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Get it away from me translate Spanish

317 parallel translation
Do you think I'm going to let you or anyone else get it away from me?
No dejaré que Vd. ni nadie me lo quite.
Ain't nobody gonna get it away from me.
Y no consiento que venga nadie a quitarme lo mío.
- Get it away from me.
- Aparte eso de mí.
Get it away from me. lt's horrendous.
Get it away from me. LT horrendo.
Get it away from me.
Apártalas de mí.
Hugo, Jim, stop it! Get him away from me, Lola!
¡ Échalo de aquí, Lola!
I like to get away from it sometimes... to be free.
Me gusta escaparme a veces... ser libre.
It'll take two men pushing and two men pulling to get me away from here.
Tendrán que obligarme dos hombres a salir de aquí.
Florida, Europe - - I don't care where it is, just so we get her away from here.
A Florida, a Europa... no me importa a dónde, con tal que sea lejos de aquí.
They offered me L500 if I'd help get it away from the man who had it.
Me ofrecieron 500 libras esterlinas si ayudaba a robárselo a su dueño.
Danny please, if you love me, get away from here before it's too late.
Danny, Danny, por favor, si me amas, sal de aquí antes que sea demasiado tarde.
If you want to leave a chair, you get up and walk away from it. Try and get away from me.
Es más fácil alejarse de una silla que de mí.
Aléjese de mí.
It makes you feel pretty good to get away from me, doesn't it?
Te gusta poder alejarte de mí, ¿ no?
Yes. Well, it will be when I Get away from this eternal rain.
Sí, estaré mejor cuando me libre de esta eterna lluvia.
That's more important than Palinov. If I've got a choice between preventing 4 people from being chewed up, bitten by snakes, or dying of exposure or picking up a couple of smugglers, well, it's ok with me if they get away.
Si tengo que escoger entre salvar a 4 personas, o pillar a un par de contrabandistas, no me importa que se escapen.
Then believe me, it's very important to me and to you that I get away from here.
Entonces créeme, es muy importante para nosotros... que yo me aleje de aquí.
Now do I get the gun or do I have to take it away from you?
¿ Me das tu arma o tengo que quitártela?
I'm making arrangements as quickly as I can to get away from Berlin altogether. That'll be the end of it.
Me iré lo antes posible de Berlín y así se acabará todo.
Take that thing away from me, otherwise I'll get it stuffed!
¡ Mire, si no se va, esta noche voy a comerme al perro! - ¿ Por qué?
That's it, isn't it? You want to get away from me because I'm all washed up.
¿ Por eso te marchas con él?
You know it's funny, wives usually employ me to get them away from their husbands.
Normalmente me contratan para librarse de sus maridos.
Do it or get away from me!
¡ Hagalo o alejese de mí!
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Se me acercó, insistiendo en que le diera dinero, aunque le dije que no tenía nada, y al tratar de quitarle la pistola se disparó.
I always get away with it with a little help from our friend.
Siempre me libro gracias al "socio".
Get away from it. Do you hear me?
Aléjense de ahí.
Get away from it!
¡ Me oyen!
But you can't get away from it, and you have to reckon with it, you can believe me.
Pero no puedes simplemente ignorarlo, ya que tienes que contar con eso, puedes creerme.
I realise, of course, that I am no match for the Daleks so if I hand it over, will you help me and my friends to get away from this planet?
Soy consciente, por supuesto, que no soy rival para los Dalek así que si se lo entrego, usted me ayudará y a mis amigos a salir de este planeta?
I'll have to take it myself. Get away from me.
Lo haré yo.
I'll get away from it all.
- Me alejaré de todo.
If I've only got a little time left to live, I'm going to spend it as far away from this place as I can get!
Si me queda poco tiempo de vida,... voy a pasarlo tan lejos de este lugar como pueda!
I was trying to get away from a world that I had known, because I don't think it was very good for me, and I found myself looking up its ass...
Estaba tratando de salir de... un mundo que había conocido... porque no creía que era bueno para mí, y... me hallé a mí misma... vencida y humillada.
But when the kids get so grown and so bad.. it takes them away from me...
Cuando los niños son grandes y malos, me los quitan.
You tear your finger opening your brougham door, you borrow a piece of court plaster from me, and you're careless enough to let a thread of it get carried away by a nut on that chair which you pitched onto the track!
Se lastimó su dedo, al abrir su puerta nueva. Tomó prestado una curita de mí. Y fue lo suficientemente descuidado... como para dejar una hebra, enganchado en una tuerca... de esa silla que puso sobre la pista.
It was me who got you a parole to get you away from that Arkansas prison farm or you'd still be rotting there.
Yo te conseguí la libertad condicional para salir de esa cárcel de Arkansas si no aún te estarías pudriendo allí.
It seems to me you could get away from your bikes for five minutes on a vacation.
Yo pensaba que podrían dejar las motos durante cinco minutos en sus vacaciones.
People say that Tiberius didn't mind being banished because he was glad to get away from me. But that wasn't it.
Por ahí dicen que a Tiberio no le importó tener que marcharse porque deseaba alejarse de mí pero no fue sólo eso.
Y la gente, y no te puedes alejar de la música... y no cambia nada.
And you want to get away from me, too. Is that it?
Y también quieres huir de mí, ¿ verdad?
It seems to me that you have to get away from anything that looks tough.
Me parece que huyes de todo lo que aparenta ser difícil.
It'll be good for me to get out of the city get away from these canals which go nowhere.
Me sentará bien salir de la ciudad una temporada. Alejarme de estos canales... que no van a ninguna parte sino de vuelta a sí mismos.
- And get away from me too! Now move it!
- ¡ Y aléjate de mí también!
Oh, anything to get me away from the city... especially when it's to bring you the finest colt in the colony.
Le gusta salir de la ciudad. Le traje el mejor potro de la colonia.
I figured it might give me a chance to get away from everyone i knew.
Supuse que me daría la oportunidad de alejarme de la gente que conocía.
It's time for me to get away from you and enter Creation.
Ya es hora de que me aleje de ti, y empiece una nueva vida.
He asked me if I know that for sure. And I said, "I do not know it for sure, but it is a serious possibility, because there is no record of any train going away from Auschwitz." And, usually, the offices, the registrars, where the Resistance movement had their people, would get wind of such an information, of a transport being prepared out from Auschwitz, and there was no such information.
Me entrevisté con Freddy Hirsch y le expliqué que una de las razones del traslado de su transporte al campo de cuarentena era quizás el hecho de que todos iban a ser gaseados el 7 de marzo.
And it's telling you to be sweet and pretty like you wanna be and give in to me and get away from here before your folks come back.
Y te está diciendo que seas dulce y guapa como quieres ser y ceder a mí y alejarte de aquí antes de que los tuyos regresen.
I just let it get away from me.
Simplemente dejé que todo se fuera diluyendo.
I can imagine it must be very difficult for you to get away from your important guest.
- Me imagino que debe ser muy difícil para Ud. escaparse de su importante invitada.
I'd get far away from here, where it's safe.
Me iría bien lejos de aquí, donde estuviese a salvo.

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