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I really want to help you translate Spanish

164 parallel translation
Irene dear, I really want to help you, and you know how I've always felt about you.
Irene, querida, quisiera realmente poder ayudarla. Ya sabe lo que siempre he sentido por usted.
I really want to help you.
Yo quiero ayudarte.
I really want to help you, if you'll let me.
Te quiero ayudar. Déjame ayudarte.
You know, I really want to help you, but I don't know.
Ya sabe, en verdad quiero ayudarlos, pero no lo sé.
- I really want to help you, Stan.
- De verdad quiero ayudarte, Stan.
Carola, I really want to help you.
Carola, de verdad quiero ayudarte.
About moving out I really want to help you.
Sobre lo de mudarte. Quiero ayudarte.
I really want to help you guys out.
Quiero ayudarlos de veras.
I really want to help you.
Quería ayudarte más aún.
I know you disagree, but I really want to help you.
Sé que no estás de acuerdo, pero realmente quiero ayudarte.
I didn't really Want to help you unpack.
En realidad no quiero ayudarte con el equipaje.
I know that it's not easy to ask you who have already retired of the performer's life and who lives as someone's wife, but I really want to ask you to help him. Meijinkai?
¿ Meijin-kai?
It's going to be difficult to help you... until I'm sure what it is you really want.
Va a ser difícil ayudarlo... hasta que esté seguro de lo que quiere realmente.
Oh, I think that there is, if you love him, if you really love him, if you really want to help him.
Yo creo que sí, si realmente lo ama, si quiere ayudarle.
Ian, I don't want anything to happen to you really, but I think you have the information that will help the cause I believe in.
Ian, no quiero que te pase nada. Pero creo que tienes la infomación que ayudará a la causa que defiendo.
But, if you really want lessons, I'd be pleased to help.
Pero si en verdad quieres lecciones, me encantará ayudarte.
Just as I would want someone, if I really were in the situation that you all seem to think I am, to help me.
Así como me gustaría que alguien me ayude si realmente estoy como ustedes piensan.
I really want you to use it to help pay for Agnes's care.
Me gustaría que lo aceptaras... para ayudar a pagar el tratamiento que sigue Agnes.
I mean, I don't want to insult you or anything, but, uh, I'd really appreciate it if you could help my friend Amarante.
No quiero parecer irrespetuoso... pero... te estaría muy agradecido si ayudaras a mi amigo Amarante.
Look, if you really want to help just go out there, catch the vampires and bring them here so that I can kill them. - Ok, Mr. Vincent.
Si quiere ayudar ¡ vaya afuera, atrape vampiros y tráiganlos aquí para poder matarlos!
I'm probably the last guy in the world you'd want to help... but I really could use your advice vis-a-vis Chanice.
Debo ser la última persona a quien querrías ayudar... pero me vendría bien tu consejo sobre Chanice.
If you really want to help me... and I know you do, there is only one way.
vuelve con Eduardo.
I can help you if you really want to work.
Yo te puedo dar una mano, pero tengo que saber si vos querés laborar en serio.
I'm really sorry, I truly want to help you.
Me hacía tanta ilusión ayudarle...
Well, I mean- - do you really want to help with the work?
Bueno, quiero decir - - ¿ Realmente quieres para ayudar con el trabajo?
If you were really my best friend, you'd help me when I want to study and stuff.
Es que odio que seas la niña mimada de la maestra.
What I really want to say, dear Gertrude, is... that if for any reason you are ever in trouble... come to me at once and know that I will help you in every way I can.
Lo que quiero decir, querida Gertrude, es... que si por alguna razón te encuentras en problemas... ven a mi inmediatamente y ten presente que te ayudare de cada manera que pueda
If I'm going to help you figure out what you want to become... maybe we should talk about who you really are.
Para ayudarte a descubrir qué quieres ser... quizá deberíamos de hablar de quién eres realmente.
