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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I want to tell you something

I want to tell you something translate Spanish

1,283 parallel translation
I want to tell you something.
Querría decirte algo.
Now I want to tell you something, Tsombe Kuna, great leader of the masses.
Quiero decirle algo, Tsombe Kuna, gran líder de las masas.
I want to tell you something, Miss Holt.
Le diré algo, señorita Holt.
I want to tell you something.
Escucha lo que tengo que decirte.
- I want to tell you something!
- ¡ Quiero decirte algo!
And I want to tell you something. He was scared to death.
El estaba muerto del miedo.
- I want to tell you something.
¡ En privado!
I want to tell you something.
Quisiera decirte algo.
Joe, I know you're in a lot of pain, but I want to tell you something.
Joe, sé que estás sufriendo mucho, pero quiero decirte algo.
I want to tell you something.
Yo quiero decirte algo.
Come here, I want to tell you something.
Venga un momento, quiero decirle algo.
I want to tell you something I don't feel good having cheated her I can't sleep
quiero decirle algo no me siento bien engañándola no puedo dormir para no hagas ruido
But I want to tell you something.
Pero quiero decirle algo.
I want to tell you something.
Quiero decirle algo.
You were dead with your feeling. You had no feeling at all. And matter of fact, I want to tell you something what had happened.
Y en 2 minutos, ni siquiera 2 minutos, en un minuto...
Edwin, I want to tell you something.
Ya lo sé. Edwin, quiero decirte algo.
Rose, I want to tell you something.
Rose, quiero decirte una cosa.
And I want to tell you something, I learned how to drive that baby.
Y te diré que aprendí a conducir ese bebé.
Come here. I want to tell you something.
- Quiero decirte algo.
Now, I want to tell you something.
Ahora voy a decirte algo.
I want to tell you something.
Quiero deciros algo.
Eddie, come close, I want to tell you something.
Eddie, ven, quiero contarte algo.
I want to tell you something!
No te ofendas si digo algo.
All of you I want to tell you something.
Todos ustedes quiero decirles algo.
I want to tell you something.
- Quiero decirte algo.
I want to tell you something.
Tengo algo que decirte.
I want to tell you something before that.
- Quiero decirte algo antes.
I want to tell you something.
Quiero contarle algo.
I want to tell you something.
Quiero decirles algo.
I wanna ask you something important, and I want you to tell me the truth.
Quiero preguntarte algo importante, y quiero saber la verdad.
Now, of course, you can tell me it's none of my business, but I'm visiting the president this trip, and if the occasion arises, you might want me to volunteer my valued opinion and tell him to do something about uranium.
Ahora, por supuesto, puedes decirme que no es ninguno de mis negocios, pero estoy de visita el presidente de este viaje, y si amerita la ocasión, puede que me quiera para ser voluntario, mi opinión de valor y decirle que él haga algo acerca del uranio.
Babis, there's something I want to tell you. You will understand.
Ya sé que no es momento para estas cosas... pero quiero decirte que te quiero.
I have something I want to tell you.
¿ si, michael?
There's something I want to tell you.
Hay algo que quiero decirte.
And something else : from now on, when I tell you to do something I want it done.
Y otra cosa : A partir de ahora, cuando os mande hacer algo...
I'll tell you something. You can do whatever the hell you want to me... but you ain't messing with my kid.
Le diré algo... puede hacer lo quiera conmigo... pero no se meterá con mi hijo.
Here's an exercise in big numbers I want you to try. lt doesn't- - lt's trying to tell me something.
He aqui un ejercicio de I grandes numeros que usted intente. doesnt it lt esta tratando de decirme algo.
Listen, Amos, there's something that I think I ought to tell ya... that I don't really want to tell ya, if you know what I mean.
Escucha, Amos. Hay algo que debería decirte, pero... no quiero hacerlo. ¿ Comprendes lo que digo?
I just want you to tell me if you had something to do with her death.
Sólo quiero que me diga si Vd. Tuvo algo que ver.
I want to tell you something -
Quiero decirles una cosa :
But I want to tell you good people something.
Pero quiero decirles algo a ustedes gente buena.
You want to tell me something and I want to know it.
Quieres decirme algo y quiero saberlo.
I want to tell you something.
Deja que te diga algo.
Billy before I go, there's something I want to tell you.
Billy, antes de Irme quiero decirte algo.
Uh, I want you to tell her something.
Quiero que le digas algo de mi parte.
I want to tell you how happy I am that you've made it and you're rich and that you live in a big, beautiful, roomy, palatial... you better come upstairs and eat something.
Quiero decirte que soy feliz de que te hayas hecho rico. Y que vivas en un lugar grande y bonito. Creo que es mejor que subas y comas algo.
I want to tell you something
Quiero decirte algo
I got something I want to tell you.
Tengo algo que decirles.
I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd get upset, but I traded your socks and the family cow for these magic beans. Something's going on here, Peg.
Ahora... le quitas la cobertura, y tienes una buena dosis de carbohidratos simples, pero no tires esa colorida cobertura.
I mean, if there's something wrong with that, I want you to tell me. You can... No.
Y si riene algo de malo, dímelo.
I want you to call him, and tell him that something came up.
Quiero que le llames, y le digas que pasó algo.

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