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His wife left him translate Spanish

225 parallel translation
His wife left him because of you.
Su mujer le ha dejado gracias a usted.
He gave that up the day his wife left him for another man.
Renunció al ejercicio el día en que su mujer le dejó por otro.
Why, then, his wife left him.
Entonces, ¿ por qué mató a su esposa?
And his wife left him.
Su mujer lo abandonó.
No his wife left him after two months.
No, su mujer le dejó al cabo de dos meses.
His wife left him, so he always sleeps till lunchtime.
Su esposa lo abandonó, así que siempre duerme hasta la hora de comer.
His wife left him?
Así que estaba igual que tú.
His wife left him for a psychiatrist, Dr. Fuchs.
Su mujer se lió con un psiquiatra, el Dr. Fuchs.
Even his wife left him because he was too serious.
Hasta su mujer lo dejó porque era demasiado serio. Oh...
His wife left him.
Su mujer le dejó.
I met him, we went to sign the papers, we had lunch, he told me his wife left him...
Lo vi, fuimos a firmar los papeles, comimos, me dijo que le dejó su mujer...
His wife left him. Took the kids to New York.
La mujer lo dejó, se llevó a los niños a Nueva York.
- His wife left him because of you. - What?
- Su mujer lo dejó por tu culpa.
His wife left him fοr sοmeοne else, the dοctοr's sister.
Eso mismo. El Dr. Kennedy es muy buena persona.
It's a month ago now that his wife left him.
Ya ha pasado un mes desde que le dejó su mujer.
His wife left him?
¿ Su mujer lo dejó?
His wife left him. What I can't figure out is why it took her so long.
Lo que no entiendo es ¡ por qué se tardó tanto!
His wife left him, and everyone said, " Give him some time.
Su esposa lo dejó y todas dijeron : " Denle tiempo.
His wife left him.
Su esposa lo dejó.
His wife left him.
Su mujer lo abandonó.
Ever since his wife left him he's been in one meaningless... unsatisfying relationship after another.
Desde que su esposa lo dejó él ha estado en un sentido... relación insatisfactoria tras otro.
Ever since his wife left him he's been in one meaningless... unsatisfying relationship....
Desde que su esposa lo dejó él ha estado en un sentido... relación insatisfactoria...
Lloyd, sweetheart, his wife left him this morning.
Su mujer le ha dejado esta mañana.
His wife left him because he accepts no bribes
Su mujer le dejó por no aceptar sobornos
They say he asked to be transferred here because his wife left him.
Dicen que pidió ser trasladado aquí porque la mujer le ha dejado.
Even his wife left him, you know.
Hasta su esposa lo dejó.
No, su esposa lo dejó.
His wife left him a year later.
Su mujer se fue un año después.
That's why his wife left him.
Por eso lo dejó su esposa.
If his wife left him, it's not official.
Si su mujer lo dejó, no es oficial.
His wife ran out on him, left him penniless with two kids.
Su esposa lo abandonó, lo dejó sin un centavo con dos niños.
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying that she'd arrived in Merritsville?
Si puso una conferencia a su esposa el día que partió, después de que llegara a Merritsville, ¿ por qué le escribió ella una postal diciendo que había llegado bien?
He has his old energy back, he's quite popular socially, and his wife has left him.
Él tiene su vieja energía, y es muy popular socialmente, y su esposa lo ha dejado.
But we can help him even more by praying for the two he left to us, his wife and his son.
Pero podemos ayudarle más rezando por las dos personas que nos ha dejado, su mujer y su hijo.
Ask him the name of the funeral parlor where he left his wife.
Pregúntale a qué funeraria llevó el cadáver de su esposa.
Furthermore, his wife, who had left him, has suddenly come back.
Además, su esposa que lo había dejado ha vuelto de repente.
His wife had run out on him, so this child, who was with a foster family, was left all alone.
Su esposa había huido de él así que esta niña, que estaba con una familia adoptiva, se quedo sola.
I left the negro here, but his wife buried him already.
No es culpa mía dejé al negro aquí, pero su esposa ya lo ha enterrado.
his wife, although she left, doesn't want to live without him And he's a laughingstock among everyone in town. "
Hoy ausentista en función, moralmente destruido su mujer aunque se ha ido sin él no desea vivir y él es el hazmerreír de todos como marido.
You go out there and tell him his wife left here 15 minutes ago.
Sal y dile que su esposa se fue.
Mascetti ate up two fortunes : ... his own and his wife's. Pride is all that's left to him.
Mascetti había devorado dos patrimonios el suyo y el de la mujer, solo le queda el orgullo.
When he came home, he found that his wife had left him.
Cuando regresó a casa, descubrió que su mujer lo había dejado.
Maybe he's in love, too... or sad... because his wife is waiting for him, or she doesn't wait any more because she just left him... or she's going to leave him.
Quizás también él está enamorado... o triste... porque su mujer le está esperando... o porque quizás ya no le espera. Porque ya le ha dejado... o porque piensa dejarle.
His wife probably left him a long time ago.
Su mujer lo dejó probablemtne hace mucho tiempo.
Dr. Lewin left a note asking his wife Carol to please forgive him.
El Dr. Lewin dejó una nota pidiendo perdón a su esposa Carol.
His first wife is dead, or maybe not... His second wife left him, and hides in youth hostel. She is from Yugoslavia.
su primera esposa esta muerta, o tal vez no... su segunda esposa lo dejo, y se esconde en el albergue juvenil.
That's what his wife did, left him.
Eso fue lo que hizo su esposa, lo dejo.
If Arthur ever left his wife and I actually met him... I am sure that you and I would drift apart.
Si Arthur deja a su esposa y realmente lo conozco... estoy segura que tú y yo nos distanciaremos.
He'd sewn him uр in what was left of his wife's corрse.
Lo había cosido dentro de lo que quedó del cuerpo de su esposa.
They whisked him upstairs, but they left his wife there for the taking.
Se lo llevaron, pero me dejaron a su mujer.
And you went to the Plaza with him the day he left his wife.
Y por eso se escapó con él al Hotel Plaza... el mismo día en que se separó.

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