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His office translate Spanish

6,226 parallel translation
I should have escorted him to his office anyway.
Debí seguir ese día al Presidente.
'Cause I heard them having an argument in his office.
Porque les he oído teniendo un argumento en su oficina.
I saw the map in his office.
Vi el mapa en su oficina.
I saw it circled on the map in his office.
La ví marcada en el mapa de su oficina.
Alvey's in his office.
Alvey está en su oficina.
Perhaps it's at his office.
A lo mejor está en su oficina.
- Principal wants to see Louie in his office right now.
- El director quiere ver a Louie en su oficina ahora mismo.
Because he would have tossed me out of his office.
Porque me hubiera echado de su oficina.
He's working from his office, the New York Central Building.
Trabaja desde el edificio central de Nueva York.
Salvatore Maranzano was murdered this afternoon in his office.
Salvatore Maranzano fue asesinado esta tarde en su oficina.
Do you want me to check his office?
- ¿ Quiere que miremos en su oficina?
His office is all cleared out.
Su oficina lo limpió todo.
We saw her go into his office around the time of death.
La vimos entrar en su oficina alrededor de la hora de la muerte.
Oh, this isn't his office anymore.
Este ya no es su despacho.
I mean Mr. Forbes... he would do things like halter-top inspections in his office, on his boat, on his lap, or sometimes he would just untie it while we were holding a tray of drinks.
Me refiero al señor. Forbes... que iba a hacer las cosas como soga-top inspecciones en su oficina, en su barco, en su regazo, o, a veces él simplemente desatarlo mientras nosotros estábamos sosteniendo una bandeja de bebidas.
Chad has a big swing in his office.
Chad tiene un gran giro en su oficina.
Oh, his office is closed, but if you'd like his voicemail...
Su oficina está cerrada, pero si quieres su buzón de voz...
Shep does most of his work trapped in his office, where he often escapes by daydreaming... About being the first astronomer to observe a black hole.
Shep hace la mayor parte de su trabajo atrapado en su oficina, donde a menudo se escapa para soñar despierto... acerca de ser el primer astrónomo que observe un agujero negro.
Annie, DCS wants to see you in his office right away.
Annie, el Director del Servicio Clandestino quiere verte enseguida.
Well, I guess the good news is you'll have plenty of time to search his office again.
Bueno, creo que la buena noticia es usted tendrá un montón de tiempo para buscar su oficina otra vez.
Maybe travers was just trying to get me out of his office.
Quizás Asher tenía razón. Tal vez Travers solo estaba intentando sacarme de su oficina.
But he had some constituent meetings in his office.
Me encantaba ese hombre.
Galan took me aside to tell me that Samuel caught a guy, someone they think bugged his office.
Galán me llevó a un lado y me ha contado que Samuel ha atrapado a un tipo, a alguien que creen que puso el micro en su despacho.
And security access to his office and home.
Y acceso a la seguridad de su oficina y su casa.
We were cleaning out his office and found these books full of numbers.
Estábamos limpiando su oficina y encontramos estos libros llenos de números.
Principal wants to see you in his office.
El director quiere verte en su oficina.
You want me to transfer you to his office?
¿ Quieres que te transfiero a su oficina?
Uh, Henry would like to see you in his office.
Uh, Henry le gustaría verte en su oficina.
.. working in his office, what will he say then?
.. trabajando en su oficina, ¿ qué va a decir a continuación?
You're the one that shuts himself up in his office all day and into the night and doesn't tell me what he's doing.
Tú eres el que se encierra en su despacho todo el día y la noche y no me dice lo que hace.
He spends 90 percent of his life in his office, Kyle.
Se pasa el 90 por ciento de su vida... en su despacho, Kyle.
You want to wait in his office?
¿ Quieres esperar en su oficina?
That software guy, Lee Ross... at his office, he had this art piece behind his desk.
El tipo del software, Lee Ross... en su oficina, tenía esta obra de arte detrás de su escritorio.
JAY : This guy's the chairman of the board, and he only comes to town and goes to his office one day out of the month.
Este tipo es el presidente de la junta, y solo viene a la ciudad y va a la oficina un día al mes.
- Check his office. - Oh.
Busca en su oficina.
Oppenheimer needs more hands in his office and it looks to me like you've got all the help you need.
Oppenheimer necesita más manos en su oficina... y me parece que ya tienes toda la ayuda que necesitas.
About five minutes later, Frank comes out of his office with the pig and Meeks and I are barely keeping it together.
Al cabo de cinco minutos, Frank sale de su oficina con el cerdo... y Meeks y yo apenas nos aguantábamos.
How long does it take Dr. Oppenheimer to walk 300 feet from his office?
¿ Cuánto tiempo tarda el Dr. Oppenheimer en andar los 90 metros desde su oficina?
It was his office that downgraded your clearance.
Fue su oficina la que le retiró la acreditación.
I-I called his office.
He llamado a su oficina.
He went in to the office at 8 : 00 in the morning, worked late with his staff, went home.
Entró a la oficina a las 8 : 00 de la mañana, trabajó hasta tarde con su personal y se fue a casa.
He was on the verge of being discovered, so he stays on in the office, sets about a decanter of whiskey, and he blows his brains out.
Estaba a punto de ser descubierto, entonces se queda en la oficina, se toma una botella de whiskey, y se vuela el cerebro.
It's about rigging elections to put people in office who support his financial interests.
Se trata de elecciones manipuladas para poner gente en cargos públicos que apoyen sus intereses financieros.
He'll take office immediately, pending, of course, his permanent confirmation.
Tomara su cargo de inmediato, obviamente esperando la confirmación final.
Bloomberg's out of office, but his war on sugar isn't over, so...
Fuera de Bloomberg de la oficina, pero su guerra contra el azúcar no ha terminado, por lo que...
We covered his apartment and his office... there's still no sign of him.
Visitamos su apartamento y su oficina... todavía no hay señales de él.
Spence claims that he came by the office to see him and he asked for his help in repairing our relationship.
Spence dice que pasó por la oficina para verlo y le pidió ayuda para arreglar nuestra relación.
Would the court like to be put on record For refusing to hear his testimony, all the while, Senator trucco is sitting in his corner office right across the street?
Le gustaría a la corte ser puesta en evidencia, por oponerse a escuchar su testimonio, mientras el senador Trucco está sentado en su oficina al otro lado de la calle?
Approximately 45 minutes ago, soldiers from the president's office for internal security took Ihab Rashid and ten of his followers and a substantial cache of illegal weaponry into custody.
Aproximadamente hace 45 minutos, soldados de la oficina del presidente para la seguridad interna detuvieron a Ihab Rashid y diez de sus seguidores Y un escondide sustancia de armamento ilegal en custodia.
President Jamal Al Fayeed, in office less than a week since the death of his father, freed 30-some political prisoners today and admitted that the manhunt used as a pretext to round them up was based on the mistaken assumption that their leader was involved
El presidente Jamal Al Fayeed, En la oficina por menos de una semana desde la muerte de su padre, ha liberado a unos 30 prisiones políticos y ha admitido Que la persecución usada como pretexto para acorralarlos.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man You know, I thought cleaning out a dead professor's office was gonna just be boring, but then I found his dentures and realized it's also gross.
Creía que limpiar la oficina de un profesor muerto solo sería aburrido, pero luego encontré sus dientes postizos y me di cuenta de que también es asqueroso.

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