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He likes that translate Spanish

1,082 parallel translation
That knife won't do you any good. He likes that knife, remember?
Aquel cuchillo no sirve para nada, pero a él le gusta, ¿ recuerdas?
Then I said I could go down on him. He likes that.
Entonces le dije que le iba a hacer una mamada, que le gusta.
Ilse, buy some flounder for tomorrow, you know how he likes that.
Compra rodaballo para mañana. Sabes cuánto le gusta.
That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...
Por eso Ie gustan Ias playas con mucha gente... el fútbol, eI bar del centro...
He ain't gonna even tell you that he likes you.
Ni siquiera te dirá que le gustas.
He likes foreign birds, that Turner.
A Turner le gusta las minas extranjeras.
Pick Antonelli, he likes all that military crap.
Envía a Antonelli, a él le gustan esas estupideces militares.
He likes you. Is that so frightening?
Le gustas. ¿ Es tan alarmante?
See to it that she likes you, he said.
Procura que ella te guste, dijo.
I hope he likes what he sees when he walks in here because that's what he's taking to hell with him.
Espero que le guste cuando entre, pues te irás con él al infierno.
Then he meets Maria Zani... a nymphomaniac that likes to provoke him... humiliate him, heightening his paranoia.
Entonces conoce a María Zani... una ninfómana que le gustaba provocarlo... humillarlo, lo que aumentó su paranoia.
Say, I noticed that he likes country and western music.
Ajá. Noté que a él le gusta la música country y la música western.
I mean, well, everyone likes to feel that he's participating in something important.
A todos nos gusta sentir que estamos participando en algo importante.
That Kraut can do what he likes here?
¡ Los alemanes hacen lo que les da la gana!
And Crackers has that nice little shed right out back... so he can have his friends in whenever he likes... without waking us up.
Y Crackers tiene ese bonito cobertizo atras para que asi pueda traer a sus amigos cuando quiera sin despertarnos.
He likes it that way.
Le gusta así.
That he likes to put less you know the grill and I can boil over low heat. A whore!
A quién le gusta poner la red y cocinar a fuego lento... es Una puta!
Clear that one day and it's gonna shoot him but first he likes to have fun.
Por supuesto, un día se irá pero primero le gustará divertirse.
He just likes it up in the dome, that's all.
Le gusta estar en el domo, eso es todo.
Oh, that Little Joe, he likes to fight. Flush'em.
A "Pequeño Joe" le gusta la pelea.
He likes to be alone. You know that.
Le gusta estar solo, ya lo sabéis.
- And when he does you can bet it won't be the likes of you to get that reward.
- Y cuando lo haga puedes apostar a que no serás tú el de la recompensa.
He's understood that this is a factory where ends must meet and likes the lunatics to be rotated.
El comprendió que esto es una fábrica donde tenemos que lograr un final y le gusta que nos rotemos los loquitos.
Doggy doctor, that's his beat Four-legged friends he likes to treat
Doctor canino, es su canción A sus cuadrúpedos les da la inyección
Now you must chase me because that is what he likes.
Ahora debes darme caza porque eso es lo que le gusta a él.
He's known throughout the country as the bravest of the brave, and this man likes the glory that surrounds him.
Es conocido como el más valiente de todos. Le sostiene la gloria que le rodea.
He likes eating in a room with a view. That's all.
Le gusta comer en una habitación con vistas.
I heard that the prince likes to befriend antiques and art collectors.
He oído que al príncipe le gusta relacionarse con coleccionistas de arte y de antigüedades.
He's one of them white men that likes nigger women.
Es un blanco al que le gustan las negras.
Now, that ain't'cause he likes her.
Ahora, no hay motivo para que le guste a ella.
Now, that ain't'cause he likes her.
No es porque le guste.
What he likes most about my mother is that she's a penny pincher.
Lo que más le gusta de mi madre es ser sumisa.
- I bet he likes looking at you in that.
- Seguro que le gusta verte en eso.
That old fool's idea that he likes me is my ticket out of this place.
Gustarle a ese viejo loco me sacará de este lugar.
But, Mom, he likes it that way.
Pero, mamá, le gusta tomarla de esa forma.
This is the violin that he likes, and this is where he comes back, dear!
¡ Este es el violín que le gusta, y es aquí a donde vuelve, querida!
That he likes matzo ball soup.
Que le gusta la sopa de pelotitas de "matza".
I've never seen the likes of that before, small as it is.
Nunca he visto una tan pequeña.
They say that he likes boys.
Dicen que le gustan los chicos.
It's just that when he gets something'on his mind, he's got a hard head, he likes to do things his own way.
Es sólo que cuando se le mete una cosa en la cabeza es un cabeza dura, le gusta hacer las cosas a su modo.
Because I do not think he likes knowing that spend so much time with Mr. Harding.
Pues no creo que le guste saber que pasas tanto tiempo con el Sr. Harding.
I think he's a showoff. That he likes to control us.
Creo que es un fanfarrón que lo que quiere todo a su modo.
Just that, uh, he's an accountant, and he likes to gamble.
No. Sólo que es contador y que le gusta jugar.
If he likes you, that won't change anything.
- Si le gustas, eso no cambiará nada.
He still likes to do that.
Aún le gusta hacer eso.
My uncle Gus is the uncle that likes to work the grill. And don't let nobody touch the grill when he's around and shit.
Mi tío es ese al que le gusta ponerse en la parrilla, y no deja acercarse a nadie!
That's only his last name. He likes to be called "Superman."
Llámele Supermán.
He likes to do it that way.
Sé que le gusta eso.
Not only that, she likes it. And she tells me when her boss, the jeweler is shipping stones to Holland where he keeps his stash in a drawer in the safe. Everything.
No sólo eso, a ella le gusta, y me chismea cuándo el joyero va a enviar las piedras a Holanda y cómo las esconde en un cajoncito en la caja fuerte.
I don't know. Maybe that's why he likes me.
- Puede que me quiera por eso.
I've never seen the likes of that.
Nunca he visto nada igual.

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