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He is a doctor translate Spanish

573 parallel translation
He is a doctor, you know.
Es médico, ¿ sabe?
Engineer Marcos Resende, son of the late urbanite and industrialist Dr. Romulo Rezende, was judged today by a jury in the court of this capital. As it is widely known, he killed his wife by shooting her several times on the very night of their marriage, when he discovered he had been deceived.
El ingeniero Marcos Resende, hijo del industrial doctor Rómulo Rezende, fue juzgado hoy por el Tribunal de esta Capital, pegándole varios tiros en la misma noche de bodas.
But the doctor is back in town now, yes, and he will give your case his personal attention.
Pero el doctor ha vuelto ya a la ciudad, sí y le prestará una atención personal a su caso.
Then the doctor is going to feel pretty silly when he sees us in the newsreel.
Entonces el doctor se va a sentir bastante tonto cuando nos vea en el noticiero.
What is he, a horse doctor?
¿ Qué es, un veterinario de caballos?
- Is he a good doctor?
- ¿ Es un buen medico?
Don't worry. A detective is like a doctor, he's not allowed to tell all he knows.
Tranquilícese, un detective debe saber guardar secretos.
- Is he a doctor?
- ¿ También es médico?
Is he a doctor of horses?
Es así con los de arriba y con los de abajo.
Is he a doctor too?
- ¿ Es médico también?
Christians who believe in spreading the Word of God, among the heathen. Enemies of slavery, who know how a magnificent fight he is making against the slave traders.
Cristianos que creen en la evangelización de los salvajes, enemigos de la esclavitud que conocen la lucha que mantiene el doctor con los negreros
and I have here one of the letters Dr.Livingstone have supposed to entrust to Mr. Stanley and here is a letter which I personally know was written by Dr.Livingstone some 15 yrs ago when he was in England.
Ésta es una de las cartas que supuestamente entregó el doctor Livingstone al señor Stanley. Y esta es una carta manuscrita del doctor Livingstone de hace 15 años, cuando estuvo en Inglaterra.
And if you call a doctor, the first thing he does is check your rhythm.
Y si llamas a un doctor, lo primero que hace es revisar tu tirmo.
Es muy buen médico, ese Dr. Schutzenbrink.
Is he a collector? The Herr doctor Mespelbrunn?
- ¿ Es un coleccionista?
A doctor is never persuaded to do a thing he believes to be wrong for his patient. Is he, Merek?
A un médico nunca se lo convence de que haga algo... que cree inconveniente para su paciente, ¿ no?
That's the way it is. The minute the doctor falls in love with his patient, from then on... he's about as useful as a papoose.
Cuando un médico se enamora de su paciente es menos útil que un niño de pecho.
Doctor, is he going to...?
Doctor, ¿ va a...?
What I want to know, Doctor, is whether he's a homicidal type or not.
Quiero saber si es del tipo homicida o no.
My brother-in-law is a doctor right here in this hospital, and he'll take care of it - hey, wait a minute.
Se equivoca, mi cuñado está en este hospital y se encargará... Un momento.
What I can't understand is why Lou Walsh if he tried to kill Steve, would call a doctor?
Lo que no puedo entender es por qué Lou Walsh,... si intentó matar a Steve, llamó luego al médico.
- Doctor, Harvey is a rabbit.
- Ya se lo he dicho : es un conejo.
There is a chance he made a mistake, just as any other doctor might have.
- Cabe la posibilidad de que se equivocara.
He is not a doctor.
ÉI no es doctor.
He is still a medicine student but he is already a doctor to me.
No será más que pasante pero para mí es más que un doctor.
The only person i've seen for weeks is a dr. Henderson.
La única persona que he visto en semanas ha sido el Doctor Henderson.
But I've found that he is only a small neighborhood doctor.
Pero ha resultado ser solo el médico de un pequeño barrio.
What kind of a doctor is he?
¿ Qué clase de médico es él?
- Doctor, is he going to be all right?
- Doctor, se va a poner bien, verdad?
What he needs most at a time like that is someone like himself, another doctor, a professional man.
Lo que más necesita en estos momentos es a alguien como él otro doctor, un profesional.
I've read the books from the state library on childbirth, and I've sent you to the doctor to see that all is fine. I've made good friends with the midwife.
Me he leído los libros de la biblioteca acerca del parto... y a ti te he mandado al médico, por si todo está bien con la comadrona he hecho buena amistad.
The awful part about it is... he's been working every night against the doctor's orders.
Lo peor de todo esto es que... ha estado trabajando todas las noches, desobedeciendo a los médicos.
He is going to be a minister, and Viktor a doctor.
Va a ser sacerdote, y Viktor un doctor.
I suppose you know as well as I do, Mr. Robeson, that when a doctor is called to treat a gunshot wound, he's obliged to notify the police.
Supongo que sabe tan bien como yo, Sr. Robeson, que cuando un médico es llamado para tratar una herida de bala, esta ha obligado a notificarlo a la policía.
Dr. Hallen is dead, and he was killed by some sort of a monster.
El doctor Hallen está muerto... y fue asesinado por una especie de monstruo.
Miklós! Please, my husband is a doctor and he's ill.
Mi marido es médico y está enfermo.
He told me that his wife was sick. - She is ill. She'd had an asthma attack and the doctor had given her a shot.
Me dijo que su mujer estaba enferma, acababa de tener un ataque de asma y el doctor había venido a ponerle una inyección.
The doc thinks he is going to try and kill one of us.
El doctor cree que intentará matar a uno de nosotros.
Isolated is a mild description. He's crammed them together in a cave where they die one by one because there is no doctor.
Los ha amontonado en un subterráneo donde no entra la luz del sol para que se mueran sin molestar.
This Monsieur Pierre, is he a doctor?
¿ Este Monsieur Pierre, es doctor?
Even I am not a doctor, I have the right to protect the patient go away, he is not sick
Ni siquiera yo soy doctor, tengo el derecho de proteger al paciente márchese, él no está enfermo
There is a growing suspicion that he is not a doctor at all.
Cada vez se rumorea más que no es ni médico.
The doctor is a serious man, well-spoken, perhaps he plans to marry her.
El doctor es un tipo serio, reposado. Se casará con ella.
The doctor, he says to me, he says, that my brain is a little mixed up, you know like, I don't know, scrambled eggs.
El médico me dijo que tengo el cerebro un poco confundido, no sé, como huevos revueltos, digo...
The truth is, after it happened, Dr. Amano, out of deference to you... He forbade Chigusa to enter his home.
La verdad es que, después de lo que ocurrió, el doctor Amano, por respeto a ti, prohibió la entrada en su casa a Chigusa.
And, Doctor, for the last four days, the only thing I've had my arms around... is a Woof-Woof.
Y, doctor... durante estos días, lo único que he tenido entre mis brazos... ha sido a Woof-Woof.
I don't know what kind of a doctor he is, but, you know, he oughta see a psychiatrist.
No sé qué clase de doctor sea... pero debería ver a un psiquiatra.
Who is this extraordinary rogue? He says he's a frog doctor, sir.
¿ Quién es este bribón extraordinario?
- He is a very good doctor.
- Es muy bueno.
- Look at Steven, is he all right?
Doctor, mire a Steven. ¿ Está bien?
This friend of yours, the one you call the Doctor, is he a... a learned man? Oh, not half.
Este amigo tuyo, al que llama Doctor, es un... un hombre sabio?

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