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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ G ] / Get these people out of here

Get these people out of here translate Spanish

137 parallel translation
We'll get these people out of here and find them a clean place.
Buscaremos un lugar limpio para esta gente.
I'll get these people out of here.
Sacaré a esta gente de aquí.
Get these people out of here!
¡ Saquen a esta gente de aquí!
- Get these people out of here!
- Saca a esta gente de aquí.
- Now, get these people out of here!
- ¡ Ahora, saca a esta gente de aquí!
Sergeant, get these people out of here.
Sargento, que se vaya toda esta gente.
Let's get these people out of here!
Que se vaya toda esta gente!
Get these people out of here.
Saquen a esta gente de aquí.
And get these people out of here.
Y saca a esta gente de aquí.
You've got to get these people out of here.
Tiene que llevarse a esta gente de aquí.
And get these people out of here. Right now!
Y saca a esta gente de aquí enseguida.
- What's going on? I don't know, but we've got to get these people out of here.
No lo sé, pero debemos sacar a esta gente de aquí.
Get these people out of here!
¡ Saca a la gente de aqui!
Get these people out of here.
Sacad a esta gente de aquí.
- All right, I'll release him but you get these people out of here, or I'll slap their butts in jail.
- Bien, le soltaré pero llévese a esta gente de aquí, o la meteré en la cárcel.
You have to get these people out of here right now.
¡ Va a tener que desalojar a estas personas de aquí ahora!
Somebody get these people out of here.
Saquen a esta gente fuera.
Get these people out of here.
- ¡ No me importa la parada! - Sáquelos de allí.
- You wanna get these people out of here now?
- ¿ Quieres sacar a toda esta gente fuera de aquí ahora?
- Get these people out of here.
- Vamos. Váyanse, carajo.
God Almighty, get these people out of here.
Gran Dios, saquen a esa gente de aquí.
Captain, let's get these people out of here now!
Capitán, ¡ saquemos a esta gente de aquí!
Get these people out of here.
Saca a esta gente de aquí.
Get these people out of here!
¡ Saca a esta gente fuera de aquí!
Get these people out of here.
- OESTE Sácalos de aquí.
Get these people out of here!
¡ Que salga esta gente!
Come on, man, we got to get these people out of here!
Vamos, hombre, ¡ debemos sacar a toda esta gente de aquí!
Mom, you've got to get these people out of here.
Mamá, saca a esta gente de aquí.
Rig up enough C-4 to blow a hole and get these people out of here on my signal, all right? I can find the Colonel with this.
Coloca C4 para hacer un agujero y saca a esa gente de aquí a mi señal, ¿ de acuerdo?
We have to get these people out of here.
Hay que sacar al público de aquí.
Let's get these people out of here.
Saquemos a esta gente de aquí.
Yeah, I know, we have to get these people out of here,
- Debemos sacar a la gente de aquí
Just get these people out of here alright.
Solo saca a esta gente de aqui, puede ser?
Let's get these people out of here
La próxima vez que vayas a hacer algo, hazlo bien.
Get all of these people and this stuff out of here, will ya?
Llévense todos estos trastos, háganme el favor.
To get out of here, away from these people and their problems that we hardly even know, that we don't understand!
Huir de aquí, sin importarnos la gente ni sus problemas... que casi no conocemos y no vemos.
It would be in your interest to keep that in mind... and let these people take their food and get out of here.
Le conviene recordarlo y dejar que ellos dos se lleven su comida y se vayan.
Let's get out of here. These people are wacky.
Esta gente está mal.
Let's get out of here and leave these people in peace.
Vámonos y dejemos a estas personas en paz.
Get these people out of here.
¡ Echen afuera a toda esta gente!
Come on. Let's get you out of here so I can help these people.
Vamos, te sacaré de aquí, para poder ayudar a los demás.
We ran out of money, so she's trying to negotiate with these people here and see if she can get the remaining items she needs. Very stressful. If they push through this right now, we're done.
Incluyendo yoga en la playa, ir de excursión a impresionantes cascadas y un paseo en kayak.
Then we'll take out these tables over here, replace them with mounds of pillows so people can lay back, get comfortable.
Después quitaremos estas mesas y las sustituiremos por cojines para que la gente se tumbe y se ponga cómoda.
You can help these people get out of here alive.
Tú puedes ayudar a esta gente a salir viva de aquí.
Okay, now look, you gotta get all these people out of here because I can't do this right now.
Bueno, mira, tienes que sacar a toda esta gente de aquí porque yo ahora mismo no puedo.
Let's get these cars out of here! These people wanna go home.
Quitad esos coches de aquí, esta gente quiere irse.
Get these people out of here.
- ¡ Echa a esas personas!
- Look, the sooner you stop arguing with me and help me save these people, the quicker we get out of here.
Mira, cuanto antes dejes de discutir conmigo y me ayudes a salvar a esa gente más rápidamente saldremos de aquí.
Ricky, get these firemen off the driveway and get these people the hell out of here.
- Algún idiota. - Dios, la olla para freír.
You get these people off your back, get these idiots with cameras out of here then you go up into outer space the right way.
Te quitas a esta gente de encima, a los idiotas de las cámaras y luego vuelas al espacio del modo correcto.
Okay, get all these people out of here.
Bueno, saca a esta gente de aquí.

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