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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ G ] / Get that out of my face

Get that out of my face translate Spanish

285 parallel translation
Come on. Get that out of my face, Eddie.
Saca esa cosa de mi cara.
Get that out of my face... Or you're a dead man.
Quítame eso de la cara, o eres hombre muerto.
Get that out of my face.
Apague esa linterna.
- Get that out of my face, all right?
- Sácame eso de la cara.
- J ust get that out of my face.
- Solo quítamelo de la cara.
Get that out of my face.
Quita eso de mi cara.
You need to get that out of my face.
Tienes que sacar eso de mi cara, no voy a usar esa porquería.
- Get that out of my face.
- Quita eso de mi cara.
LATONYA : Get that out of my face, please.
¡ No me apuntes con eso!
- Oh, Abby. Would you get that out of my face?
- Oh, Abby. ¿ Podrías sacarme esto de la cara?
Get that out of my face.
Saca eso de mi cara.
Get that out of my face. Shark!
Quítame eso de la cara. ¡ Shark!
- Get that out of my face, asshole!
¡ Quítame eso de mi cara, pendeja!
- Get that out of my face!
- ¡ Quítame eso de la cara!
I can't see a thing. Get that out of my face!
No veo nada, quítame la luz de la cara.
Get that light out of my face.
Quíteme esa luz de la cara.
I'm going to get those youngsters out of that mine if I have to... blacken my face and go down and fetch them myself.
Voy a sacar a esos jóvenes de esa mina aunque... tenga que ennegrecer mi cara y traerlos yo misma.
Will you get that goddamn thing out of my face?
¡ Quíteme ese trasto de la cara!
'but I couldn't get that kid's face out of my mind.
" pero no podía sacarme de la mente la cara de ese chico.
Get that felgercarb out of my face.
Cassie, ¿ quieres sacar esa basura de mi cara?
Get that thing out of my face.
Saque esa porquería de aquí.
Sergeant, you get that contraband stogie out of my face before I shove it so far up your ass, you'll have to set fire to your nose to light it.
Sargento, quite de mi vista ese puro de contrabando... antes de que se lo meta por el culo tan adentro que lo encenderá por la nariz.
Get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit.
Andate a la mierda con esa porquería.
" Get the fuck out of my face with that shit.
" Vayanse a la cresta con esa mierda.
Get that thing out of my face!
¡ Saque eso de mi cara!
Get that stinkin'shit out of my face.
Quítame esa mierda de Ia cara.
Get that stupid thing out of my face!
¡ Saca esa cosa estúpida de mi cara!
- Get that weenie out of my face!
- ¡ Sácame esa cosa de la cara!
- Get that gun out of my face.
- Quiteme esa pistola de la cara.
Hey, Bran, why don't you get that ugly mug out of my face?
Hola, Bran, ¿ por qué no quitas de mi vista esa cara fea?
Get that mike out of my face.
Quíteme el micrófono de delante.
Your Honour after due consultation with my client she has asked me to say that she would like to drop all charges, pay all the legal costs and, er... She would also like permission to get out of his face.
Su Señoría, después de consultar con mi cliente, me ha pedido que diga que le gustaría retirar los cargos, pagar los costos legales y le pide permiso para salir de su vista.
Get that cigar out of my face.
Quita ese puro de mis narices.
Doesn't that figure? Get out of my face.
Quítate, sicópata.
Now you get on out of my face before I pick you up and toss you out of that window.
Ahora, largate de mi vista Antes que te agarre y te tire por la ventana!
Either pull the trigger, or get that fucking thing out of my face.
Aprieta el gatillo o quita esa porquería de mi cara.
Hey, get that thing off! Get his balls out of my face.
Ey, quitate de encima de mi cara!
Yeah, it's just that I can't get her face out of my mind, you know.
Sí, es sólo que no me saco su rostro de mi mente.
Get that weapon out of my face before I feed it to you.
¡ Saca esa arma de mi cara antes que te la haga comer!
Get that fucking torch out of my face and put that cigarette out.
Quita esa puta antorcha de mi vista y apaga el cigarrillo.
Get this fuckin'shit out of my face. You should've written to that magazine, Rudy.
Deberías haber escrito a la revista, Rudy.
Get that camera out of my face.
Consigue que la cámara de mi cara.
Get that gun out of my face.
¡ Quita el arma de mi cara!
Get that camera out of my face!
¡ Quita esa cámara de mi cara!
Shit, get that thing out of my face.
Joé, Jasmi, echa el brazo "pallá" que me estás atufando.
Gio, you wanna get that thing out of my boy's face?
Gio, quieres quitarle eso de la cara?
Get that thing out of my face.
Quita eso de mi cara.
- Get that flashlight out of my face!
- ¡ Saca esa linterna de mi cara!
You want to get that light out of my face?
¿ Quieres sacar esa luz de mi cara?
Get that thing out of my face.
Quita esa cosa de mi cara.
Get out of my face with that camera!
Di algo.

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