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Husband and wife translate Spanish

1,937 parallel translation
By the power entrusted to me, I declare you husband and wife.
Por el poder a mi concedido, yo los declaro, marido y mujer.
Can we just try communicating like a husband and wife?
¿ Podemos tratar de comunicarnos como cónyuges?
For envestido in my power, pronounce you husband and wife.
Por el poder envestido en mi, los declaro marido y mujer.
It is my privilege in this time of war and violence, this time devoid of love, to pronounce you husband and wife.
Tengo el privilegio en esta época de guerra y violencia, en esta época carente de amor, declararlos marido y mujer.
Just be nice for a husband and wife to occasionally...
Es bonito que un marido y su esposa ocasionalmente...
It's not as though you and Gwen were husband and wife.
Oh, sí, hasta cierto punto. No es como si usted y Gwen fueran marido y mujer.
Uchenna y Joyce esposos provenientes de Houston, Texas.
Strange to be a husband and wife working together?
¿ No será un poco extraño trabajar en el mismo sitio marido y mujer?
And in accordance with articles 198, 199 and 200 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Argentina, I declare you husband and wife.
Y en concordancia con los artículos 198, 199 y 200 del Código Civil de la República Argentina los declaro marido y mujer.
I hereby declare them husband and wife.
Yo por este acto los declaro marido y mujer.
I hereby pronounce you husband and wife.
Por la presente os declaro marido y mujer.
Then by the power vested in me by the state of New York I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Y por el poder que me confiere el estado de Nueva York los declaro marido y mujer.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Y ahora os declaro marido y mujer.
Husband and wife.
- Marido y mujer
By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Por los poderes que me han sido investidos, Los declaro marido y mujer.
I pronounce that they are husband and wife, and now you can kiss him.
Yo declaro que son marido y mujer, y ahora puedes besarle.
I hereby declare you husband and wife.
Por la presente os declaro marido y mujer.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Ahora los declaro marido y mujer.
I now pronounce you, husband and wife.
Los declaro marido y mujer.
From today, you're husband and wife.
A partir de hoy, sois esposo y esposa.
We were only together Husband and wife for 1 year.
Solo estuvimos juntos como marido y mujer por 1 año.
By the power invested in me by the province of Ontario, it is my honour and delight to declare you henceforth to be husband and wife.
Por el poder que me confiere la iglesia de Ontario. Es un honor y un placer, declararlos marido y mujer.
Interview the husband and wife while you're there.
Entrevista al matrimonio mientras estás allí.
I think mr. Sweren needs to be reminded that what's said between a husband and wife is privileged.
El Sr. Sweren necesita que le recordemos que lo que se dice entre marido y mujer es secreto.
So, are we doing this as husband and wife, or just, uh, living together?
- Entonces, vamos a hacer esto como marido y mujer, o solo, vamos a vivir juntos?
And then we had a husband and wife team.
Éramos un matrimonio que trabajaba en equipo.
It's between a husband and wife.
Es información privilegiada.
I mean, you never saw pictures of him. Nobody ever mentioned this man's wife and child who were left without a husband and father.
Nunca vi el tuyo imágenes, nadie mencionó el... mujeres y niños que se quedaron sin esposo y padre.
'Because there is so much immorality, every man, his wife have and every woman, her own husband.
" Porque existe tanta inmoralidad... cada hombre debe tener a su propia mujer... y cada mujer, a su propio marido.
Florence Ravier, 43, doesn't understand why her husband, a high school teacher, has suddenly left his job, wife, children and low-rent apartment in Montreuil.
Florance Ravier, de 43 años... no entiende por qué su marido, profesor de enseñanza media... de repente deja su empleo, mujer, hijos... y su apartamento barato en Montreuil.
Maybe the husband was the one having the honeymoon... and the... the wife walks in.
Quizás el marido tenía otra luna de miel, y llegó la esposa.
So, the wife's brother Greg knew about it and killed the husband to protect his sister.
Asi que, el hermano de la esposa, Greg, sabia de ello y mato al esposo para proteger a su hermana.
It's not every wife that works a full shift, then goes home to change the baby's diapers while her husband and his girlfriend spend the weekend mooning truckers and playing Slug Bug.
