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I want to see you translate Spanish

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♪ I want to see you geek with me ♪
♪ Quiero ver a usted friki conmigo ♪
I want to see you pan out.
Quiero ver los frutos.
No, I want to see you.
No, quiero verte.
And it wasn't the way I want to see you look at me... ever.
Y no era la forma en la que quiero que me mires... nunca.
I Want to see you, soon.
Quiero verte, ya.
So, my prayer for you today is, if I don't meet you here, one day I want to see you there
Así que rezo para que, si no los conozco aquí, los conozca un día allí,
I want to see you before going back to Rio.
Quiero verte antes de regresar a Rio.
I want to see you in the real world.
Quiero verte en un mundo real.
Uh-oh. I want to see the guy you hit.
Quiero ver al que golpeaste.
I didn't want you to see me the way that I saw myself.
No quería que me vieras de la forma que yo me veía.
I want you to see something.
Quiero que veas algo.
I don't ever want to see you again.
No te quiero volver a ver.
But i want you to see this.
Tus hermanas te necesitan, pero quiero que veas esto.
But now that I see you, I just kind of want to make out for, like, seven hours straight.
Pero ahora que te veo, solo quiero liarme contigo durante, más o menos, siete horas seguidas.
I want you to just have a look at this and see what you make of it.
Quiero que mires esto y veas lo que conseguiste.
And as for the two of you if you are going to continue to see one another, then at the very least, I want you to be safe.
Y, en cuanto a vosotros dos... si vais a seguir quedando, al menos quiero que toméis precauciones.
I didn't want it to happen that way, but I needed you to see for yourself.
No quería que pasara de esta forma, pero necesitaba que lo vieras por ti misma.
I do. You want to see it?
Sí. ¿ Quieres verla?
Your son's apartment belongs to me now, and I never want to see you there again.
El apartamento de tu hijo ahora me pertenece, y no quiero verte allí otra vez.
I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now.
Sé que soy probablemente la última persona que quieres ver ahora mismo.
I don't want to see either one of you.
No quiero veros a ninguno.
You want to see anyone? I'll break a rule.
¿ Hay alguien a quién quieras ver?
I didn't want you to see me like this.
No quería que me vieras así.
Your husband's death was a terrible tragedy, and I know that you want to see the man responsible face justice.
La muerte de su marido era una terrible tragedia, y sé que quieres para ver al hombre responsable justicia cara.
I mean, if that's the way you want to see it.
Quiero decir, si esa es la forma en que desea ver.
I don't ever want to see you out here again.
No quiero verte de nuevo aquí fuera.
I never want to see you again.
No quiero volver a verte.
- Oh, yes, by the grace of God, but I still want to see you back here next Tuesday for a follow-up.
- Sí, gracias a Dios, pero quiero que venga el próximo martes para un seguimiento.
I mean, I caught the tail and the fat, but... I don't want to get involved in anything if I didn't see the whole... the whole incident, because, you know... when I come, I come heavy.
Quiero decir, pillé lo del final y lo importante, pero... no quiero involucrarme en nada si no he visto todo... todo el incidente, porque, ya sabes... cuando me pongo, me pongo duro.
You see, I don't want him thinking that I had anything to do with it, which, needless to say, I didn't.
Verás, no quiero que él piense que yo tuve nada que ver con eso, que, no hace falta decirlo, no lo tuve.
If you want to see sexy, I just... - Ooh. - Ah-choo!
Si quieres ver sexy, yo sólo... ¿ Qué tienes encima?
You spend a bunch of money on something, you want people to see it. That's why I wear low-cut tops.
Cuando gastas mucho dinero en algo, quieres que la gente lo vea.
Then you can see that I don't want to hurt you.
Entonces puede ver que no quiero lastimarte.
I want you to see into yourself.
Quiero que te veas a ti misma.
I want you to know that we're doing everything we can to see that the Hassanis face justice.
Quiero que sepa que hacemos todo lo que podemos para que los Hassani se enfrenten a la justicia.
I never want to see you again.
No quiero volverte a ver.
I told you I didn't want to see him again, and you did it anyway.
Te dije que no quería volver a verlo, y lo hiciste de todas formas.
And I really want to see you there, so I'ma text you about it tonight.
Y de verdad quiero verte allí, así que te escribiré sobre ello esta noche.
Tippi : I want to see what you saw.
Quiero ver lo que viste.
After today I do not want to see you again.
Luego de hoy, no quiero volver a verte en mi vida.
Hey, amiga Mia, I don't want to see you
Oye, amiga mía, no quiero verte
You didn't see the hope in her eyes when she thought that maybe her mother didn't have to die, and I didn't want to be the one to take that away from her. Um...
No viste la esperanza en sus ojos cuando pensó que quizá su madre no tenía que morir, y no quería ser quién se la quitara.
And now that I see you're ok, I never want to see you again.
Y ahora que veo que estás bien, no quiero volver a verte.
I think you'll want to see this.
Pienso que usted querrá ver esto.
Please, sir, I think you'll want to see this.
Por favor, señor. Pienso que usted querrá ver esto.
Well, if you want to see more of me, I have some good news.
Bueno, si quieres ver más de mi, tengo buenas noticias.
I'm sure you want to see her, reconnect.
Estoy seguro que quieres verla, reconectar.
I got his time code in the back if you want to see it.
Tengo su código de tiempo en el de vuelta si usted quiere ver
I would not want Malachi to see me talking to you and get the wrong idea.
No quiero que Malachi me vea hablando contigo y se lleve una idea equivocada.

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