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Gunpoint translate Spanish

638 parallel translation
At gunpoint he arrests Montezuma,
A punta de pistola arresta a Montezuma.
Get that rifle and get him at gunpoint.
Coge ese rifle y apúntale.
If not, I accuse you of confinement and kidnapping at gunpoint.
Si no, te encierro y te acuso de secuestro de persona a mano armada.
Shoved him into a car at gunpoint.
Le hizo entrar en el coche a punta de pistola.
We held Subra and led him at gunpoint.
Contuvimos a Subra y lo llevamos a punta de pistola.
Bring the security guys here at gunpoint while Paulo takes care of the doorman.
Una vez allí apuntáis a los de seguridad y los llevais por aquí. Paulo tu te ocuparás del portero.
Or perhaps ofthose driven to the camps at gunpoint amid the barking dogs and glaring searchlights, with the flames ofthe crematorium in the distance, in one of those night scenes so dear to a Nazi's heart.
O quizás de aquellos conducidos a los campos a punta de pistola, en medio de perros ladrando y proyectores deslumbrantes, con las llamas del crematorio a lo lejos, en una de aquellas escenas nocturnas que tanto les gustaban a los nazis.
The search for Cobbett, who has been free for two hours... has shifted upstate, since motorist Tom Robellos... reported a hitchhiker, answering Cobbett's description... to whom Robellos had offered a ride... had forced him from his automobile at gunpoint and fled northward.
La búsqueda de Cobbett, que se escapó hace dos horas es más intensa al norte del estado, donde Tom Robellos vio a un individuo similar a la descripción de Cobbett y ofreció llevarlo el individuo le apuntó con un arma, le robó el auto y huyó hacia el norte.
Tu amiguito Jerry entró a la casa de William y lo encañonó hasta el banco.
You should have held this man at gunpoint and had him identify himself.
Debiste haberlo detenido apuntándole con tu arma y hacer que se identificara.
Subsequently, the Kwimpers quarreled with the gangsters... burned down their establishment... and finally drove them out at gunpoint.
Posteriormente, los Kwimpers pelearon con los mafiosos... quemaron su local... y finalmente los expulsaron a punta de pistola.
And we didn't chase'em off at gunpoint, either.
Y nunca los perseguimos a punta de pistola tampoco.
So let's keep him at gunpoint, without shooting.
Así que tengámoslo en vilo, a bocajarro, sin tirar.
Taken from my bed at gunpoint.
Me sacan de la cama a punta de pistola.
I'll show you how I, with my hands on my back and smoking eliminate an enemy who keeps me at gunpoint.
Le mostraré cómo yo, con mis manos en mi parte de atrás y fumando elimino a un enemigo que me apunta.
And had a wedding ceremony at gunpoint, marrying a corpse.
Al final terminó casándose, pero con un cadáver.
He just held me at gunpoint, tied me up, and locked me in the missile store.
Me secuestró a punta de pistola, me ató y me encerró en el almacén de misiles.
At gunpoint?
¿ Con un arma?
Well now Wyatt so you did, but the fact is I was brung here at gunpoint by a woman!
Bien, Wyatt, así lo hiciste, pero el hecho es que he sido traido a punta de pistola por una mujer!
Twice I had to hold them at gunpoint.
Dos veces... debí convencerlos a punta de pistola.
I had to bring him back and put him in his cell at gunpoint.
Tuve que apuntarle con la pistola para regresarlo a su celda.
Scott, one of the stewards has got Brains at gunpoint.
Uno de los auxiliares amenaza a Cerebro con un revólver.
He did come in here under gunpoint.
Lo hizo venir aquí en punta de pistola.
"He leaped out of his car, produced a revolver... " and forced the men at gunpoint to release the girl ".
Saltó del coche, y pistola en mano les obligó a soltar a la muchacha.
They were sexually assaulting two members of our party at gunpoint.
Estaban atacando sexualmente a dos amigos a punta de pistola.
Call him and tell him you've got me at gunpoint.
Llámele y dígale que me tiene atrapado.
- Yes, at gunpoint.
- ¡ Sí! A boca de cañón.
- Gunpoint?
- ¿ A boca de cañón?
She forced me at gunpoint... into her crummy little house... stripped me of my clothes... and made me exhibit myself in front of her.
Me llevo a punta de pistola dentro de su siniestra casita me quito la ropa e hizo que me exhibiera delante de ella
- Kicked us out at gunpoint.
- Nos expulsaron a punta de fusil.
How'd he get you? At gunpoint or trap?
¿ Te amenazó con pistola o te puso una trampa?
He forced one of them at gunpoint to swallow these small packets.
Forzó a uno de ellos a punta de pistola a tragarse unas bolsitas con dosis.
A wandering transvestite took my car... and stole my clothes at gunpoint.
Un transvestita con un arma se llevó mi auto y me robó la ropa.
They mut give me a new home or kick me out at gunpoint I ay well?
O me dan una casa nueva o me sacan a cañonazos. ¿ Tengo razón?
Not even at gunpoint they'll pen.
- Aquellos no abren ni a cañonazos. - ¿ Por qué?
At gunpoint.
They forced him at gunpoint to hold up the bank.
Lo obligaron a asaltar el banco a punta de pistola.
Randomly choosing a house, and tie the family at gunpoint.
y amarro a la familia a punta de pistola.
Organizing a mass suicide under duress and at gunpoint.
Ordenándoles un suicidio en masa a punta de pistola.
If anything happens close the place down even if it's at gunpoint.
Si algo pasa cierra el lugar y ponte a seguro.
I was invited along... at gunpoint.
Me invitaron a ir a punta de pistola.
Do you know that Gunpoint is the first play that I ever saw?
A punta de pistola. Es la primera obra que vi.
This weapon from gunpoint... Is now full of live bullets, love.
Este arma, de "A punta de pistola", contiene balas de verdad.
Why was I snatched at gunpoint? My skull creased by some cheap gunsel?
¿ Por qué me secuestró un asesino a punta de pistola?
Yes, for marriage at gunpoint.
Sí, para el matrimonio a punta de pistola.
As they're walking back to their car, which is parked less than 10 yards away... they are attacked and robbed at gunpoint.
Mientras caminaban hacia su auto que estaba estacionado a sólo 10 metros... son asaltados a punta de pistola.
How would Mr. Van Dussen feel if he had to undress at gunpoint and wore no underwear, like my poor friend, Sonny.
¿ Qué haría el Sr. Van Dussen si le mandaran desnudarse... y no llevase ropa interior, como mi amigo Sonny?
That you took this gun from my night table. Big trouble. You led me at gunpoint to a quiet room.
Que tomaste esta pistola de mi mesa de noche... me apuntaste y me llevaste a una habitación vacía.
- I forced him at gunpoint.
- Le obligué a punta de pistola.
To force some poor bastard to rape her at gunpoint?
¿ Para que alg? n desgraciado la viole a punta de pistola?
He came here at gunpoint.
Vino por la fuerza.

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