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I can't go back there translate Spanish

347 parallel translation
- I can't go back there without you.
No puedo volver sin ti.
Charlcie, I can't go back in there.
Charlcie, no puedo volver.
Well, I can't go back to Jerusalem I know too many jailers there.
No puedo volver a Jerusalén. Conozco a muchos carceleros ahí.
I can't go back in there.
- No puedo volver ahí dentro.
- Eddie, I can't. - What's the matter? I can't go back up there.
¡ No puedo volver ahí dentro!
I can't go back there.
No puedo volver allá.
I can't go back to Spain as long as there's any hope.
No puedo volver a España mientras haya esperanza.
- I can't go back there.
No puedo volver, tengo que ir a otro sitio.
Oh! ... I can't go back there!
Empujarla a la calle de noche como si fuera un perro.
Mother and Father are in Rieti, but I can't go back there.
Papá y mamá están en Rieti, pero no puedo volver con ellos.
- I can't go back there. I can't take part in it.
- No puedo regresar y ser parte de eso.
I won't go back there! I just can't!
¡ Pues no pienso volver a casa!
I can't go back there.
No quiero volver allí.
Maybe I dropped it in there. You can't go back there now.
- Se me habrá caído ahí dentro.
I can't go back there again!
No puedo volver.
- I can't go back there, to the inn.
- No puedo regresar allá.
- I can't go back there.
- Yo no puedo volver a verlo.
No. I can't go back there now.
No, no puedo volver allí ahora.
- I can't go back in there. - Come on.
- No, señor, no puedo volver a entrar.
I can't go back there.
¡ No puedo volver!
I can't go back there.
No puedo volver ahí.
Start the motor. I'll go out there, turn around and come back where you can't see me.
lré allá y regresaré adonde no puedas verme.
Comandante, I can't go back there.
Comandante, no puedo volver allí.
I ain't got a damn thing to fight for, go up there, get half my ass blowed off... and come back home, and can't even draw unemployment...
¡ No he conseguido una maldita cosa, ellos van para arriba! ¡ Ya consiguieron la mitad de mi culo! Vuelvo a casa, ¡ no puedo!
- I can't go back to my room. My father's there.
- No puedo volver a mi habitación, está mi padre.
I can't go back in there.
Yo no puedo regresar allá.
I can't go back in there.
No puedo volver a entrar allí.
I can't go back there.
No puedo regresar allí.
I just can't go back there!
¡ Es que no puedo volver allí!
- I don't think I can go back out there.
- No puedo salir ahi fuera.
I can't go back up there.
Yo no vuelvo allá.
I'm sorry, Gordo, but I can't go crawling back there, like some pathetic wretch, and kiss that man's feet! Why not?
Siento mucho, pero no puedo volver arrastrándome... y besar los pies de aquel hombre.
I can't go back there tomorrow, it's a disaster.
No puedo volver. Es un desastre.
I can't go back there.
Allí tienes jaulas.
MacGyver, you just may have given me the best news of my life, but that doesn't mean that I can go back in there and kick Webber out. Don't you understand?
Me has dado la mejor noticia de mi vida, pero no puedo darle la patada a Webber.
I can't go back in there now.
No puedo volver ahora.
I can't go back there right now.
No puedo volver inmediatamente.
I can't go back there.
No puedo volver allí.
I can't go back there.
No puedo volver.
I can't go back, but there's a billion realities to explore, a billion other Arnold Rimmers to meet.
No puedo volver, pero hay un billón de realidades por explorar, un billón de otros Arnold Rimmer por conocer.
No, I can't go back there.
No puedo volver.
I can't go back out there.
No puedo volver ahí fuera.
I can't go back there. I'm not worthy.
No puedo volver. ¡ No me lo merezco!
I can't go back in there now.
Ya no puedo volver.
- I can't go back there.
- No puedo volver allí.
Jerry, I can't let you go back in there.
No vayas.
I just don't know if I can go back to school, knowing David's going to be there.
No se si podré regresar a la universidad sabiendo que David estará allí.
- I said... I said I'd rather die than go back there. Can't you understand that?
- Dije que prefiero morir antes que regresar allá. ¿ No entiende eso?
The guy's in the bathroom. Why don't I just go back there, shoot him in the head, and we can get the hell outta here.
¿ Por qué no voy al baño, le disparo en la cabeza y nos vamos?
You see, for a while there, I knew what it was like to be special and I can't go back to what I was.
Verás, por un momento ahí, supe cómo era ser especial... y no puedo volver a lo que era.
I can't go back there, not now. You gotta help me stop him.
Ayúdame a detenerlo.

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