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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Have a good evening

Have a good evening translate Spanish

376 parallel translation
Have a good evening?
- ¿ Habéis tenido una buena velada?
- Have a good evening, Royle.
Buenas noches.
Have a good evening.
Hasta mañana.
Have a good evening!
Buenas tardes.
You have a good evening?
¿ Lo has pasado bien?
- Thanks and have a good evening.
- Gracias. Buenas noches.
Have a good evening, sir.
Tener una buena tarde, señor.
Y'all have a good evening, now.
Buenas noches a todos.
- Have a good evening.
- Buenas noches.
Have a good evening.
Buenas noches.
Have a good evening, everybody.
Buenas noches a todos.
Have a good evening. Good night.
Que pasen una velada agradable.
You have a good evening.
- Que tengas una buena noche.
Have a good evening.
Que pases buena noche.
Have a good evening then.
Tenga una buena noche pues.
Have a good evening now.
- Que pase buena noche.
You have a good evening.
Buenas noches.
All right. You guys have a good evening.
A pasarlo bien.
- Have a good evening, sir.
- Tenga una buena velada, señor.
Have a good evening!
Vaya con cuidado.
Good evening. I had to have a few word with Rudolph.
Buenas noches, tenía que comentar un asunto con Rudolph.
Good Evening. You have a room for me I believe.
- Perdone, tengo habitación reservada.
Good evening. If you're looking for a place to stay, I have a lovely room.
Buenas noches, si quieren dormir, tenemos una habitación preciosa
Good evening, Lestrade. Come to give us a hand, have you?
¿ Ha venido a echarnos una mano?
Good evening. - I'll have a glass of gin.
Una ginebra.
- Good evening. You ought to have brought Mrs Webster here before, Dan.
Deberías haber traído a la Sra. Webster antes.
Good evening. Did your wife have a pleasant departure?
Buenas noches. ¿ Fue bien la partida de su esposa?
Good evening, and have a good time on land.
Buenas tardes y pasénlo bien en tierra.
Good evening. Have you seen Clara?
Buenas noches ¿ Ha visto a Clara?
Uh, good evening. We have a reservation under the name of Joyce.
Tenemos reservadas habitaciones a nombre de Joyce.
This evening I want to have a good time!
¡ esta noche quiero divertirme!
Good evening, have you seen Rossana?
¡ Buenas noches, Lina! ¿ Has visto a Rossana?
You have yourself a good time this evening, and I'll see you later.
Pásalo bien esta noche. Ya nos veremos.
- Have a good evening.
Ve al ayuntamiento y encuentra ese maqueta de las casa populares.
Good evening, Pilot. Oh, what a very nice office you have here.
Buenas noches, piloto. ¡ Oh, qué una oficina muy bonita que tenemos aquí.
I'll have a good, interesting evening.
Pasaré una noche buena e interesante.
Have a good afternoon and a fine evening, Commander!
Que pase una buena tarde y una buena noche, comandante.
Good evening. Well, we have in the studio tonight A man who says things in a very roundabout way.
Hoy nos acompaña un hombre que habla con circunloquios.
Good evening! Have you got a room free?
Buenas noches, ¿ tiene habitaciones libres?
No one'but good people house me and feed me'just like you have this evening. Just the way you have taken care of'- - I will be taking care of the souls of my fellow country men.
Nadie, pero la buena gente me da cobijo y me alimenta voy a cuidar yo de las almas de mis compatriotas.
Good evening, and welcome to another edition of prejudice The show that gives you a chance to have a go At wops, krauts, nigs, eyeties, gippos, bubbles, froggies
Bienvenidos a "Prejuicio"... el programa que permite insultar a espagueti, cabezas cuadradas... negros, gitanos, gabachos, amarillos, polacos, irlandeses y españoles.
Why shouldn't he have a happy evening after a good day's work?
¿ Por qué no iba a tener una noche feliz después de un buen día de trabajo?
Why shouldn't he have a happy evening after a good day's work?
Pero después del baile de máscaras usted puede hacer lo que quiera. La cena se sirve, señora.
- Have a lovely evening. Good-bye.
- Que pasen una buena velada.
Tell you what I'll do, Casey, I'll come down with you this evening, and we'll have a good look round. How's that?
Te diré lo que voy a hacer, Casey, bajaré contigo esta noche, tan pronto como la sala esté vacía, echaremos un buen vistazo, ¿ qué te parece?
Come and have a cocktail this evening and tell me all about it Good.
Ven a tomar una copa esta noche y me lo cuentas todo.
Good evening, do you have a light?
Buenas noches, ¿ tiene fuego?
My apologies. Have a good evening.
Disculpen, que lo pasen bien.
I always keep run over, I lose a dance contest get stood up by a heel and spend most of the evening washing dishes to... pay for a good time I didn't have
Casi me pasa por encima un coche, pierdo una competición de baile, me quedo plantada por un caradura, y me paso casi toda la noche lavando platos para... pagar por un buen rato que no pasé.
Thus far, I have to tell you, it had been a very good evening.
Hasta entonces, he de decirle que había sido una velada maravillosa.
Have a good evening.
Supongo que no. Kalinijti. Kalinijti.

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