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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I was going to call you

I was going to call you translate Spanish

289 parallel translation
Excuse me, I was going to call you Lady Killer.
¡ Vaya! Iba a llamarle Sr. Don Juan.
That's what I was going to call you
Así te iba a llamar-
I was going to call you from Las Vegas.
Te iba a llamar desde Las Vegas.
Not at all. As a matter of fact, I was going to call you today.
pensaba llamarla hoy.
I was going to call you in the morning.
Pensábamos ir a verte mañana.
I was going to call you later.
Iba a llamarte más tarde.
As a matter of fact, I was going to call you.
De hecho, iba a llamarte.
Dear Mr. Notario, I was going to call you today for that reason.
Querido Sr. Notario, también pensaba llamarle hoy por eso.
I was going to call you.
- hay cruces extraños.
I was going to call you up, only I wanted to make sure you were up.
Te iba a llamar, pero quería estar seguro de no despertarte.
I was going to call you.
Te iba a llamar.
I was going to call you and tell you the big news.
Iba a llamarte para darte la gran noticia.
I was going to call you.
Estaba justo por llamarte.
Palamos, I was going to call you today.
Ah, Palamós. Iba a llamarle yo.
I was going to call you this afternoon, funnily enough.
Curiosamente le iba a llamar a usted esta tarde.
I was going to call you at home.
Lo iba a llamar a casa.
I was going to call you.
Pensaba llamarte hoy por teléfono.
I was going to call you...
- Iba a llamarte...
I was going to call you, but I didn't want to waste your time.
Te iba a llamar, pero no quería hacerte perder el tiempo.
I was going to call you.
Justo iba a llamarte, ¿ sabes?
I was going to call you today.
Iba a llamarte hoy.
In fact, I was going to call you.
De hecho, le iba a telefonear.
I was going to call you guys and tell you... only Wilbur called...
Los iba a llamar para decirles... sólo que Wilbur llamó...
I was going to call you.
Iba a llamarlo.
And I was going to call you.
Y te iba a llamar. En serio.
Well, um, no, I, I was going to call you, because, I'm having a-a housewarming on the 20th.
Bueno, em, no, yo... te iba a llamar! porque... voy a tener voy a hacer una inauguración el 20.
I was going to call you anyway to compare notes.
para comparar apuntes.
Weston, I was just going ashore to call you.
Weston, iba a tierra a llamarlo.
I was just going to call you at your paper.
Iba a llamarte a tu periódico.
How can any of us thank you enough? I got your note saying you was going to call on me and thank me.
Recibí su nota diciendo que me visitaría.
Well, as a matter of fact, I was just going to call you.
En realidad, estaba por llamarte.
I was going to tell you when I got the telephone call.
Iba a decírtelo cuando recibí la Ilamada.
You said you'd call me up. I was just going to the phone.
Ahora mismo iba a coger el teléfono.
I was just going to call you.
Ahora mismo iba a hacerlo yo.
I was going to call to ask if you might have 600 or 700 pesetas.
Iba a llamarle para ver si podía tener 600 o 700 pesetas.
I was just going to call you.
Justamente te iba a llamar.
- I was just going to call you to breakfast.
- Iba a llamarlo para desayunar.
I was just going to call you.
Ahora te iba a llamar.
- I was just going to call on you.
- Ahora iba a llamarla.
I was just going to call you again.
Iba a volver a llamarte.
I was just going to call you two.
Estuve a punto de llamaros.
What made you think I was going to call the police?
¿ Por qué cree que iba a hacer eso?
I was going to ask you, sir, if you would've been expecting a phone call around 3 : 00.
Le había preguntado, señor, Si tal vez esperaba una llamada a eso de las 3 : 00.
I was going to call it, "I Love You, Samantha" but some old hack got there before me.
Iba a llamarle "Te amo, Samantha" pero un tonto se me adelantó.
Yeah, I was wondering if you were going to call back.
Si, me preguntaba si ibas a volver a llamar.
Yes, J.G. I was just going to call you.
Sí, J.G. Estaba a punto de llamarlo.
No. I was going to ask you to call my sister.
No... te iba a pedir que llamaras a mi hermana... pero para qué?
I've been meaning to call you. I was wondering, are you going with someone to the prom?
Quería preguntarte si ibas... con alguien al baile de graduación.
Do you know what I was going to call it?
¿ Sabes qué título le iba a poner?
Now, I was going to call for a volunteer for this ( laughter ) experiment ah, we have a volunteer but I think, unfortunately, there isn't any time, so I'll just have to tell you what happened. ( laughter )
Llamaría a un voluntario... desafortunadamente no tenemos tiempo. Les relataré lo ocurrido.
I was gonna call you to see if you're going to Chris'thing.
Iba a llamarte para saber si ibas a ver esa cosa de Chris.

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