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His heart stopped translate Spanish

215 parallel translation
His heart stopped and he fell.
Su corazón se detuvo y cayó.
His heart stopped beating.
Se le paró el corazón.
He was a Stone Age man, all right, similar to our Cro-Magnon period, say 40,000 years ago, but he died of shock, his heart stopped, nothing else is wrong.
Era un hombre de la Edad de Piedra. Similar al Cromañón que vivió hace unos cuarenta mil años. Murió de un ataque al corazón no tenía nada más.
- His heart stopped beating.
- Su corazón dejó de latir.
A quick undetected injection, and his heart stopped.
Una inyección rápida y no detectada... y su corazón dejó de latir.
When his heart stopped, we gave him electro-shock resuscitation...
Cuando el corazón se detuvo tomaste un electroshock para revivirlo, y no pasó nada.
His heart stopped beating!
¡ Le dejó de latir el corazón!
- The news said his heart stopped.
- Dicen que se le paró el corazón.
We used all our capabilities, but his heart stopped and he died.
Usamos todos nuestros medios, pero se le paró el corazón y murió.
His heart stopped?
¿ Su corazón se paró?
His heart stopped!
Paro cardíaco.
His heart stopped!
Se le ha parado el corazón.
So you didn't have to give Jan electric shock treatment... when his heart stopped in the operation yesterday?
No necesitó un electrochoque cuando ayer se le paró el corazón.
His heart stopped. His heart stopped!
¡ Se le ha parado el corazón!
His heart stopped like a watch.
Se le paró el corazón como un reloj.
I just hope that when his heart stopped he didn't feel any pain.
Sólo espero que, cuando se le haya parado el corazón no haya sentido dolor.
His heart stopped beating.
su corazón dejo de latir.
His heart stopped, but we resuscitated him.
Se le paró el corazón, pero le reanimamos.
His heart stopped.
Se le ha parado el corazón!
His heart stopped.
Su corazón paró.
His heart stopped.
El corazón se detuvo.
His heart stopped more times than anyone in the history of science.
Más paradas cardíacas que nadie en la historia de la medicina.
His heart stopped again.
- Se le volvió a parar el corazón. Lo sé.
We can say that he woke up suddenly when the train stopped and that his heart stopped.
Podemos decir que se despertó cuando el tren paró y que se le paró el corazón.
So, of course his heart stopped.
Seguro que su corazón se paró!
My guess is he was unconscious before his heart stopped.
Creo que estaba inconsciente antes que su corazón se detuviera.
He got hit by a car and his heart stopped.
Lo atropellaron y su corazón dejó de latir.
His heart stopped beating, while his mistress the admirable Madame Steinheil, kneeling before him, bestowed on him the most glorious blowjob of all time.
Su corazón dejó de latir mientras que su amante, la admirable Madame Steinheil de rodillas frente a él, le ejecutaba con firmeza la mejor mamada de la historia.
He was such a dead-fish that his heart stopped beating.
¡ De tanto estar parado, el corazón se paró también!
His heart might have stopped beating before the fire.
El corazón dejó de latir antes del fuego.
For a moment I felt like falling at his feet but my heart stopped me
Por un momento sentí que había caído a sus pies pero mi corazón me detuvo.
His heart had stopped beating, Doctor. He was dead!
Su corazón dejó de latir, Doctor. ¡ Él estaba muerto!
His heart just stopped.
Su corazón se paró.
- Doctor, his heart's stopped.
- Doctor, su corazón se detuvo.
His heart's stopped, and brain activity ´ s ceased.
El EEG está plano. El corazón se detuvo.
And that stopped his heart?
¿ Y ésa fue la causa?
She tempted him to her and stopped his heart.
Lo sedujo entonces... detuvo su corazón.
We successfully stopped the bleeding and did some additional surgery. But, unfortunately, his heart gave out, and he died on the table.
Conseguimos detener la hemorragia y le hicimos algunos arreglos más pero por desgracia le falló el corazón y murió allí mismo.
It stopped one of your bullets, Lieutenant, right in front of his heart.
Paró uno de sus disparos justo delante del corazón, teniente.
Unfortunately, this patient has hypocalcemia and you've just stopped his heart.
Por desgracia, este paciente tiene hipocalcemia y usted acaba de pararle el corazón.
Doctor, his heart stopped.
Se le ha parado el corazón.
His heart stopped.
It means that whatever happened at that spot occurred after his heart had stopped beating.
Que lo que pasó en ese sitio... ocurrió después de dejar de latir su corazón.
His heart's stopped.
Su corazón se detuvo.
His heart had stopped.
Tuvo un paro cardíaco.
The shock travelled up his left arm and stopped his heart.
La descarga viajó hasta su brazo izquierdo y detuvo su corazón.
His heart had stopped, so I cut open his chest to massage it.
Su corazón se había detenido, así que abrí su pecho para masajearlo.
His heart had stopped.
- Su corazón se había detenido.
See, first she stopped his heart, and then she replaced it with darkness, then made him live his life like that.
Primero le detuvo el corazón y se lo cambió por oscuridad. Y lo hizo vivir su vida así.
His heart simply stopped beating.
Su corazón simplemente dejó de latir.
Well, knowing this has apparently not stopped you from dragging his heart all over this town.
Pero, esto no te impidió arrastrar su corazón por toda la ciudad.

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