No eres la mujer que trabaja a tiempo completo y regresa a cambiar pañales mientras su marido y su novia pasan la semana mostrando el trasero a camioneros y jugando idioteces.
like my husband... or you can go back to the lowlife narcissistic grunt I've watched berate his wife for a year and a half in my office.
O puedes volver a ser el gruñón, narcisista y despreciable que observé maltratar a su esposa por un año y medio en mi oficina.
Between a wife and husband?
¿ Entre esposa y esposo?
Or a wife, a wife, a wife, and husband?
¿ O entre esposa, esposa, esposa y esposo?
Orson, every wife understands that her husband will make a few mistakes- - a forgotten anniversary, the occasional harsh word, but we all have to draw the line somewhere, and I'm drawing mine at the attempted murder of my best friend's husband.
Orson, toda esposa sabe que su esposo cometerá algunos errores. Olvidará un aniversario, algún insulto ocasional pero en algún lugar hay que trazar la línea y yo trazo la mía en el intento de asesinato del esposo de mi mejor amiga.
Like, a wife was screwing her lover when her husband came home early and caught the two of them in the act.
Estaba ese caso en Texas :
The wife cried rape, the husband shot the lover, and the grand jury handed up a manslaughter indictment against the wife. Husband walked.
como, una esposa que estaba jodiendo con su amante cuando su esposo llegó temprano a casa... y los encontró a los dos en el acto... la esposa gritó violación, el esposo le disparó al amante... y el gran jurado determinó una acusación de homicidio... contra la esposa.
Aldo Moro's wife hates you and holds you responsible for her husband's death.
La esposa de Aldo Moro le odia y lo hace responsable por la muerte de su esposo.
You say that you left the boxing match in the company of your husband, Amos, his manager, Ozzie Beers, and you went to the Mockingbird Tavern on Queen Street in the company of an unknown man and his wife.
Usted dice que dejó el encuentro de boxeo en compañia de su marido, Amos, su manager, Ozzie Beers, y fué a la Taberna del Arrendajo en la Calle de la Reina en compañía de un desconocido y su esposa.
And the husband just sat there in the corner. Like touching his wife's shoulder, but not joining in.
Y el marido sólo se sentó en el rincón, tocando el hombro de su esposa pero sin unirse.
- Right. To my gorgeous, brilliant wife, who is quite the trouper for putting up with her sometimes cranky husband and for finding us some warmer clothes.
Para ml maravillosa y brillante esposa, que está muy dispuesta a aguantar a veces a su esposo fastidioso y por encontrarnos ropas mas abrigadas.
You are my wife and I am your husband.
Tú eres mi mujer y yo soy tu marido.
Husband was unconscious, and the wife probably weighs less than I do.
El marido estaba inconsciente y la mujer probablemente pesa menos que yo.
a husband here is happy.. .. having a wife who is taking care of the house and producing babies..
un marido aqui es feliz teniendo una esposa que cuida de la casa y produce bebes...
We've eliminated the cuckolded husband and his lovely wife, and Mrs. Grimesby is long dead.
Hemos eliminado al marido engañado y su esposa encantadora, y la Sra Grimesby lleva mucho tiempo muerta.
I'm here with my wife, and her sister and her husband and their kids, and their daughter's kids.
Estoy con mi mujer y su hermana, y el marido y los hijos de ellos y los hijos de la hija.
If I were with my husband on a cycle and you were with your wife on another... wouldn't it be great?
- Sí. Estaba pensando. Si yo fuera con mi marido en una bicicleta y tú con tu mujer en otra...
I will make it my goal that no parent or child, no husband or wife, shall ever have to take that dreaded late-night call and. and, uh... and experience the anguish that all of us who loved my dear wife ellen felt three weeks ago.
Convertiré mi meta el que ningún padre o hijo, ningún marido o esposa, tenga nunca que coger esa terrorífica llamada nocturna y... y, uh... y experimentar la angustia que todos nosotros los que amamos a mi querida esposa Ellen sentimos hace tres semanas
As a husband he feels emasculated and humiliated by his wife.
Como un esposo se siente enmasculado y humillado por su esposa.

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