- Well, shit, I can stick around, you know, man... if you want me to help out. - Hello? But you really shouldn't keep them piled like this...
Pues, me puedo quedar contigo... si quieres que te ayude... pero es malo tenerlos así, en montones, porque la presión...
I've already asked someone to help you. I really want to take you home by myself, but I have things to do here.
Me gustaría volver contigo... pero tengo cosas que hacer aquí.
I'm so sick and tired of you people. You all say that you want to help, but it's all just posturing because none of you really noticed how screwed up I was until tonight.
Estoy harta de que todos digan que quieren ayudarme cuando no es más que una pose.
If you want to help them across the river, you are really crazy! Of course I won't
Estás loco si vas a cruzar el río con ellos.
And I can remember thinking, "that is really stupid, they would come and help you", and I think I persuaded myself that they were just following on, because they didn't want to embarass me'cause I peed myself and I was crying.
Y yo puedo recordar pensamiento "que es muy tonto, ellos vendrían y lo ayudarían", y yo pienso que yo me persuadí que ellos simplemente estaban siguiendo adelante, porque ellos no quisieron al embarass yo'la causa yo me oriné y yo estaba llorando.
I think Dad would really want you to help us out here.
Creo que a papá le hubiera gustado que nos ayudaras. Papá está en la cárcel.
I looked over your English exam, and if you really want to learn, I can help you. That's great.
Le eché un vistazo a tu examen de inglés y si de veras quieres aprender, puedo ayudarte.
If I could help it, I didn't really want to bring you here.
De ayudarte, no tendría que haberte traído aquí...
If you really want to help your son, here's what I suggest.
Si quiere ayudar a su hijo, logre que hable con nosotros.
I appreciate you really want to help...'
Y agradezco que intenten ayudar...'
and I like all you old folks and all... but there's someone that I really want to go help.
Aquí es muy bonito y ustedes los ancianos me agradan mucho pero hay alguien a quien de verdad quiero ayudar.
I know that, You were on your own, I really regret that, Katie, And now I want to help,
Lo sé. Los dejé solos y me arrepiento. Ahora quiero ayudar.
Listen, I'm happy to help with your personal stuff... but I also really want to help you on your campaign, please.
Oye, estoy contento de ayudarte con tus cosas personales pero también quiero hacerlo con tu campaña, por favor.
I want to help. - Do you really?
Quiero ayudar
- I don't have time for this. Neither does Piper, okay? So if you really, really want to help, maybe go get rid of your lady friend.
Ni yo ni Piper tenemos tiempo para esto líbrate de tu amiguita pero nada más ayúdame a encontrar a Maya Holmes
I'm needed here, mom. As much as you don't seem to want my help, you need it. So you can go ahead and stay mad at me, even though I really don't think I deserve it, not that you are really mad at me.
Me necesitas mamá por mucho que creas que no, me necesitas aquí si quieres seguir enfadada conmigo, adelante aunque no creo que me lo merezca
I just want to help. But I don't really know what to do so you're just gonna have to tell me, okay?
Intentaré ayudarte aunque, la verdad es que no sé lo que tengo que hacer
I see, so you want us to take our time looking but still help Tina look, but not really look too hard.
Bueno, qué es? Ya lo veras Ey, soy tu compañero, tienes que decirmelo
- Don't want my help anymore. Do you really think I had something to do with that missing tape?
No quieres más mi ayuda ¿ realmente piensas que tuve algo que ver con la desaparición de la cinta?
Uh, you know, I want to help you.I really do.
Ah, sabes, quiero ayudarte. De verdad que sí.
I just want you to know that I really do want to help you.
Sólo quiero que sepas que realmente quiero ayudarte.
Now, if you really want to help your husband... - I do.
Ahora, si realmente quieres ayudar a tu marido...
But if you want to talk some more, I really would love to help.
Pero si quiere hablar algo más, me encantaría ayudarla.

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