuela española, ¡ que se vaya de mi casa!
Nah, Kovics had her sprung out of jail before we could get down there.
No, Kovics la sacó de la cárcel antes de que llegáramos.
Get him out of there so we can concentrate on her.
Sáquenlo de ahí para que podamos concentrarnos en ella.
But then when I took her pulse, there wasn't any. I heard people coming. I had to get out of here.
Cuando le busqué el pulso no se lo encontré... y oí que venía gente, tenía que salir de aquí.

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