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Get him away from me translate Spanish

164 parallel translation
Hugo, Jim, stop it! Get him away from me, Lola!
¡ Échalo de aquí, Lola!
So you get him away from me if you can.
Así que sepáralo de mí si puedes.
For two cents, I'd take this - Get him away from me!
Por dos céntimos, yo... ¡ Quítale de mi vista!
- Just get him away from me!
! - ¡ Aléjamelo! ¡ Que me lo alejes!
Get him away from me!
¡ Aléjate!
Get him away from me!
¡ Aléjelo de mí!
Get him away from me!
¡ Aléjalo de mí!
Get him ".... " Get him away from me.
Tómelo... Aléjese de mí.
Get him away from me.
! Apartadle de mí!
- Adam, get him away from me!
- Adán, que se salga de mí!
Get him away from me!
Aléjalo de mí.
Get him away from me, will ya?
- ¡ Déjame!
Get him away from me!
� Ap � rtale de m �!
- Get him away from me.
- Llévenselo.
Get him away from me.
Apartadlo de aquí.
I'll die if I don't get away from him. Now, Miss Grosvenor...
¡ Moriré si no me aparto de él!
I can't get away from him.
No me puedo librar de él.
I sure would like to have my old woman see him, if she could get away from her plowing'.
Me encantaría que mi mujer lo viera,... si pudiera dejar el arado.
- Get him away from me!
- ¡ Aléjalo de mí!
I made a grab for him as he tried to get away from me.
Cuando intentó escapar, traté de agarrarlo.
Captain, you don't mean to say you let him get away from you?
Capitán, ¿ no me diga que ha dejado que escapase?
If he wants me to be proud of him tomorrow you better get him away from those musicians tonight.
Si quiere que esté orgulloso de él mañana es mejor que le apartes de esos músicos esta noche.
- Come on, help me get him away from here.
- Ayúdame a sacarlo de acá.
I couldn't get his gun away from him, but I did manage to push him back.
No pude quitarle el arma, pero me las arreglé para empujarle.
Get me away from him, fast.
Aléjeme de él, rápido.
I won the bet. Tom, tell him to get away from me!
- Tom, mándelo a que se aparte. ¡ Ayúdeme!
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Se me acercó, insistiendo en que le diera dinero, aunque le dije que no tenía nada, y al tratar de quitarle la pistola se disparó.
Get me away from him!
¡ Sáquenme de aquí!
Yes, I'd like to get him away from Switzerland.
Si es nuestro hombre, me gustaría sacarlo de Suiza.
Help me get away from him.
Puede ayudarme a dejarlo.
- Yes, I-I thought if could get him away from the others, he might give me some sort of line on the case.
- Sí, pensé que si pudiera verlo apartado de los otros... podría darme alguna pista sobre el caso.
He didn't get away from me. I let him escape.
No se escapo de mi yo lo deje escapar.
I don't care that this child is alone in the world,... get him the hell away from me,... if you don't want me to crash your head against the wall, for being a messer.
No me interesa que ese niño esté solo en el mundo, y te me largas ahorita mismo de aquí, si no quieres que te estrelle la cabeza contra la pared, por metiche.
I'll live in my room, I'll get a job, I'll just keep away from him.
Viviré en casa y conseguiré un empleo. - Me mantendré alejado de él.
You were going to help him get away from me, huh?
¿ Ibas a ayudarlo a escapar, eh?
- Get away from him.
- Me alejaré de él.
Vinnie, get this little baby away from me before I smack him.
Vinnie, aparta al mocoso antes de que le machaque.
Get away from him. They want to hurt me!
- ¡ Quieren lastimarme!
I couldn't get away from him.
No me dejaba ir.
Get me away from him!
Consigue que me acerque a él!
I ran up the gangplank to get away from him and then I suddenly felt bad about it.
Subí la escalera corriendo para escapar de él y de repente me sentí mal por ello.
I left Belfast to get away from people like him.
Me fui de Belfast para alejarme de gente como él.
Iris, I agree. lt was wrong to keep you away from your son all those years, but don't try to control him now just to get even with me.
Iris, estoy de acuerdo. Estuvo mal que yo te alejara de tu hijo tantos años pero no intentes controlarlo ahora solo para vengarte de mí.
Just get away from him and come home with me.
Deshazte de éste y vente a casa conmigo.
Paikuhan, I'm going to get him away from here.
Paikuhan, me lo voy a llevar lejos de aquí.
Took a lot of strong nylon cord to get her away from him, because she was a fighter as well as being a Georgia peach.
Me costó quitársela porque ella era una luchadora, además de una muñeca.
Faking the kidnapping was the only way Tarlus could get me away from him...
Fingir el secuestro era la única forma en que Tarlus podía alejarme de él...
- Tell him to get away from my butt.
- Dile que no me toque el trasero.
Will somebody get him the hell away from me?
¿ Alguien va a alejar a este capullo de mi?
In the end, though, I was happy to get away from him.
Odiaba tanto a los abogados que me dejó con la sensación de tener un nudo en el estómago
- You told me to get away from him.
- Me dijiste que me alejara de él.

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