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How's that going for you translate Spanish

97 parallel translation
Well, I'm going to send a bill to the Post tomorrow for all the wreckage committed around here in the last year. - How do you like that? - That's swell.
Si alguno de vosotros quiere un par de entradas extra... estaré más que encantado de hacerme cargo.
Nobody's going to dare to throw a rap at me for fear of hitting you, how's that for a hot flash?
Nadie se atreverá a tirar una piedra por miedo a darte a ti. Es una buena idea.
You know, with everything that's been going on recently, I'm not sure how safe it is for a girl like yourself to be here... alone.
Sabes, con todo lo que ha estado pasando últimamente me parece un poco peligroso que una chica como tú ande sola por aquí.
How's that going for you?
¿ Como vas con eso?
How's it going, you big Cockney space case? - Listen, did you manage to sell that ticket... for tonight's spiritual gathering? - Shut it.
¿ Cómo va eso, maldito Cockney?
That's a good distance, especially a little thing like this, and you don't know if you can take a running start or how you should do it, or what the thing is, so this looks like it's going to be our weakest event for sure.
Es una buena distancia, especialmente para una cosa tan pequeña, y no sabemos si podemos tomar carrerilla. Parece que va a ser nuestro punto débil.
Bugging out with those bugs, in from the deep, swimming- - for somebody who's still really learning how to swim, you took that on heartily- - and then today, I think it says a lot about you that you still feel that confident that you aren't going anywhere.
Por no comerte esos bichos, por nadar como alguien que está aprendiendo a nadar, y hoy, creo que dice mucho de ti lo que acabas de decir el que te sientes seguro de que no irás a ninguna parte.
You're going down for it, with or without Kevin. I don't see how that's going to happen.
Caerás por eso, con o sin Kevin.
You know, we all kind of you know, gather around him for that father-figure type of thing, so I'm just trying to decide how important that's going to be to my ultimate survival.
Y todos nos acercamos él por esa figura tan paternal Así que trato de decidir que tan importante será para mi supervivencia al final.
- How's that going for you?
- ¿ Te resulta? - Para nada.
- Well, how's that going for you?
¿ Y te ha resultado?
How's that coma going for you there, pal?
¿ Qué tal llevas ese coma, muchacho?
- How's that going for you?
- ¿ Qué tal te van las cosas?
Hey, Bright. How's that not talkin'to me thing going for you?
Hey, Bright. ¿ Cuánto tiempo seguirá esa cosa de no hablarme?
separate from the other, but I'm going to try to make you understand how it has to be that way, um... I think that at this point, it's just... it's better for my game if we vote you out tonight, but it has nothing to do with friendship.
pero voy a tratar de hacerte entender de que tiene que ser asi... pienso que en este punto es... es mejor para mi juego si votamos por ti esta noche, pero no tiene nada que ver con la amistad.
For the first time, he's trying to come to terms with his responsibilities ln two months, you are going to earn 100,000 from your acting, Aditya I don't care how you will do it, that's your problem
Por primera vez, él está tratando de llegar a un acuerdo con sus responsabilidades En dos meses, se va a Gana 100.000 de su calidad, Aditya No me importa cómo lo hará, ese es tu problema i puede poner que en la escritura.
- And how's that going for you?
¿ Y... qué tal te va en eso?
How's it going with that gal on the lacrosse team I picked out for you?
¡ Steve! ¿ Cómo va con ese equipo de "LaCrosse" que elegí por ti?
How's that tanglewood case going for you?
¿ Cómo te va con el caso Tanglewood?
How's that going for you?
Cómo te va con eso?
And how's that going for you?
Y, ¿ cómo lo llevas?
How's that going for you?
¿ Cómo va esto para ti?
Oh, how's that going for you?
¿ Cómo te va con eso?
- How's that going for you?
- ¿ Cómo le está yendo?
So how's that going for you?
¿ Y qué tal te va?
And while that's happening, you're just going to sit here and think about every mistake you made, and how easy it's going to be for us to find them.
Y mientras eso pase, vas a quedarte ahí sentado y vas a pensar en todos los errores que cometiste, y qué fácil va a ser para nosotros encontrarlos.
No, it's, it's just, how's that going for you?
no, es, uh, es solo - ¿ Como has estado haciendo eso?
- That's funny. So do I. How are you going to find the time for both?
Un paso más y verás.
How's that going for you there, Gary?
¿ Cómo resultó eso para ti, Gary?
I consummate mine all the time. How's that going for you, karev?
El consumo constantemente todo el tiempo y que tal te va a ti, Karev?
How's that going for you, Karev?
¿ Cómo te va a ti, Karev?
So how's that going for you, Doc?
¿ Cómo anda su vida, doctor?
So, how's that been going for you?
- ¿ Cómo te está yendo?
Hey, so how's that new hasher job going for you?
Oye y ¿ cómo te va con el nuevo trabajo de limpiador?
So, um, how's that going for you?
¿ Cómo llevas eso?
How's that going for you?
¿ Cómo va eso para tí?
Oh, how's that going for you?
Oh, ¿ cómo va eso?
Yes, I remember. You said my hair looked really cute, kind of like Megan Fox, and I said that's what I was going for, and then you were telling me about how you were thinking- - you cannot recall one thing about the surrogacy,
Si, ya recuerdo, dijistes que mi nuevo peinado se veía realmente bonito tipo Megan Fox y yo te dije que era lo quería, y entonces estuvimos hablando sobre como pensaba...
For one hour, we are going to take a sunset tour of the rainforest together as a family, because that's how memories are made, whether you want them or not!
Debo concentrarme, hablan sudamericano. Durante una hora, haremos un viaje vespertino a la selva. ¡ Juntos como familia!
So... How's that going for you?
Entonces... ¿ Cómo va eso para ti?
And how's that going for you?
¿ Cómo te fue a tí?
How's that going for you?
¿ Cómo os va?
Seeing how he's going out to arranged match introductions again, it appears that for Kim Joo Won, it's not you or me.
Al ver como él está yendo otra vez a encuentros matrimoniales... parece que Kim Joo Won no es para ti o para mí.
And how's that going for you?
¿ Qué tal te va?
And how's that going for you?
¿ Y cómo vas?
For Hope's sake, for all of our sakes, we're going to teach each other how to survive. ♪ What I want, you got, it might be hard to handle ♪ ♪ But like the flame that burns the candle ♪
Por el bien de Hope, por nuestro bien, vamos a enseñarnos cómo sobrevivir.
How's that going for you, by the way?
¿ Como te va eso, por cierto?
How's that going for you?
¿ Cómo te va?
How's that "I'll never gamble again" thing going for both of you?
¿ Qué tal va lo de "no voy a volver a apostar"?
I think that yesterday you decided to call him Hank, the day before that it was Orville, and that's pretty much how it's been going now, for almost a month.
Creo que ayer decidiste llamarlo Hank, anteayer era Orville, y así ha sido hasta ahora por casi un mes.
He speaks at just the right pace for me to absorb it and also he's got that very winning smile, so even though he does insist on telling us how soon it is that the sun's going to die out and we will all die screaming and flying off into the inky void of space, you don't mind it because he looks so sweet when he tells you.
Él habla exactamente al ritmo adecuado para que lo pueda absorber y también tiene esa sonrisa ganadora, así que aunque insiste en decirnos que tan pronto el sol va a morir y todos vamos a morir gritando y volando en el vacío del espacio,

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